Controlling Merge and Concatenate#


The following code would have been necessary with loading behaviour prior to version 3.11.0 . For the sake of demonstration, we will revert back to this legacy loading behaviour as follows:

>>> iris.LOAD_POLICY.set("legacy")


The default settings for iris.LOAD_POLICY effectively implements some version of the following demonstration automatically upon loading. It may still be worth being aware of how to handle this manually if an even finer degree of control is required.

How to Merge Cubes When Coordinates Differ#

Sometimes it is not possible to appropriately combine a CubeList using merge and concatenate on their own. In such cases it is possible to achieve much more control over cube combination by using the new_axis() utility. Consider the following set of cubes:

>>> file_1 = iris.sample_data_path("time_varying_hybrid_height", "*_2160-12.pp")
>>> file_2 = iris.sample_data_path("time_varying_hybrid_height", "*_2161-01.pp")
>>> cubes = iris.load([file_1, file_2], "x_wind")
>>> print(cubes[0])
x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
    Dimension coordinates:
        model_level_number                             x            -               -
        latitude                                       -            x               -
        longitude                                      -            -               x
    Auxiliary coordinates:
        level_height                                   x            -               -
        sigma                                          x            -               -
        surface_altitude                               -            x               x
    Derived coordinates:
        altitude                                       x            x               x
    Scalar coordinates:
        forecast_period             1338840.0 hours, bound=(1338480.0, 1339200.0) hours
        forecast_reference_time     2006-01-01 00:00:00
        time                        2160-12-16 00:00:00, bound=(2160-12-01 00:00:00, 2161-01-01 00:00:00)
    Cell methods:
        0                           time: mean (interval: 1 hour)
        STASH                       m01s00i002
        source                      'Data from Met Office Unified Model'
        um_version                  '12.1'
>>> print(cubes[1])
x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
    Dimension coordinates:
        model_level_number                             x            -               -
        latitude                                       -            x               -
        longitude                                      -            -               x
    Auxiliary coordinates:
        level_height                                   x            -               -
        sigma                                          x            -               -
        surface_altitude                               -            x               x
    Derived coordinates:
        altitude                                       x            x               x
    Scalar coordinates:
        forecast_period             1339560.0 hours, bound=(1339200.0, 1339920.0) hours
        forecast_reference_time     2006-01-01 00:00:00
        time                        2161-01-16 00:00:00, bound=(2161-01-01 00:00:00, 2161-02-01 00:00:00)
    Cell methods:
        0                           time: mean (interval: 1 hour)
        STASH                       m01s00i002
        source                      'Data from Met Office Unified Model'
        um_version                  '12.1'

These two cubes have different time points (i.e. scalar time value). So we would normally be able to merge them, creating a time dimension. However, in this case we can not combine them with merge() due to the fact that their surface_altitude coordinate also varies over time:

>>> cubes.merge_cube()
Traceback (most recent call last):
iris.exceptions.MergeError: failed to merge into a single cube.
  Coordinates in cube.aux_coords (non-scalar) differ: surface_altitude.

Since surface altitude is preventing merging, we want to find a way of combining these cubes while also explicitly combining the surface_altitude coordinate so that it also varies along the time dimension. We can do this by first adding a dimension to the cube and the surface_altitude coordinate using new_axis(), and then concatenating those cubes together. We can attempt this as follows:

>>> from iris.util import new_axis
>>> from iris.cube import CubeList
>>> processed_cubes = CubeList([new_axis(cube, scalar_coord="time", expand_extras=["surface_altitude"]) for cube in cubes])
>>> processed_cubes.concatenate_cube()
Traceback (most recent call last):
iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError: failed to concatenate into a single cube.
  Scalar coordinates values or metadata differ: forecast_period != forecast_period

This error alerts us to the fact that the forecast_period coordinate is also varying over time. To get concatenation to work, we will have to expand the dimensions of this coordinate to include “time”, by passing it also to the expand_extras keyword.

>>> processed_cubes = CubeList(
... [new_axis(cube, scalar_coord="time", expand_extras=["surface_altitude", "forecast_period"]) for cube in cubes]
... )
>>> result = processed_cubes.concatenate_cube()
>>> print(result)
x_wind / (m s-1)                    (time: 2; model_level_number: 5; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
    Dimension coordinates:
        time                             x                      -            -               -
        model_level_number               -                      x            -               -
        latitude                         -                      -            x               -
        longitude                        -                      -            -               x
    Auxiliary coordinates:
        forecast_period                  x                      -            -               -
        surface_altitude                 x                      -            x               x
        level_height                     -                      x            -               -
        sigma                            -                      x            -               -
    Derived coordinates:
        altitude                         x                      x            x               x
    Scalar coordinates:
        forecast_reference_time     2006-01-01 00:00:00
    Cell methods:
        0                           time: mean (interval: 1 hour)
        STASH                       m01s00i002
        source                      'Data from Met Office Unified Model'
        um_version                  '12.1'


Since the derived coordinate altitude derives from surface_altitude, adding time to the dimensions of surface_altitude also means it is added to the dimensions of altitude. So in the combined cube, both of these coordinates vary along the time dimension.

Controlling over multiple dimensions#

We now consider a more complex case. Instead of loading 2 files across different time steps we now load 15 such files. Each of these files covers a month’s time step, however, the surface_altitude coordinate changes only once per year. The files span 3 years so there are 3 different surface_altitude coordinates.

>>> filename = iris.sample_data_path('time_varying_hybrid_height', '*.pp')
>>> cubes = iris.load(filename, constraints="x_wind")
>>> print(cubes)
0: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (time: 2; model_level_number: 5; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
1: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (time: 12; model_level_number: 5; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
2: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)

When iris.load() attempts to merge these cubes, it creates a cube for every unique surface_altitude coordinate. Note that since there is only one time point associated with the last cube, the “time” coordinate has not been promoted to a dimension. The surface_altitude in each of the above cubes is 2D, however, since some of these coordinates already have a time dimension, it is not possible to use new_axis() as above to promote surface_altitude as we have done above.

In order to fully control the merge process we instead use iris.load_raw():

>>> raw_cubes = iris.load_raw(filename, constraints="x_wind")
>>> print(raw_cubes)
0: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
1: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
73: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
74: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (latitude: 144; longitude: 192)

The raw cubes also separate cubes along the model_level_number dimension. In this instance, we will need to merge/concatenate along two different dimensions. Specifically, we can merge by promoting the model_level_number to a dimension, since surface_altitude does not vary along this dimension, and we can concatenate along the time dimension as before. We expand the time dimension first, as before:

>>> processed_raw_cubes = CubeList(
... [new_axis(cube, scalar_coord="time", expand_extras=["surface_altitude", "forecast_period"]) for cube in raw_cubes]
... )
>>> print(processed_raw_cubes)
0: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
1: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
73: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
74: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)

Then we merge, promoting the different model_level_number scalar coordinates to a dimension coordinate. Note, however, that merging these cubes does not affect the time dimension, since merging only applies to scalar coordinates, not dimension coordinates of length 1.

>>> merged_cubes = processed_raw_cubes.merge()
>>> print(merged_cubes)
0: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
1: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
13: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
14: x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; time: 1; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)

Once merged, we can now concatenate all these cubes into a single result cube, which is what we wanted:

>>> result = merged_cubes.concatenate_cube()
>>> print(result)
x_wind / (m s-1)                    (model_level_number: 5; time: 15; latitude: 144; longitude: 192)
    Dimension coordinates:
        model_level_number                             x        -             -               -
        time                                           -        x             -               -
        latitude                                       -        -             x               -
        longitude                                      -        -             -               x
    Auxiliary coordinates:
        level_height                                   x        -             -               -
        sigma                                          x        -             -               -
        forecast_period                                -        x             -               -
        surface_altitude                               -        x             x               x
    Derived coordinates:
        altitude                                       x        x             x               x
    Scalar coordinates:
        forecast_reference_time     2006-01-01 00:00:00
    Cell methods:
        0                           time: mean (interval: 1 hour)
        STASH                       m01s00i002
        source                      'Data from Met Office Unified Model'
        um_version                  '12.1'

See Also#