v1.4 (14 Jun 2013) ****************** This document explains the changes made to Iris for this release (:doc:`View all changes `.) Features ======== * Multiple cubes can now be exported to a NetCDF file. * Correct nearest-neighbour calculation with circular coords. * :ref:`Experimental regridding enhancements`. * :ref:`Iris-Pandas interoperability`. * NIMROD level type 12 (levels below ground) can now be loaded. * :ref:`Load cubes from the internet via OPeNDAP`. * :ref:`GeoTiff export (experimental)`. * :ref:`Cube merge update`. * :ref:`Unambiguous season year naming`. * NIMROD files with multiple fields and period of interest can now be loaded. * Missing values are now handled when loading GRIB messages. * PP export rule to calculate forecast period. * :func:`~iris.cube.Cube.aggregated_by` now maintains array masking. * IEEE 32bit fieldsfiles can now be loaded. * NetCDF transverse mercator and climatology data can now be loaded. * Polar stereographic GRIB data can now be loaded. * :ref:`Cubes with no vertical coord can now be exported to GRIB`. * :ref:`Simplified resource configuration`. * :ref:`Extended GRIB parameter translation`. * Added an optimisation for single-valued coordinate constraints. * :ref:`One dimensional linear interpolation fix`. * :ref:`Fix for iris.analysis.calculus.differentiate`. * Fixed pickling of cubes with 2D aux coords from NetCDF. * Fixed bug which ignored the "coords" keyword for certain plots. * Use the latest release of Cartopy, v0.8.0. .. _OPeNDAP: https://www.opendap.org .. _exp-regrid: Experimental Regridding Enhancements ------------------------------------ Bilinear, area-weighted and area-conservative regridding functions are now available in :mod:`iris.experimental`. These functions support masked data and handle derived coordinates such as hybrid height. The final API is still in development. In the meantime: Bilinear Rectilinear Regridding ------------------------------- :func:`~iris.experimental.regrid.regrid_bilinear_rectilinear_src_and_grid` can be used to regrid a cube onto a horizontal grid defined in a differentiate coordinate system. The data values are calculated using bilinear interpolation. For example:: from iris.experimental.regrid import regrid_bilinear_rectilinear_src_and_grid regridded_cube = regrid_bilinear_rectilinear_src_and_grid(source_cube, target_grid_cube) Area-Weighted Regridding ------------------------ :func:`~iris.experimental.regrid.regrid_area_weighted_rectilinear_src_and_grid` can be used to regrid a cube such that the data values of the resulting cube are calculated using the area-weighted mean. For example:: from iris.experimental.regrid import regrid_area_weighted_rectilinear_src_and_grid as regrid_area_weighted regridded_cube = regrid_area_weighted(source_cube, target_grid_cube) Area-Conservative Regridding ---------------------------- :func:`~iris.experimental.regrid_conservative.regrid_conservative_via_esmpy` can be used for area-conservative regridding between geographical coordinate systems. This uses the ESMF library functions, via the ESMPy interface. For example:: from iris.experimental.regrid_conservative import regrid_conservative_via_esmpy regridded_cube = regrid_conservative_via_esmpy(source_cube, target_grid_cube) .. _iris-pandas: Iris-Pandas Interoperability ---------------------------- Conversion to and from Pandas Series_ and DataFrames_ is now available. See :mod:`iris.pandas` for more details. .. _Series: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/series.html .. _DataFrames: https://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/reference/frame.html .. _load-opendap: Load Cubes From the Internet via OPeNDAP ---------------------------------------- Cubes can now be loaded directly from the internet, via OPeNDAP_. For example:: cubes = iris.load("https://geoport.whoi.edu/thredds/dodsC/bathy/gom15") .. _geotiff_export: GeoTiff Export -------------- With this experimental feature, two dimensional cubes can now be exported to GeoTiff files. For example:: from iris.experimental.raster import export_geotiff export_geotiff(cube, filename) .. note:: This is a raw data export only and does not save Iris plots. .. _cube-merge-update: Cube Merge Update ----------------- Cube merging now favours numerical coordinates over string coordinates to describe a dimension, and :class:`~iris.coords.DimCoord` over :class:`~iris.coords.AuxCoord`. These modifications prevent the error: *"No functional relationship between separable and inseparable candidate dimensions"*. .. _season-year-name: Unambiguous Season Year Naming ------------------------------ The default names of categorisation coordinates are now less ambiguous. For example, :func:`~iris.coord_categorisation.add_month_number` and :func:`~iris.coord_categorisation.add_month_fullname` now create "month_number" and "month_fullname" coordinates. .. _grib-novert: Cubes With no Vertical Coord can now be Exported to GRIB -------------------------------------------------------- Iris can now export cubes with no vertical coord to GRIB. The solution is still under discussion: See :issue:`519`. .. _simple_cfg: Simplified Resource Configuration --------------------------------- A new configuration variable called :data:`iris.config.TEST_DATA_DIR` has been added, replacing the previous combination of :data:`iris.config.MASTER_DATA_REPOSITORY` and :data:`iris.config.DATA_REPOSITORY`. This constant should be the path to a directory containing the test data required by the unit tests. It can be set by adding a ``test_data_dir`` entry to the ``Resources`` section of ``site.cfg``. See :mod:`iris.config` for more details. .. _grib_params: Extended GRIB Parameter Translation ----------------------------------- - More GRIB2 params are recognised on input. - Now translates some codes on GRIB2 output. - Some GRIB2 params may load with a different standard_name. .. _one-d-linear: One dimensional Linear Interpolation Fix ---------------------------------------- :func:`~iris.analysis.interpolate.linear` can now extrapolate from a single point assuming a gradient of zero. This prevents an issue when loading cross sections with a hybrid height coordinate, on a staggered grid and only a single orography field. .. _calc-diff-fix: Fix for iris.analysis.calculus.differentiate -------------------------------------------- A bug in :func:`~iris.analysis.calculus.differentiate` that had the potential to cause the loss of coordinate metadata when calculating the curl or the derivative of a cube has been fixed. Incompatible Changes ==================== * As part of simplifying the mechanism for accessing test data, :func:`iris.io.select_data_path`, :data:`iris.config.DATA_REPOSITORY`, :data:`iris.config.MASTER_DATA_REPOSITORY` and :data:`iris.config.RESOURCE_DIR` have been removed. Deprecations ============ * The *add_custom_season_** functions from :mod:`~iris.coord_categorisation` have been deprecated in favour of adding their functionality to the *add_season_** functions