Source code for iris.cube

# Copyright Iris contributors
# This file is part of Iris and is released under the LGPL license.
# See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER in the root of the repository for full
# licensing details.

Classes for representing multi-dimensional data with metadata.


from collections import OrderedDict
from import (
import copy
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import reduce, partial
import operator
import warnings
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
import zlib

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import as ma

import iris._concatenate
import iris._constraints
from iris._data_manager import DataManager
import iris._lazy_data as _lazy
import iris._merge
import iris.analysis
from iris.analysis.cartography import wrap_lons
import iris.analysis.maths
import iris.aux_factory
from iris.common import (
import iris.coord_systems
import iris.coords
import iris.exceptions
import iris.util

__all__ = ["Cube", "CubeList"]

# The XML namespace to use for CubeML documents
XML_NAMESPACE_URI = "urn:x-iris:cubeml-0.2"

class _CubeFilter:
    A constraint, paired with a list of cubes matching that constraint.


    def __init__(self, constraint, cubes=None):
        self.constraint = constraint
        if cubes is None:
            cubes = CubeList()
        self.cubes = cubes

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cubes)

    def add(self, cube):
        Adds the appropriate (sub)cube to the list of cubes where it
        matches the constraint.

        sub_cube = self.constraint.extract(cube)
        if sub_cube is not None:

    def merged(self, unique=False):
        Returns a new :class:`_CubeFilter` by merging the list of


        * unique:
            If True, raises `iris.exceptions.DuplicateDataError` if
            duplicate cubes are detected.

        return _CubeFilter(self.constraint, self.cubes.merge(unique))

class _CubeFilterCollection:
    A list of _CubeFilter instances.


    def from_cubes(cubes, constraints=None):
        Creates a new collection from an iterable of cubes, and some
        optional constraints.

        constraints = iris._constraints.list_of_constraints(constraints)
        pairs = [_CubeFilter(constraint) for constraint in constraints]
        collection = _CubeFilterCollection(pairs)
        for cube in cubes:
        return collection

    def __init__(self, pairs):
        self.pairs = pairs

    def add_cube(self, cube):
        Adds the given :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` to all of the relevant
        constraint pairs.

        for pair in self.pairs:

    def cubes(self):
        Returns all the cubes in this collection concatenated into a
        single :class:`CubeList`.

        result = CubeList()
        for pair in self.pairs:
        return result

    def merged(self, unique=False):
        Returns a new :class:`_CubeFilterCollection` by merging all the cube
        lists of this collection.


        * unique:
            If True, raises `iris.exceptions.DuplicateDataError` if
            duplicate cubes are detected.

        return _CubeFilterCollection(
            [pair.merged(unique) for pair in self.pairs]

[docs]class CubeList(list): """ All the functionality of a standard :class:`list` with added "Cube" context. """
[docs] def __new__(cls, list_of_cubes=None): """Given a :class:`list` of cubes, return a CubeList instance.""" cube_list = list.__new__(cls, list_of_cubes) # Check that all items in the incoming list are cubes. Note that this # checking does not guarantee that a CubeList instance *always* has # just cubes in its list as the append & __getitem__ methods have not # been overridden. if not all([isinstance(cube, Cube) for cube in cube_list]): raise ValueError( "All items in list_of_cubes must be Cube " "instances." ) return cube_list
[docs] def __str__(self): """Runs short :meth:`Cube.summary` on every cube.""" result = [ "%s: %s" % (i, cube.summary(shorten=True)) for i, cube in enumerate(self) ] if result: result = "\n".join(result) else: result = "< No cubes >" return result
[docs] def __repr__(self): """Runs repr on every cube.""" return "[%s]" % ",\n".join([repr(cube) for cube in self])
def _repr_html_(self): from iris.experimental.representation import CubeListRepresentation representer = CubeListRepresentation(self) return representer.repr_html() # TODO #370 Which operators need overloads? def __add__(self, other): return CubeList(list.__add__(self, other))
[docs] def __getitem__(self, keys): """x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]""" result = super().__getitem__(keys) if isinstance(result, list): result = CubeList(result) return result
[docs] def __getslice__(self, start, stop): """ x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j] Use of negative indices is not supported. """ result = super().__getslice__(start, stop) result = CubeList(result) return result
[docs] def xml(self, checksum=False, order=True, byteorder=True): """Return a string of the XML that this list of cubes represents.""" doc = Document() cubes_xml_element = doc.createElement("cubes") cubes_xml_element.setAttribute("xmlns", XML_NAMESPACE_URI) for cube_obj in self: cubes_xml_element.appendChild( cube_obj._xml_element( doc, checksum=checksum, order=order, byteorder=byteorder ) ) doc.appendChild(cubes_xml_element) # return our newly created XML string return doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
[docs] def extract(self, constraints): """ Filter each of the cubes which can be filtered by the given constraints. This method iterates over each constraint given, and subsets each of the cubes in this CubeList where possible. Thus, a CubeList of length **n** when filtered with **m** constraints can generate a maximum of **m * n** cubes. Args: * constraints (:class:`~iris.Constraint` or iterable of constraints): A single constraint or an iterable. """ return self._extract_and_merge(self, constraints, strict=False)
[docs] def extract_cube(self, constraint): """ Extract a single cube from a CubeList, and return it. Raise an error if the extract produces no cubes, or more than one. Args: * constraint (:class:`~iris.Constraint`): The constraint to extract with. .. see also:: :meth:`~iris.cube.CubeList.extract` """ # Just validate this, so we can accept strings etc, but not multiples. constraint = iris._constraints.as_constraint(constraint) return self._extract_and_merge( self, constraint, strict=True, return_single_cube=True )
[docs] def extract_cubes(self, constraints): """ Extract specific cubes from a CubeList, one for each given constraint. Each constraint must produce exactly one cube, otherwise an error is raised. Args: * constraints (iterable of, or single, :class:`~iris.Constraint`): The constraints to extract with. .. see also:: :meth:`~iris.cube.CubeList.extract` """ return self._extract_and_merge( self, constraints, strict=True, return_single_cube=False )
@staticmethod def _extract_and_merge( cubes, constraints, strict=False, return_single_cube=False ): constraints = iris._constraints.list_of_constraints(constraints) # group the resultant cubes by constraints in a dictionary constraint_groups = dict( [(constraint, CubeList()) for constraint in constraints] ) for cube in cubes: for constraint, cube_list in constraint_groups.items(): sub_cube = constraint.extract(cube) if sub_cube is not None: cube_list.append(sub_cube) result = CubeList() for constraint in constraints: constraint_cubes = constraint_groups[constraint] if strict and len(constraint_cubes) != 1: msg = "Got %s cubes for constraint %r, " "expecting 1." % ( len(constraint_cubes), constraint, ) raise iris.exceptions.ConstraintMismatchError(msg) result.extend(constraint_cubes) if return_single_cube: if len(result) != 1: # Practically this should never occur, as we now *only* request # single cube result for 'extract_cube'. msg = "Got {!s} cubes for constraints {!r}, expecting 1." raise iris.exceptions.ConstraintMismatchError( msg.format(len(result), constraints) ) result = result[0] return result
[docs] def extract_overlapping(self, coord_names): """ Returns a :class:`CubeList` of cubes extracted over regions where the coordinates overlap, for the coordinates in coord_names. Args: * coord_names: A string or list of strings of the names of the coordinates over which to perform the extraction. """ if isinstance(coord_names, str): coord_names = [coord_names] def make_overlap_fn(coord_name): def overlap_fn(cell): return all( cell in cube.coord(coord_name).cells() for cube in self ) return overlap_fn coord_values = { coord_name: make_overlap_fn(coord_name) for coord_name in coord_names } return self.extract(iris.Constraint(coord_values=coord_values))
[docs] def merge_cube(self): """ Return the merged contents of the :class:`CubeList` as a single :class:`Cube`. If it is not possible to merge the `CubeList` into a single `Cube`, a :class:`~iris.exceptions.MergeError` will be raised describing the reason for the failure. For example: >>> cube_1 = iris.cube.Cube([1, 2]) >>> cube_1.add_aux_coord(iris.coords.AuxCoord(0, long_name='x')) >>> cube_2 = iris.cube.Cube([3, 4]) >>> cube_2.add_aux_coord(iris.coords.AuxCoord(1, long_name='x')) >>> cube_2.add_dim_coord( ... iris.coords.DimCoord([0, 1], long_name='z'), 0) >>> single_cube = iris.cube.CubeList([cube_1, cube_2]).merge_cube() Traceback (most recent call last): ... iris.exceptions.MergeError: failed to merge into a single cube. Coordinates in cube.dim_coords differ: z. Coordinate-to-dimension mapping differs for cube.dim_coords. """ if not self: raise ValueError("can't merge an empty CubeList") # Register each of our cubes with a single ProtoCube. proto_cube = iris._merge.ProtoCube(self[0]) for cube in self[1:]: proto_cube.register(cube, error_on_mismatch=True) # Extract the merged cube from the ProtoCube. (merged_cube,) = proto_cube.merge() return merged_cube
[docs] def merge(self, unique=True): """ Returns the :class:`CubeList` resulting from merging this :class:`CubeList`. Kwargs: * unique: If True, raises `iris.exceptions.DuplicateDataError` if duplicate cubes are detected. This combines cubes with different values of an auxiliary scalar coordinate, by constructing a new dimension. .. testsetup:: import iris c1 = iris.cube.Cube([0,1,2], long_name='some_parameter') xco = iris.coords.DimCoord([11, 12, 13], long_name='x_vals') c1.add_dim_coord(xco, 0) c1.add_aux_coord(iris.coords.AuxCoord([100], long_name='y_vals')) c2 = c1.copy() c2.coord('y_vals').points = [200] For example:: >>> print(c1) some_parameter / (unknown) (x_vals: 3) Dimension coordinates: x_vals x Scalar coordinates: y_vals: 100 >>> print(c2) some_parameter / (unknown) (x_vals: 3) Dimension coordinates: x_vals x Scalar coordinates: y_vals: 200 >>> cube_list = iris.cube.CubeList([c1, c2]) >>> new_cube = cube_list.merge()[0] >>> print(new_cube) some_parameter / (unknown) (y_vals: 2; x_vals: 3) Dimension coordinates: y_vals x - x_vals - x >>> print(new_cube.coord('y_vals').points) [100 200] >>> Contrast this with :meth:`iris.cube.CubeList.concatenate`, which joins cubes along an existing dimension. .. note:: Cubes may contain additional dimensional elements such as auxiliary coordinates, cell measures or ancillary variables. A group of similar cubes can only merge to a single result if all such elements are identical in every input cube : they are then present, unchanged, in the merged output cube. .. note:: If time coordinates in the list of cubes have differing epochs then the cubes will not be able to be merged. If this occurs, use :func:`iris.util.unify_time_units` to normalise the epochs of the time coordinates so that the cubes can be merged. """ # Register each of our cubes with its appropriate ProtoCube. proto_cubes_by_name = {} for cube in self: name = cube.standard_name proto_cubes = proto_cubes_by_name.setdefault(name, []) proto_cube = None for target_proto_cube in proto_cubes: if target_proto_cube.register(cube): proto_cube = target_proto_cube break if proto_cube is None: proto_cube = iris._merge.ProtoCube(cube) proto_cubes.append(proto_cube) # Emulate Python 2 behaviour. def _none_sort(item): return (item is not None, item) # Extract all the merged cubes from the ProtoCubes. merged_cubes = CubeList() for name in sorted(proto_cubes_by_name, key=_none_sort): for proto_cube in proto_cubes_by_name[name]: merged_cubes.extend(proto_cube.merge(unique=unique)) return merged_cubes
[docs] def concatenate_cube( self, check_aux_coords=True, check_cell_measures=True, check_ancils=True, ): """ Return the concatenated contents of the :class:`CubeList` as a single :class:`Cube`. If it is not possible to concatenate the `CubeList` into a single `Cube`, a :class:`~iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError` will be raised describing the reason for the failure. Kwargs: * check_aux_coords Checks the auxiliary coordinates of the cubes match. This check is not applied to auxiliary coordinates that span the dimension the concatenation is occurring along. Defaults to True. * check_cell_measures Checks the cell measures of the cubes match. This check is not applied to cell measures that span the dimension the concatenation is occurring along. Defaults to True. * check_ancils Checks the ancillary variables of the cubes match. This check is not applied to ancillary variables that span the dimension the concatenation is occurring along. Defaults to True. .. note:: Concatenation cannot occur along an anonymous dimension. """ if not self: raise ValueError("can't concatenate an empty CubeList") names = [ for cube in self] unique_names = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(names)) if len(unique_names) == 1: res = iris._concatenate.concatenate( self, error_on_mismatch=True, check_aux_coords=check_aux_coords, check_cell_measures=check_cell_measures, check_ancils=check_ancils, ) n_res_cubes = len(res) if n_res_cubes == 1: return res[0] else: msgs = [] msgs.append("An unexpected problem prevented concatenation.") msgs.append( "Expected only a single cube, " "found {}.".format(n_res_cubes) ) raise iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError(msgs) else: msgs = [] msgs.append( "Cube names differ: {} != {}".format(names[0], names[1]) ) raise iris.exceptions.ConcatenateError(msgs)
[docs] def concatenate( self, check_aux_coords=True, check_cell_measures=True, check_ancils=True, ): """ Concatenate the cubes over their common dimensions. Kwargs: * check_aux_coords Checks the auxiliary coordinates of the cubes match. This check is not applied to auxiliary coordinates that span the dimension the concatenation is occurring along. Defaults to True. * check_cell_measures Checks the cell measures of the cubes match. This check is not applied to cell measures that span the dimension the concatenation is occurring along. Defaults to True. * check_ancils Checks the ancillary variables of the cubes match. This check is not applied to ancillary variables that span the dimension the concatenation is occurring along. Defaults to True. Returns: A new :class:`iris.cube.CubeList` of concatenated :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. This combines cubes with a common dimension coordinate, but occupying different regions of the coordinate value. The cubes are joined across that dimension. .. testsetup:: import iris import numpy as np xco = iris.coords.DimCoord([11, 12, 13, 14], long_name='x_vals') yco1 = iris.coords.DimCoord([4, 5], long_name='y_vals') yco2 = iris.coords.DimCoord([7, 9, 10], long_name='y_vals') c1 = iris.cube.Cube(np.zeros((2,4)), long_name='some_parameter') c1.add_dim_coord(xco, 1) c1.add_dim_coord(yco1, 0) c2 = iris.cube.Cube(np.zeros((3,4)), long_name='some_parameter') c2.add_dim_coord(xco, 1) c2.add_dim_coord(yco2, 0) For example:: >>> print(c1) some_parameter / (unknown) (y_vals: 2; x_vals: 4) Dimension coordinates: y_vals x - x_vals - x >>> print(c1.coord('y_vals').points) [4 5] >>> print(c2) some_parameter / (unknown) (y_vals: 3; x_vals: 4) Dimension coordinates: y_vals x - x_vals - x >>> print(c2.coord('y_vals').points) [ 7 9 10] >>> cube_list = iris.cube.CubeList([c1, c2]) >>> new_cube = cube_list.concatenate()[0] >>> print(new_cube) some_parameter / (unknown) (y_vals: 5; x_vals: 4) Dimension coordinates: y_vals x - x_vals - x >>> print(new_cube.coord('y_vals').points) [ 4 5 7 9 10] >>> Contrast this with :meth:`iris.cube.CubeList.merge`, which makes a new dimension from values of an auxiliary scalar coordinate. .. note:: Cubes may contain 'extra' dimensional elements such as auxiliary coordinates, cell measures or ancillary variables. For a group of similar cubes to concatenate together into one output, all such elements which do not map to the concatenation axis must be identical in every input cube : these then appear unchanged in the output. Similarly, those elements which *do* map to the concatenation axis must have matching properties, but may have different data values : these then appear, concatenated, in the output cube. If any cubes in a group have dimensional elements which do not match correctly, the group will not concatenate to a single output cube. .. note:: If time coordinates in the list of cubes have differing epochs then the cubes will not be able to be concatenated. If this occurs, use :func:`iris.util.unify_time_units` to normalise the epochs of the time coordinates so that the cubes can be concatenated. .. note:: Concatenation cannot occur along an anonymous dimension. """ return iris._concatenate.concatenate( self, check_aux_coords=check_aux_coords, check_cell_measures=check_cell_measures, check_ancils=check_ancils, )
[docs] def realise_data(self): """ Fetch 'real' data for all cubes, in a shared calculation. This computes any lazy data, equivalent to accessing each ``. However, lazy calculations and data fetches can be shared between the computations, improving performance. For example:: # Form stats. a_std = cube_a.collapsed(['x', 'y'], iris.analysis.STD_DEV) b_std = cube_b.collapsed(['x', 'y'], iris.analysis.STD_DEV) ab_mean_diff = (cube_b - cube_a).collapsed(['x', 'y'], iris.analysis.MEAN) std_err = (a_std * a_std + b_std * b_std) ** 0.5 # Compute these stats together (avoiding multiple data passes). CubeList([a_std, b_std, ab_mean_diff, std_err]).realise_data() .. Note:: Cubes with non-lazy data are not affected. """ _lazy.co_realise_cubes(*self)
def _is_single_item(testee): """ Return whether this is a single item, rather than an iterable. We count string types as 'single', also. """ return isinstance(testee, str) or not isinstance(testee, Iterable)
[docs]class Cube(CFVariableMixin): """ A single Iris cube of data and metadata. Typically obtained from :func:`iris.load`, :func:`iris.load_cube`, :func:`iris.load_cubes`, or from the manipulation of existing cubes. For example: >>> cube = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp')) >>> print(cube) air_temperature / (K) (latitude: 73; longitude: 96) Dimension coordinates: latitude x - longitude - x Scalar coordinates: forecast_period: 6477 hours, bound=(-28083.0, 6477.0) hours forecast_reference_time: 1998-03-01 03:00:00 pressure: 1000.0 hPa time: 1998-12-01 00:00:00, \ bound=(1994-12-01 00:00:00, 1998-12-01 00:00:00) Attributes: STASH: m01s16i203 source: Data from Met Office Unified Model Cell methods: mean within years: time mean over years: time See the :doc:`user guide</userguide/index>` for more information. """ #: Indicates to client code that the object supports #: "orthogonal indexing", which means that slices that are 1d arrays #: or lists slice along each dimension independently. This behavior #: is similar to Fortran or Matlab, but different than numpy. __orthogonal_indexing__ = True def __init__( self, data, standard_name=None, long_name=None, var_name=None, units=None, attributes=None, cell_methods=None, dim_coords_and_dims=None, aux_coords_and_dims=None, aux_factories=None, cell_measures_and_dims=None, ancillary_variables_and_dims=None, ): """ Creates a cube with data and optional metadata. Not typically used - normally cubes are obtained by loading data (e.g. :func:`iris.load`) or from manipulating existing cubes. Args: * data This object defines the shape of the cube and the phenomenon value in each cell. ``data`` can be a dask array, a NumPy array, a NumPy array subclass (such as :class:``), or array_like (as described in :func:`numpy.asarray`). See :attr:`<>`. Kwargs: * standard_name The standard name for the Cube's data. * long_name An unconstrained description of the cube. * var_name The netCDF variable name for the cube. * units The unit of the cube, e.g. ``"m s-1"`` or ``"kelvin"``. * attributes A dictionary of cube attributes * cell_methods A tuple of CellMethod objects, generally set by Iris, e.g. ``(CellMethod("mean", coords='latitude'), )``. * dim_coords_and_dims A list of coordinates with scalar dimension mappings, e.g ``[(lat_coord, 0), (lon_coord, 1)]``. * aux_coords_and_dims A list of coordinates with dimension mappings, e.g ``[(lat_coord, 0), (lon_coord, (0, 1))]``. See also :meth:`Cube.add_dim_coord()<iris.cube.Cube.add_dim_coord>` and :meth:`Cube.add_aux_coord()<iris.cube.Cube.add_aux_coord>`. * aux_factories A list of auxiliary coordinate factories. See :mod:`iris.aux_factory`. * cell_measures_and_dims A list of CellMeasures with dimension mappings. * ancillary_variables_and_dims A list of AncillaryVariables with dimension mappings. For example:: >>> from iris.coords import DimCoord >>> from iris.cube import Cube >>> latitude = DimCoord(np.linspace(-90, 90, 4), ... standard_name='latitude', ... units='degrees') >>> longitude = DimCoord(np.linspace(45, 360, 8), ... standard_name='longitude', ... units='degrees') >>> cube = Cube(np.zeros((4, 8), np.float32), ... dim_coords_and_dims=[(latitude, 0), ... (longitude, 1)]) """ # Temporary error while we transition the API. if isinstance(data, str): raise TypeError("Invalid data type: {!r}.".format(data)) # Configure the metadata manager. self._metadata_manager = metadata_manager_factory(CubeMetadata) # Initialise the cube data manager. self._data_manager = DataManager(data) #: The "standard name" for the Cube's phenomenon. self.standard_name = standard_name #: An instance of :class:`cf_units.Unit` describing the Cube's data. self.units = units #: The "long name" for the Cube's phenomenon. self.long_name = long_name #: The netCDF variable name for the Cube. self.var_name = var_name self.cell_methods = cell_methods #: A dictionary, with a few restricted keys, for arbitrary #: Cube metadata. self.attributes = attributes # Coords self._dim_coords_and_dims = [] self._aux_coords_and_dims = [] self._aux_factories = [] # Cell Measures self._cell_measures_and_dims = [] # Ancillary Variables self._ancillary_variables_and_dims = [] identities = set() if dim_coords_and_dims: dims = set() for coord, dim in dim_coords_and_dims: identity = coord.standard_name, coord.long_name if identity not in identities and dim not in dims: self._add_unique_dim_coord(coord, dim) else: self.add_dim_coord(coord, dim) identities.add(identity) dims.add(dim) if aux_coords_and_dims: for coord, dims in aux_coords_and_dims: identity = coord.standard_name, coord.long_name if identity not in identities: self._add_unique_aux_coord(coord, dims) else: self.add_aux_coord(coord, dims) identities.add(identity) if aux_factories: for factory in aux_factories: self.add_aux_factory(factory) if cell_measures_and_dims: for cell_measure, dims in cell_measures_and_dims: self.add_cell_measure(cell_measure, dims) if ancillary_variables_and_dims: for ancillary_variable, dims in ancillary_variables_and_dims: self.add_ancillary_variable(ancillary_variable, dims) @property def _names(self): """ A tuple containing the value of each name participating in the identity of a :class:`iris.cube.Cube`. This includes the standard name, long name, NetCDF variable name, and the STASH from the attributes dictionary. """ return self._metadata_manager._names
[docs] def is_compatible(self, other, ignore=None): """ Return whether the cube is compatible with another. Compatibility is determined by comparing :meth:``, :attr:`iris.cube.Cube.units`, :attr:`iris.cube.Cube.cell_methods` and :attr:`iris.cube.Cube.attributes` that are present in both objects. Args: * other: An instance of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` or :class:`iris.cube.CubeMetadata`. * ignore: A single attribute key or iterable of attribute keys to ignore when comparing the cubes. Default is None. To ignore all attributes set this to other.attributes. Returns: Boolean. .. seealso:: :meth:`iris.util.describe_diff()` .. note:: This function does not indicate whether the two cubes can be merged, instead it checks only the four items quoted above for equality. Determining whether two cubes will merge requires additional logic that is beyond the scope of this method. """ compatible = ( == and self.units == other.units and self.cell_methods == other.cell_methods ) if compatible: common_keys = set(self.attributes).intersection(other.attributes) if ignore is not None: if isinstance(ignore, str): ignore = (ignore,) common_keys = common_keys.difference(ignore) for key in common_keys: if np.any(self.attributes[key] != other.attributes[key]): compatible = False break return compatible
[docs] def convert_units(self, unit): """ Change the cube's units, converting the values in the data array. For example, if a cube's :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.units` are kelvin then:: cube.convert_units('celsius') will change the cube's :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.units` attribute to celsius and subtract 273.15 from each value in :attr:``. This operation preserves lazy data. """ # If the cube has units convert the data. if self.units.is_unknown(): raise iris.exceptions.UnitConversionError( "Cannot convert from unknown units. " 'The "cube.units" attribute may be set directly.' ) if self.has_lazy_data(): # Make fixed copies of old + new units for a delayed conversion. old_unit = self.units new_unit = unit # Define a delayed conversion operation (i.e. a callback). def pointwise_convert(values): return old_unit.convert(values, new_unit) new_data = _lazy.lazy_elementwise( self.lazy_data(), pointwise_convert ) else: new_data = self.units.convert(, unit) = new_data self.units = unit
[docs] def add_cell_method(self, cell_method): """Add a :class:`~iris.coords.CellMethod` to the Cube.""" self.cell_methods += (cell_method,)
[docs] def add_aux_coord(self, coord, data_dims=None): """ Adds a CF auxiliary coordinate to the cube. Args: * coord The :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` or :class:`iris.coords.AuxCoord` instance to add to the cube. Kwargs: * data_dims Integer or iterable of integers giving the data dimensions spanned by the coordinate. Raises a ValueError if a coordinate with identical metadata already exists on the cube. See also :meth:`Cube.remove_coord()<iris.cube.Cube.remove_coord>`. """ if self.coords(coord): # TODO: just fail on duplicate object raise ValueError("Duplicate coordinates are not permitted.") self._add_unique_aux_coord(coord, data_dims)
def _check_multi_dim_metadata(self, metadata, data_dims): # Convert to a tuple of integers if data_dims is None: data_dims = tuple() elif isinstance(data_dims, Container): data_dims = tuple(int(d) for d in data_dims) else: data_dims = (int(data_dims),) if data_dims: if len(data_dims) != metadata.ndim: msg = ( "Invalid data dimensions: {} given, {} expected for " "{!r}.".format( len(data_dims), metadata.ndim, ) ) raise ValueError(msg) # Check compatibility with the shape of the data for i, dim in enumerate(data_dims): if metadata.shape[i] != self.shape[dim]: msg = ( "Unequal lengths. Cube dimension {} => {};" " metadata {!r} dimension {} => {}." ) raise ValueError( msg.format( dim, self.shape[dim],, i, metadata.shape[i], ) ) elif metadata.shape != (1,): msg = "Missing data dimensions for multi-valued {} {!r}" msg = msg.format(metadata.__class__.__name__, raise ValueError(msg) return data_dims def _add_unique_aux_coord(self, coord, data_dims): data_dims = self._check_multi_dim_metadata(coord, data_dims) self._aux_coords_and_dims.append((coord, data_dims))
[docs] def add_aux_factory(self, aux_factory): """ Adds an auxiliary coordinate factory to the cube. Args: * aux_factory The :class:`iris.aux_factory.AuxCoordFactory` instance to add. """ if not isinstance(aux_factory, iris.aux_factory.AuxCoordFactory): raise TypeError( "Factory must be a subclass of " "iris.aux_factory.AuxCoordFactory." ) cube_coords = self.coords() for dependency in aux_factory.dependencies: ref_coord = aux_factory.dependencies[dependency] if ref_coord is not None and ref_coord not in cube_coords: msg = "{} coordinate for factory is not present on cube {}" raise ValueError(msg.format(, self._aux_factories.append(aux_factory)
[docs] def add_cell_measure(self, cell_measure, data_dims=None): """ Adds a CF cell measure to the cube. Args: * cell_measure The :class:`iris.coords.CellMeasure` instance to add to the cube. Kwargs: * data_dims Integer or iterable of integers giving the data dimensions spanned by the coordinate. Raises a ValueError if a cell_measure with identical metadata already exists on the cube. See also :meth:`Cube.remove_cell_measure()<iris.cube.Cube.remove_cell_measure>`. """ if self.cell_measures(cell_measure): raise ValueError("Duplicate cell_measures are not permitted.") data_dims = self._check_multi_dim_metadata(cell_measure, data_dims) self._cell_measures_and_dims.append((cell_measure, data_dims)) self._cell_measures_and_dims.sort( key=lambda cm_dims: (cm_dims[0].metadata, cm_dims[1]) )
[docs] def add_ancillary_variable(self, ancillary_variable, data_dims=None): """ Adds a CF ancillary variable to the cube. Args: * ancillary_variable The :class:`iris.coords.AncillaryVariable` instance to be added to the cube Kwargs: * data_dims Integer or iterable of integers giving the data dimensions spanned by the ancillary variable. Raises a ValueError if an ancillary variable with identical metadata already exists on the cube. """ if self.ancillary_variables(ancillary_variable): raise ValueError("Duplicate ancillary variables not permitted") data_dims = self._check_multi_dim_metadata( ancillary_variable, data_dims ) self._ancillary_variables_and_dims.append( (ancillary_variable, data_dims) ) self._ancillary_variables_and_dims.sort( key=lambda av_dims: (av_dims[0].metadata, av_dims[1]) )
[docs] def add_dim_coord(self, dim_coord, data_dim): """ Add a CF coordinate to the cube. Args: * dim_coord The :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` instance to add to the cube. * data_dim Integer giving the data dimension spanned by the coordinate. Raises a ValueError if a coordinate with identical metadata already exists on the cube or if a coord already exists for the given dimension. See also :meth:`Cube.remove_coord()<iris.cube.Cube.remove_coord>`. """ if self.coords(dim_coord): raise ValueError( "The coordinate already exists on the cube. " "Duplicate coordinates are not permitted." ) # Check dimension is available if self.coords(dimensions=data_dim, dim_coords=True): raise ValueError( "A dim_coord is already associated with " "dimension %d." % data_dim ) self._add_unique_dim_coord(dim_coord, data_dim)
def _add_unique_dim_coord(self, dim_coord, data_dim): if isinstance(dim_coord, iris.coords.AuxCoord): raise ValueError("The dim_coord may not be an AuxCoord instance.") # Convert data_dim to a single integer if isinstance(data_dim, Container): if len(data_dim) != 1: raise ValueError( "The supplied data dimension must be a" " single number." ) data_dim = int(list(data_dim)[0]) else: data_dim = int(data_dim) # Check data_dim value is valid if data_dim < 0 or data_dim >= self.ndim: raise ValueError( "The cube does not have the specified dimension " "(%d)" % data_dim ) # Check compatibility with the shape of the data if dim_coord.shape[0] != self.shape[data_dim]: msg = "Unequal lengths. Cube dimension {} => {}; coord {!r} => {}." raise ValueError( msg.format( data_dim, self.shape[data_dim],, len(dim_coord.points), ) ) self._dim_coords_and_dims.append((dim_coord, int(data_dim)))
[docs] def remove_aux_factory(self, aux_factory): """Removes the given auxiliary coordinate factory from the cube.""" self._aux_factories.remove(aux_factory)
def _remove_coord(self, coord): self._dim_coords_and_dims = [ (coord_, dim) for coord_, dim in self._dim_coords_and_dims if coord_ is not coord ] self._aux_coords_and_dims = [ (coord_, dims) for coord_, dims in self._aux_coords_and_dims if coord_ is not coord ] for aux_factory in self.aux_factories: if coord.metadata == aux_factory.metadata: self.remove_aux_factory(aux_factory)
[docs] def remove_coord(self, coord): """ Removes a coordinate from the cube. Args: * coord (string or coord) The (name of the) coordinate to remove from the cube. See also :meth:`Cube.add_dim_coord()<iris.cube.Cube.add_dim_coord>` and :meth:`Cube.add_aux_coord()<iris.cube.Cube.add_aux_coord>`. """ coord = self.coord(coord) self._remove_coord(coord) for factory in self.aux_factories: factory.update(coord)
[docs] def remove_cell_measure(self, cell_measure): """ Removes a cell measure from the cube. Args: * cell_measure (string or cell_measure) The (name of the) cell measure to remove from the cube. As either (a) a :attr:`standard_name`, :attr:`long_name`, or :attr:`var_name`. Defaults to value of `default` (which itself defaults to `unknown`) as defined in :class:`iris.common.CFVariableMixin`. (b) a cell_measure instance with metadata equal to that of the desired cell_measures. .. note:: If the argument given does not represent a valid cell_measure on the cube, an :class:`iris.exceptions.CellMeasureNotFoundError` is raised. .. seealso:: :meth:`Cube.add_cell_measure()<iris.cube.Cube.add_cell_measure>` """ cell_measure = self.cell_measure(cell_measure) self._cell_measures_and_dims = [ (cell_measure_, dim) for cell_measure_, dim in self._cell_measures_and_dims if cell_measure_ is not cell_measure ]
[docs] def remove_ancillary_variable(self, ancillary_variable): """ Removes an ancillary variable from the cube. Args: * ancillary_variable (string or AncillaryVariable) The (name of the) AncillaryVariable to remove from the cube. """ ancillary_variable = self.ancillary_variable(ancillary_variable) self._ancillary_variables_and_dims = [ (ancillary_variable_, dim) for ancillary_variable_, dim in self._ancillary_variables_and_dims if ancillary_variable_ is not ancillary_variable ]
[docs] def replace_coord(self, new_coord): """ Replace the coordinate whose metadata matches the given coordinate. """ old_coord = self.coord(new_coord) dims = self.coord_dims(old_coord) was_dimensioned = old_coord in self.dim_coords self._remove_coord(old_coord) if was_dimensioned and isinstance(new_coord, iris.coords.DimCoord): self.add_dim_coord(new_coord, dims[0]) else: self.add_aux_coord(new_coord, dims) for factory in self.aux_factories: factory.update(old_coord, new_coord)
[docs] def coord_dims(self, coord): """ Returns a tuple of the data dimensions relevant to the given coordinate. When searching for the given coordinate in the cube the comparison is made using coordinate metadata equality. Hence the given coordinate instance need not exist on the cube, and may contain different coordinate values. Args: * coord (string or coord) The (name of the) coord to look for. """ coord = self.coord(coord) # Search for existing coordinate (object) on the cube, faster lookup # than equality - makes no functional difference. matches = [ (dim,) for coord_, dim in self._dim_coords_and_dims if coord_ is coord ] if not matches: matches = [ dims for coord_, dims in self._aux_coords_and_dims if coord_ is coord ] # Search derived aux coords if not matches: target_metadata = coord.metadata def match(factory): return factory.metadata == target_metadata factories = filter(match, self._aux_factories) matches = [ factory.derived_dims(self.coord_dims) for factory in factories ] if not matches: raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError( return matches[0]
[docs] def cell_measure_dims(self, cell_measure): """ Returns a tuple of the data dimensions relevant to the given CellMeasure. * cell_measure The CellMeasure to look for. """ # Search for existing cell measure (object) on the cube, faster lookup # than equality - makes no functional difference. matches = [ dims for cm_, dims in self._cell_measures_and_dims if cm_ is cell_measure ] if not matches: raise iris.exceptions.CellMeasureNotFoundError( return matches[0]
[docs] def ancillary_variable_dims(self, ancillary_variable): """ Returns a tuple of the data dimensions relevant to the given AncillaryVariable. * ancillary_variable The AncillaryVariable to look for. """ # Search for existing ancillary variable (object) on the cube, faster # lookup than equality - makes no functional difference. matches = [ dims for av, dims in self._ancillary_variables_and_dims if av is ancillary_variable ] if not matches: raise iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError( ) return matches[0]
[docs] def aux_factory( self, name=None, standard_name=None, long_name=None, var_name=None ): """ Returns the single coordinate factory that matches the criteria, or raises an error if not found. Kwargs: * name If not None, matches against * standard_name The CF standard name of the desired coordinate factory. If None, does not check for standard name. * long_name An unconstrained description of the coordinate factory. If None, does not check for long_name. * var_name The netCDF variable name of the desired coordinate factory. If None, does not check for var_name. .. note:: If the arguments given do not result in precisely 1 coordinate factory being matched, an :class:`iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError` is raised. """ factories = self.aux_factories if name is not None: factories = [ factory for factory in factories if == name ] if standard_name is not None: factories = [ factory for factory in factories if factory.standard_name == standard_name ] if long_name is not None: factories = [ factory for factory in factories if factory.long_name == long_name ] if var_name is not None: factories = [ factory for factory in factories if factory.var_name == var_name ] if len(factories) > 1: factory_names = ( for factory in factories) msg = ( "Expected to find exactly one coordinate factory, but " "found {}. They were: {}.".format( len(factories), ", ".join(factory_names) ) ) raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError(msg) elif len(factories) == 0: msg = ( "Expected to find exactly one coordinate factory, but " "found none." ) raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError(msg) return factories[0]
[docs] def coords( self, name_or_coord=None, standard_name=None, long_name=None, var_name=None, attributes=None, axis=None, contains_dimension=None, dimensions=None, coord_system=None, dim_coords=None, ): """ Return a list of coordinates in this cube fitting the given criteria. Kwargs: * name_or_coord Either (a) a :attr:`standard_name`, :attr:`long_name`, or :attr:`var_name`. Defaults to value of `default` (which itself defaults to `unknown`) as defined in :class:`iris.common.CFVariableMixin`. (b) a coordinate instance with metadata equal to that of the desired coordinates. Accepts either a :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord`, :class:`iris.coords.AuxCoord`, :class:`iris.aux_factory.AuxCoordFactory`, :class:`iris.common.CoordMetadata` or :class:`iris.common.DimCoordMetadata`. * standard_name The CF standard name of the desired coordinate. If None, does not check for standard name. * long_name An unconstrained description of the coordinate. If None, does not check for long_name. * var_name The netCDF variable name of the desired coordinate. If None, does not check for var_name. * attributes A dictionary of attributes desired on the coordinates. If None, does not check for attributes. * axis The desired coordinate axis, see :func:`iris.util.guess_coord_axis`. If None, does not check for axis. Accepts the values 'X', 'Y', 'Z' and 'T' (case-insensitive). * contains_dimension The desired coordinate contains the data dimension. If None, does not check for the dimension. * dimensions The exact data dimensions of the desired coordinate. Coordinates with no data dimension can be found with an empty tuple or list (i.e. ``()`` or ``[]``). If None, does not check for dimensions. * coord_system Whether the desired coordinates have coordinate systems equal to the given coordinate system. If None, no check is done. * dim_coords Set to True to only return coordinates that are the cube's dimension coordinates. Set to False to only return coordinates that are the cube's auxiliary and derived coordinates. If None, returns all coordinates. See also :meth:`Cube.coord()<iris.cube.Cube.coord>`. """ name = None coord = None if isinstance(name_or_coord, str): name = name_or_coord else: coord = name_or_coord coords_and_factories = [] if dim_coords in [True, None]: coords_and_factories += list(self.dim_coords) if dim_coords in [False, None]: coords_and_factories += list(self.aux_coords) coords_and_factories += list(self.aux_factories) if name is not None: coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if == name ] if standard_name is not None: coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if coord_.standard_name == standard_name ] if long_name is not None: coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if coord_.long_name == long_name ] if var_name is not None: coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if coord_.var_name == var_name ] if axis is not None: axis = axis.upper() guess_axis = iris.util.guess_coord_axis coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if guess_axis(coord_) == axis ] if attributes is not None: if not isinstance(attributes, Mapping): msg = ( "The attributes keyword was expecting a dictionary " "type, but got a %s instead." % type(attributes) ) raise ValueError(msg) def attr_filter(coord_): return all( k in coord_.attributes and coord_.attributes[k] == v for k, v in attributes.items() ) coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if attr_filter(coord_) ] if coord_system is not None: coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if coord_.coord_system == coord_system ] if coord is not None: if hasattr(coord, "__class__") and coord.__class__ in ( CoordMetadata, DimCoordMetadata, ): target_metadata = coord else: target_metadata = coord.metadata coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if coord_.metadata == target_metadata ] if contains_dimension is not None: coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if contains_dimension in self.coord_dims(coord_) ] if dimensions is not None: if not isinstance(dimensions, Container): dimensions = [dimensions] dimensions = tuple(dimensions) coords_and_factories = [ coord_ for coord_ in coords_and_factories if self.coord_dims(coord_) == dimensions ] # If any factories remain after the above filters we have to make the # coords so they can be returned def extract_coord(coord_or_factory): if isinstance(coord_or_factory, iris.aux_factory.AuxCoordFactory): coord = coord_or_factory.make_coord(self.coord_dims) elif isinstance(coord_or_factory, iris.coords.Coord): coord = coord_or_factory else: msg = "Expected Coord or AuxCoordFactory, got " "{!r}.".format( type(coord_or_factory) ) raise ValueError(msg) return coord coords = [ extract_coord(coord_or_factory) for coord_or_factory in coords_and_factories ] return coords
[docs] def coord( self, name_or_coord=None, standard_name=None, long_name=None, var_name=None, attributes=None, axis=None, contains_dimension=None, dimensions=None, coord_system=None, dim_coords=None, ): """ Return a single coord given the same arguments as :meth:`Cube.coords`. .. note:: If the arguments given do not result in precisely 1 coordinate being matched, an :class:`iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError` is raised. .. seealso:: :meth:`Cube.coords()<iris.cube.Cube.coords>` for full keyword documentation. """ coords = self.coords( name_or_coord=name_or_coord, standard_name=standard_name, long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name, attributes=attributes, axis=axis, contains_dimension=contains_dimension, dimensions=dimensions, coord_system=coord_system, dim_coords=dim_coords, ) if len(coords) > 1: msg = ( "Expected to find exactly 1 coordinate, but found %s. " "They were: %s." % (len(coords), ", ".join( for coord in coords)) ) raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError(msg) elif len(coords) == 0: _name = name_or_coord if name_or_coord is not None: if not isinstance(name_or_coord, str): _name = bad_name = _name or standard_name or long_name or "" msg = ( "Expected to find exactly 1 %s coordinate, but found " "none." % bad_name ) raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateNotFoundError(msg) return coords[0]
[docs] def coord_system(self, spec=None): """ Find the coordinate system of the given type. If no target coordinate system is provided then find any available coordinate system. Kwargs: * spec: The the name or type of a coordinate system subclass. E.g. :: cube.coord_system("GeogCS") cube.coord_system(iris.coord_systems.GeogCS) If spec is provided as a type it can be a superclass of any coordinate system found. If spec is None, then find any available coordinate systems within the :class:`iris.cube.Cube`. Returns: The :class:`iris.coord_systems.CoordSystem` or None. """ if isinstance(spec, str) or spec is None: spec_name = spec else: msg = "type %s is not a subclass of CoordSystem" % spec assert issubclass(spec, iris.coord_systems.CoordSystem), msg spec_name = spec.__name__ # Gather a temporary list of our unique CoordSystems. coord_systems = ClassDict(iris.coord_systems.CoordSystem) for coord in self.coords(): if coord.coord_system: coord_systems.add(coord.coord_system, replace=True) result = None if spec_name is None: for key in sorted( coord_systems.keys(), key=lambda class_: class_.__name__ ): result = coord_systems[key] break else: result = coord_systems.get(spec_name) return result
[docs] def cell_measures(self, name_or_cell_measure=None): """ Return a list of cell measures in this cube fitting the given criteria. Kwargs: * name_or_cell_measure Either (a) a :attr:`standard_name`, :attr:`long_name`, or :attr:`var_name`. Defaults to value of `default` (which itself defaults to `unknown`) as defined in :class:`iris.common.CFVariableMixin`. (b) a cell_measure instance with metadata equal to that of the desired cell_measures. See also :meth:`Cube.cell_measure()<iris.cube.Cube.cell_measure>`. """ name = None if isinstance(name_or_cell_measure, str): name = name_or_cell_measure else: cell_measure = name_or_cell_measure cell_measures = [] for cm, _ in self._cell_measures_and_dims: if name is not None: if == name: cell_measures.append(cm) elif cell_measure is not None: if cm == cell_measure: cell_measures.append(cm) else: cell_measures.append(cm) return cell_measures
[docs] def cell_measure(self, name_or_cell_measure=None): """ Return a single cell_measure given the same arguments as :meth:`Cube.cell_measures`. .. note:: If the arguments given do not result in precisely 1 cell_measure being matched, an :class:`iris.exceptions.CellMeasureNotFoundError` is raised. .. seealso:: :meth:`Cube.cell_measures()<iris.cube.Cube.cell_measures>` for full keyword documentation. """ cell_measures = self.cell_measures(name_or_cell_measure) if len(cell_measures) > 1: msg = ( "Expected to find exactly 1 cell_measure, but found {}. " "They were: {}." ) msg = msg.format( len(cell_measures), ", ".join( for cm in cell_measures), ) raise iris.exceptions.CellMeasureNotFoundError(msg) elif len(cell_measures) == 0: if isinstance(name_or_cell_measure, str): bad_name = name_or_cell_measure else: bad_name = ( name_or_cell_measure and ) or "" msg = ( "Expected to find exactly 1 %s cell_measure, but found " "none." % bad_name ) raise iris.exceptions.CellMeasureNotFoundError(msg) return cell_measures[0]
[docs] def ancillary_variables(self, name_or_ancillary_variable=None): """ Return a list of ancillary variable in this cube fitting the given criteria. Kwargs: * name_or_ancillary_variable Either (a) a :attr:`standard_name`, :attr:`long_name`, or :attr:`var_name`. Defaults to value of `default` (which itself defaults to `unknown`) as defined in :class:`iris.common.CFVariableMixin`. (b) a ancillary_variable instance with metadata equal to that of the desired ancillary_variables. See also :meth:`Cube.ancillary_variable()<iris.cube.Cube.ancillary_variable>`. """ name = None if isinstance(name_or_ancillary_variable, str): name = name_or_ancillary_variable else: ancillary_variable = name_or_ancillary_variable ancillary_variables = [] for av, _ in self._ancillary_variables_and_dims: if name is not None: if == name: ancillary_variables.append(av) elif ancillary_variable is not None: if av == ancillary_variable: ancillary_variables.append(av) else: ancillary_variables.append(av) return ancillary_variables
[docs] def ancillary_variable(self, name_or_ancillary_variable=None): """ Return a single ancillary_variable given the same arguments as :meth:`Cube.ancillary_variables`. .. note:: If the arguments given do not result in precisely 1 ancillary_variable being matched, an :class:`iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError` is raised. .. seealso:: :meth:`Cube.ancillary_variables()<iris.cube.Cube.ancillary_variables>` for full keyword documentation. """ ancillary_variables = self.ancillary_variables( name_or_ancillary_variable ) if len(ancillary_variables) > 1: msg = ( "Expected to find exactly 1 ancillary_variable, but found " "{}. They were: {}." ) msg = msg.format( len(ancillary_variables), ", ".join( for anc_var in ancillary_variables), ) raise iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError(msg) elif len(ancillary_variables) == 0: if isinstance(name_or_ancillary_variable, str): bad_name = name_or_ancillary_variable else: bad_name = ( name_or_ancillary_variable and ) or "" msg = ( "Expected to find exactly 1 {!s} ancillary_variable, but " "found none.".format(bad_name) ) raise iris.exceptions.AncillaryVariableNotFoundError(msg) return ancillary_variables[0]
@property def cell_methods(self): """ Tuple of :class:`iris.coords.CellMethod` representing the processing done on the phenomenon. """ return self._metadata_manager.cell_methods @cell_methods.setter def cell_methods(self, cell_methods): self._metadata_manager.cell_methods = ( tuple(cell_methods) if cell_methods else tuple() )
[docs] def core_data(self): """ Retrieve the data array of this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` in its current state, which will either be real or lazy. If this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` has lazy data, accessing its data array via this method **will not** realise the data array. This means you can perform operations using this method that work equivalently on real or lazy data, and will maintain lazy data if present. """ return self._data_manager.core_data()
@property def shape(self): """The shape of the data of this cube.""" return self._data_manager.shape @property def dtype(self): """ The data type of the values in the data array of this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. """ return self._data_manager.dtype @property def ndim(self): """The number of dimensions in the data of this cube.""" return self._data_manager.ndim
[docs] def lazy_data(self): """ Return a "lazy array" representing the Cube data. A lazy array describes an array whose data values have not been loaded into memory from disk. Accessing this method will never cause the Cube data to be loaded. Similarly, calling methods on, or indexing, the returned Array will not cause the Cube data to be loaded. If the Cube data have already been loaded (for example by calling :meth:``), the returned Array will be a view of the loaded cube data represented as a lazy array object. Note that this does _not_ make the Cube data lazy again; the Cube data remains loaded in memory. Returns: A lazy array, representing the Cube data. """ return self._data_manager.lazy_data()
@property def data(self): """ The :class:`numpy.ndarray` representing the multi-dimensional data of the cube. .. note:: Cubes obtained from netCDF, PP, and FieldsFile files will only populate this attribute on its first use. To obtain the shape of the data without causing it to be loaded, use the Cube.shape attribute. Example:: >>> fname = iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp') >>> cube = iris.load_cube(fname, 'air_temperature') >>> # does not yet have a value. ... >>> print(cube.shape) (73, 96) >>> # still does not have a value. ... >>> cube = cube[:10, :20] >>> # still does not have a value. ... >>> data = >>> # Only now is the data loaded. ... >>> print(data.shape) (10, 20) """ return @data.setter def data(self, data): = data
[docs] def has_lazy_data(self): """ Details whether this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` has lazy data. Returns: Boolean. """ return self._data_manager.has_lazy_data()
@property def dim_coords(self): """ Return a tuple of all the dimension coordinates, ordered by dimension. .. note:: The length of the returned tuple is not necessarily the same as :attr:`Cube.ndim` as there may be dimensions on the cube without dimension coordinates. It is therefore unreliable to use the resulting tuple to identify the dimension coordinates for a given dimension - instead use the :meth:`Cube.coord` method with the ``dimensions`` and ``dim_coords`` keyword arguments. """ return tuple( ( coord for coord, dim in sorted( self._dim_coords_and_dims, key=lambda co_di: (co_di[1], co_di[0].name()), ) ) ) @property def aux_coords(self): """ Return a tuple of all the auxiliary coordinates, ordered by dimension(s). """ return tuple( ( coord for coord, dims in sorted( self._aux_coords_and_dims, key=lambda co_di: (co_di[1], co_di[0].name()), ) ) ) @property def derived_coords(self): """ Return a tuple of all the coordinates generated by the coordinate factories. """ return tuple( factory.make_coord(self.coord_dims) for factory in sorted( self.aux_factories, key=lambda factory: ) ) @property def aux_factories(self): """Return a tuple of all the coordinate factories.""" return tuple(self._aux_factories) def _summary_coord_extra(self, coord, indent): # Returns the text needed to ensure this coordinate can be # distinguished from all others with the same name. extra = "" similar_coords = self.coords( if len(similar_coords) > 1: similar_coords.remove(coord) # Look for any attributes that vary. vary = set() for key, value in coord.attributes.items(): for similar_coord in similar_coords: if key not in similar_coord.attributes: vary.add(key) break if not np.array_equal( similar_coord.attributes[key], value ): vary.add(key) break keys = sorted(vary) bits = [ "{}={!r}".format(key, coord.attributes[key]) for key in keys ] if bits: extra = indent + ", ".join(bits) return extra def _summary_extra(self, coords, summary, indent): # Where necessary, inserts extra lines into the summary to ensure # coordinates can be distinguished. new_summary = [] for coord, summary in zip(coords, summary): new_summary.append(summary) extra = self._summary_coord_extra(coord, indent) if extra: new_summary.append(extra) return new_summary
[docs] def summary(self, shorten=False, name_padding=35): """ Unicode string summary of the Cube with name, a list of dim coord names versus length and optionally relevant coordinate information. """ # Create a set to contain the axis names for each data dimension. dim_names = [set() for dim in range(len(self.shape))] # Add the dim_coord names that participate in the associated data # dimensions. for dim in range(len(self.shape)): dim_coords = self.coords(contains_dimension=dim, dim_coords=True) if dim_coords: dim_names[dim].add(dim_coords[0].name()) else: dim_names[dim].add("-- ") # Convert axes sets to lists and sort. dim_names = [sorted(names, key=sorted_axes) for names in dim_names] # Generate textual summary of the cube dimensionality. if self.shape == (): dimension_header = "scalar cube" else: dimension_header = "; ".join( [ ", ".join(dim_names[dim]) + ": %d" % dim_shape for dim, dim_shape in enumerate(self.shape) ] ) nameunit = "{name} / ({units})".format(, units=self.units ) cube_header = "{nameunit!s:{length}} ({dimension})".format( length=name_padding, nameunit=nameunit, dimension=dimension_header ) summary = "" # Generate full cube textual summary. if not shorten: indent = 10 extra_indent = " " * 13 # Cache the derived coords so we can rely on consistent # object IDs. derived_coords = self.derived_coords # Determine the cube coordinates that are scalar (single-valued) # AND non-dimensioned. dim_coords = self.dim_coords aux_coords = self.aux_coords all_coords = dim_coords + aux_coords + derived_coords scalar_coords = [ coord for coord in all_coords if not self.coord_dims(coord) and coord.shape == (1,) ] # Determine the cube coordinates that are not scalar BUT # dimensioned. scalar_coord_ids = set(map(id, scalar_coords)) vector_dim_coords = [ coord for coord in dim_coords if id(coord) not in scalar_coord_ids ] vector_aux_coords = [ coord for coord in aux_coords if id(coord) not in scalar_coord_ids ] vector_derived_coords = [ coord for coord in derived_coords if id(coord) not in scalar_coord_ids ] # cell measures vector_cell_measures = [ cm for cm in self.cell_measures() if cm.shape != (1,) ] # Ancillary Variables vector_ancillary_variables = [ av for av in self.ancillary_variables() ] # Sort scalar coordinates by name. scalar_coords.sort(key=lambda coord: # Sort vector coordinates by data dimension and name. vector_dim_coords.sort( key=lambda coord: (self.coord_dims(coord), ) vector_aux_coords.sort( key=lambda coord: (self.coord_dims(coord), ) vector_derived_coords.sort( key=lambda coord: (self.coord_dims(coord), ) # # Generate textual summary of cube vector coordinates. # def vector_summary( vector_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset, cell_measures=None, ancillary_variables=None, ): """ Generates a list of suitably aligned strings containing coord names and dimensions indicated by one or more 'x' symbols. .. note:: The function may need to update the cube header so this is returned with the list of strings. """ if cell_measures is None: cell_measures = [] if ancillary_variables is None: ancillary_variables = [] vector_summary = [] vectors = [] # Identify offsets for each dimension text marker. alignment = np.array( [ index for index, value in enumerate(cube_header) if value == ":" ] ) # Generate basic textual summary for each vector coordinate # - WITHOUT dimension markers. for dim_meta in ( vector_coords + cell_measures + ancillary_variables ): vector_summary.append( "%*s%s" % (indent, " ", iris.util.clip_string( ) min_alignment = min(alignment) # Determine whether the cube header requires realignment # due to one or more longer vector coordinate summaries. if max_line_offset >= min_alignment: delta = max_line_offset - min_alignment + 5 cube_header = "%-*s (%s)" % ( int(name_padding + delta), or "unknown", dimension_header, ) alignment += delta if vector_coords: # Generate full textual summary for each vector coordinate # - WITH dimension markers. for index, coord in enumerate(vector_coords): dims = self.coord_dims(coord) for dim in range(len(self.shape)): width = alignment[dim] - len(vector_summary[index]) char = "x" if dim in dims else "-" line = "{pad:{width}}{char}".format( pad=" ", width=width, char=char ) vector_summary[index] += line vectors = vectors + vector_coords if cell_measures: # Generate full textual summary for each vector cell # measure - WITH dimension markers. for index, cell_measure in enumerate(cell_measures): dims = self.cell_measure_dims(cell_measure) for dim in range(len(self.shape)): width = alignment[dim] - len(vector_summary[index]) char = "x" if dim in dims else "-" line = "{pad:{width}}{char}".format( pad=" ", width=width, char=char ) vector_summary[index] += line vectors = vectors + cell_measures if ancillary_variables: # Generate full textual summary for each vector ancillary # variable - WITH dimension markers. for index, av in enumerate(ancillary_variables): dims = self.ancillary_variable_dims(av) for dim in range(len(self.shape)): width = alignment[dim] - len(vector_summary[index]) char = "x" if dim in dims else "-" line = "{pad:{width}}{char}".format( pad=" ", width=width, char=char ) vector_summary[index] += line vectors = vectors + ancillary_variables # Interleave any extra lines that are needed to distinguish # the coordinates. vector_summary = self._summary_extra( vectors, vector_summary, extra_indent ) return vector_summary, cube_header # Calculate the maximum line offset. max_line_offset = 0 for coord in all_coords: max_line_offset = max( max_line_offset, len( "%*s%s" % ( indent, " ", iris.util.clip_string(str(, ) ), ) if vector_dim_coords: dim_coord_summary, cube_header = vector_summary( vector_dim_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset ) summary += "\n Dimension coordinates:\n" + "\n".join( dim_coord_summary ) if vector_aux_coords: aux_coord_summary, cube_header = vector_summary( vector_aux_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset ) summary += "\n Auxiliary coordinates:\n" + "\n".join( aux_coord_summary ) if vector_derived_coords: derived_coord_summary, cube_header = vector_summary( vector_derived_coords, cube_header, max_line_offset ) summary += "\n Derived coordinates:\n" + "\n".join( derived_coord_summary ) # # Generate summary of cube cell measures attribute # if vector_cell_measures: cell_measure_summary, cube_header = vector_summary( [], cube_header, max_line_offset, cell_measures=vector_cell_measures, ) summary += "\n Cell measures:\n" summary += "\n".join(cell_measure_summary) # # Generate summary of cube ancillary variables attribute # if vector_ancillary_variables: ancillary_variable_summary, cube_header = vector_summary( [], cube_header, max_line_offset, ancillary_variables=vector_ancillary_variables, ) summary += "\n Ancillary variables:\n" summary += "\n".join(ancillary_variable_summary) # # Generate textual summary of cube scalar coordinates. # scalar_summary = [] if scalar_coords: for coord in scalar_coords: if ( coord.units in ["1", "no_unit", "unknown"] or coord.units.is_time_reference() ): unit = "" else: unit = " {!s}".format(coord.units) # Format cell depending on type of point and whether it # has a bound. coord_cell = coord.cell(0) if isinstance(coord_cell.point, str): # Indent string type coordinates coord_cell_split = [ iris.util.clip_string(str(item)) for item in coord_cell.point.split("\n") ] line_sep = "\n{pad:{width}}".format( pad=" ", width=indent + len( + 2 ) coord_cell_str = line_sep.join(coord_cell_split) + unit else: coord_cell_cpoint = coord_cell.point coord_cell_cbound = coord_cell.bound coord_cell_str = "{!s}{}".format( coord_cell_cpoint, unit ) if coord_cell_cbound is not None: bound = "({})".format( ", ".join( str(val) for val in coord_cell_cbound ) ) coord_cell_str += ", bound={}{}".format( bound, unit ) scalar_summary.append( "{pad:{width}}{name}: {cell}".format( pad=" ", width=indent,, cell=coord_cell_str, ) ) # Interleave any extra lines that are needed to distinguish # the coordinates. scalar_summary = self._summary_extra( scalar_coords, scalar_summary, extra_indent ) summary += "\n Scalar coordinates:\n" + "\n".join( scalar_summary ) # cell measures scalar_cell_measures = [ cm for cm in self.cell_measures() if cm.shape == (1,) ] if scalar_cell_measures: summary += "\n Scalar cell measures:\n" scalar_cms = [ " {}".format( for cm in scalar_cell_measures ] summary += "\n".join(scalar_cms) # # Generate summary of cube attributes. # if self.attributes: attribute_lines = [] for name, value in sorted(self.attributes.items()): value = iris.util.clip_string(str(value)) line = "{pad:{width}}{name}: {value}".format( pad=" ", width=indent, name=name, value=value ) attribute_lines.append(line) summary += "\n Attributes:\n" + "\n".join(attribute_lines) # # Generate summary of cube cell methods # if self.cell_methods: summary += "\n Cell methods:\n" cm_lines = [] for cm in self.cell_methods: cm_lines.append("%*s%s" % (indent, " ", str(cm))) summary += "\n".join(cm_lines) # Construct the final cube summary. summary = cube_header + summary return summary
def __str__(self): return self.summary() def __unicode__(self): return self.summary() def __repr__(self): return "<iris 'Cube' of %s>" % self.summary( shorten=True, name_padding=1 ) def _repr_html_(self): from iris.experimental.representation import CubeRepresentation representer = CubeRepresentation(self) return representer.repr_html() # Indicate that the iter option is not available. Python will raise # TypeError with a useful message if a Cube is iterated over. __iter__ = None
[docs] def __getitem__(self, keys): """ Cube indexing (through use of square bracket notation) has been implemented at the data level. That is, the indices provided to this method should be aligned to the data of the cube, and thus the indices requested must be applicable directly to the attribute. All metadata will be subsequently indexed appropriately. """ # turn the keys into a full slice spec (all dims) full_slice = iris.util._build_full_slice_given_keys(keys, self.ndim) def new_coord_dims(coord_): return [ dimension_mapping[d] for d in self.coord_dims(coord_) if dimension_mapping[d] is not None ] def new_cell_measure_dims(cm_): return [ dimension_mapping[d] for d in self.cell_measure_dims(cm_) if dimension_mapping[d] is not None ] def new_ancillary_variable_dims(av_): return [ dimension_mapping[d] for d in self.ancillary_variable_dims(av_) if dimension_mapping[d] is not None ] # Fetch the data as a generic array-like object. cube_data = self._data_manager.core_data() # Index with the keys, using orthogonal slicing. dimension_mapping, data = iris.util._slice_data_with_keys( cube_data, keys ) # We don't want a view of the data, so take a copy of it. data = deepcopy(data) # XXX: Slicing a single item from a masked array that is masked, # results in numpy (v1.11.1) *always* returning a MaskedConstant # with a dtype of float64, regardless of the original masked # array dtype! if ( isinstance(data, ma.core.MaskedConstant) and data.dtype != cube_data.dtype ): data = ma.array(, mask=data.mask, dtype=cube_data.dtype) # Make the new cube slice cube = Cube(data) cube.metadata = deepcopy(self.metadata) # Record a mapping from old coordinate IDs to new coordinates, # for subsequent use in creating updated aux_factories. coord_mapping = {} # Slice the coords for coord in self.aux_coords: coord_keys = tuple( [full_slice[dim] for dim in self.coord_dims(coord)] ) try: new_coord = coord[coord_keys] except ValueError: # TODO make this except more specific to catch monotonic error # Attempt to slice it by converting to AuxCoord first new_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord.from_coord(coord)[coord_keys] cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, new_coord_dims(coord)) coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord for coord in self.dim_coords: coord_keys = tuple( [full_slice[dim] for dim in self.coord_dims(coord)] ) new_dims = new_coord_dims(coord) # Try/Catch to handle slicing that makes the points/bounds # non-monotonic try: new_coord = coord[coord_keys] if not new_dims: # If the associated dimension has been sliced so the coord # is a scalar move the coord to the aux_coords container cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, new_dims) else: cube.add_dim_coord(new_coord, new_dims) except ValueError: # TODO make this except more specific to catch monotonic error # Attempt to slice it by converting to AuxCoord first new_coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord.from_coord(coord)[coord_keys] cube.add_aux_coord(new_coord, new_dims) coord_mapping[id(coord)] = new_coord for factory in self.aux_factories: cube.add_aux_factory(factory.updated(coord_mapping)) # slice the cell measures and add them to the cube for cellmeasure in self.cell_measures(): dims = self.cell_measure_dims(cellmeasure) cm_keys = tuple([full_slice[dim] for dim in dims]) new_cm = cellmeasure[cm_keys] cube.add_cell_measure(new_cm, new_cell_measure_dims(cellmeasure)) # slice the ancillary variables and add them to the cube for ancvar in self.ancillary_variables(): dims = self.ancillary_variable_dims(ancvar) av_keys = tuple([full_slice[dim] for dim in dims]) new_av = ancvar[av_keys] cube.add_ancillary_variable( new_av, new_ancillary_variable_dims(ancvar) ) return cube
[docs] def subset(self, coord): """ Get a subset of the cube by providing the desired resultant coordinate. If the coordinate provided applies to the whole cube; the whole cube is returned. As such, the operation is not strict. """ if not isinstance(coord, iris.coords.Coord): raise ValueError("coord_to_extract must be a valid Coord.") # Get the coord to extract from the cube coord_to_extract = self.coord(coord) # If scalar, return the whole cube. Not possible to subset 1 point. if ( coord_to_extract in self.aux_coords and len(coord_to_extract.points) == 1 ): # Default to returning None result = None indices = coord_to_extract.intersect(coord, return_indices=True) # If there is an intersect between the two scalar coordinates; # return the whole cube. Else, return None. if len(indices): result = self else: if len(self.coord_dims(coord_to_extract)) > 1: msg = "Currently, only 1D coords can be used to subset a cube" raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError(msg) # Identify the dimension of the cube which this coordinate # references coord_to_extract_dim = self.coord_dims(coord_to_extract)[0] # Identify the indices which intersect the requested coord and # coord_to_extract coord_indices = coord_to_extract.intersect( coord, return_indices=True ) # Build up a slice which spans the whole of the cube full_slice = [slice(None, None)] * len(self.shape) # Update the full slice to only extract specific indices which # were identified above full_slice[coord_to_extract_dim] = coord_indices full_slice = tuple(full_slice) result = self[full_slice] return result
[docs] def extract(self, constraint): """ Filter the cube by the given constraint using :meth:`iris.Constraint.extract` method. """ # Cast the constraint into a proper constraint if it is not so already constraint = iris._constraints.as_constraint(constraint) return constraint.extract(self)
[docs] def intersection(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the intersection of the cube with specified coordinate ranges. Coordinate ranges can be specified as: (a) instances of :class:`iris.coords.CoordExtent`. (b) keyword arguments, where the keyword name specifies the name of the coordinate (as defined in :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.coords()`) and the value defines the corresponding range of coordinate values as a tuple. The tuple must contain two, three, or four items corresponding to: (minimum, maximum, min_inclusive, max_inclusive). Where the items are defined as: * minimum The minimum value of the range to select. * maximum The maximum value of the range to select. * min_inclusive If True, coordinate values equal to `minimum` will be included in the selection. Default is True. * max_inclusive If True, coordinate values equal to `maximum` will be included in the selection. Default is True. To perform an intersection that ignores any bounds on the coordinates, set the optional keyword argument *ignore_bounds* to True. Defaults to False. .. note:: For ranges defined over "circular" coordinates (i.e. those where the `units` attribute has a modulus defined) the cube will be "rolled" to fit where necessary. .. warning:: Currently this routine only works with "circular" coordinates (as defined in the previous note.) For example:: >>> import iris >>> cube = iris.load_cube(iris.sample_data_path('air_temp.pp')) >>> print(cube.coord('longitude').points[::10]) [ 0. 37.49999237 74.99998474 112.49996948 \ 149.99996948 187.49995422 224.99993896 262.49993896 299.99993896 \ 337.49990845] >>> subset = cube.intersection(longitude=(30, 50)) >>> print(subset.coord('longitude').points) [ 33.74999237 37.49999237 41.24998856 44.99998856 48.74998856] >>> subset = cube.intersection(longitude=(-10, 10)) >>> print(subset.coord('longitude').points) [-7.50012207 -3.75012207 0. 3.75 7.5 ] Returns: A new :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` giving the subset of the cube which intersects with the requested coordinate intervals. """ result = self ignore_bounds = kwargs.pop("ignore_bounds", False) for arg in args: result = result._intersect(*arg, ignore_bounds=ignore_bounds) for name, value in kwargs.items(): result = result._intersect( name, *value, ignore_bounds=ignore_bounds ) return result
def _intersect( self, name_or_coord, minimum, maximum, min_inclusive=True, max_inclusive=True, ignore_bounds=False, ): coord = self.coord(name_or_coord) if coord.ndim != 1: raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError(coord) if coord.nbounds not in (0, 2): raise ValueError("expected 0 or 2 bound values per cell") if minimum > maximum: raise ValueError("minimum greater than maximum") modulus = coord.units.modulus if modulus is None: raise ValueError( "coordinate units with no modulus are not yet" " supported" ) subsets, points, bounds = self._intersect_modulus( coord, minimum, maximum, min_inclusive, max_inclusive, ignore_bounds, ) # By this point we have either one or two subsets along the relevant # dimension. If it's just one subset (which might be a slice or an # unordered collection of indices) we can simply index the cube # and we're done. If it's two subsets we need to stitch the two # pieces together. # subsets provides a way of slicing the coordinates to ensure that # they remain contiguous. In doing so, this can mean # transforming the data (this stitching together of two separate # pieces). def make_chunk(key): chunk = self[key_tuple_prefix + (key,)] chunk_coord = chunk.coord(coord) chunk_coord.points = points[(key,)] if chunk_coord.has_bounds(): chunk_coord.bounds = bounds[(key,)] return chunk (dim,) = self.coord_dims(coord) key_tuple_prefix = (slice(None),) * dim chunks = [make_chunk(key) for key in subsets] if len(chunks) == 1: result = chunks[0] else: chunk_data = [chunk.core_data() for chunk in chunks] if self.has_lazy_data(): func = da.concatenate else: module = ma if ma.isMaskedArray( else np func = module.concatenate data = func(chunk_data, dim) result = iris.cube.Cube(data) result.metadata = deepcopy(self.metadata) # Record a mapping from old coordinate IDs to new coordinates, # for subsequent use in creating updated aux_factories. coord_mapping = {} def create_coords(src_coords, add_coord): # Add copies of the source coordinates, selecting # the appropriate subsets out of coordinates which # share the intersection dimension. preserve_circular = ( min_inclusive and max_inclusive and abs(maximum - minimum) == modulus ) for src_coord in src_coords: dims = self.coord_dims(src_coord) if dim in dims: dim_within_coord = dims.index(dim) points = np.concatenate( [ chunk.coord(src_coord).points for chunk in chunks ], dim_within_coord, ) if src_coord.has_bounds(): bounds = np.concatenate( [ chunk.coord(src_coord).bounds for chunk in chunks ], dim_within_coord, ) else: bounds = None result_coord = src_coord.copy( points=points, bounds=bounds ) circular = getattr(result_coord, "circular", False) if circular and not preserve_circular: result_coord.circular = False else: result_coord = src_coord.copy() add_coord(result_coord, dims) coord_mapping[id(src_coord)] = result_coord create_coords(self.dim_coords, result.add_dim_coord) create_coords(self.aux_coords, result.add_aux_coord) for factory in self.aux_factories: result.add_aux_factory(factory.updated(coord_mapping)) return result def _intersect_derive_subset(self, coord, points, bounds, inside_indices): # Return the subsets, i.e. the means to allow the slicing of # coordinates to ensure that they remain contiguous. modulus = coord.units.modulus delta = coord.points[inside_indices] - points[inside_indices] step = np.rint(np.diff(delta) / modulus) non_zero_step_indices = np.nonzero(step)[0] def dim_coord_subset(): """ Derive the subset for dimension coordinates. Ensure that we do not wrap if blocks are at the very edge. That is, if the very edge is wrapped and corresponds to base + period, stop this unnecessary wraparound. """ # A contiguous block at the start and another at the end. # (NB. We can't have more than two blocks because we've already # restricted the coordinate's range to its modulus). end_of_first_chunk = non_zero_step_indices[0] index_of_second_chunk = inside_indices[end_of_first_chunk + 1] final_index = points.size - 1 # Condition1: The two blocks don't themselves wrap # (inside_indices is contiguous). # Condition2: Are we chunked at either extreme edge. edge_wrap = ( index_of_second_chunk == inside_indices[end_of_first_chunk] + 1 ) and index_of_second_chunk in (final_index, 1) subsets = None if edge_wrap: # Increasing coord if coord.points[-1] > coord.points[0]: index_end = -1 index_start = 0 # Decreasing coord else: index_end = 0 index_start = -1 # Unwrap points and bounds (if present and equal base + period) if bounds is not None: edge_equal_base_period = np.isclose( coord.bounds[index_end, index_end], coord.bounds[index_start, index_start] + modulus, ) if edge_equal_base_period: bounds[index_end, :] = coord.bounds[index_end, :] else: edge_equal_base_period = np.isclose( coord.points[index_end], coord.points[index_start] + modulus, ) if edge_equal_base_period: points[index_end] = coord.points[index_end] subsets = [ slice(inside_indices[0], inside_indices[-1] + 1) ] # Either no edge wrap or edge wrap != base + period # i.e. derive subset without alteration if subsets is None: subsets = [ slice(index_of_second_chunk, None), slice(None, inside_indices[end_of_first_chunk] + 1), ] return subsets if isinstance(coord, iris.coords.DimCoord): if non_zero_step_indices.size: subsets = dim_coord_subset() else: # A single, contiguous block. subsets = [slice(inside_indices[0], inside_indices[-1] + 1)] else: # An AuxCoord could have its values in an arbitrary # order, and hence a range of values can select an # arbitrary subset. Also, we want to preserve the order # from the original AuxCoord. So we just use the indices # directly. subsets = [inside_indices] return subsets def _intersect_modulus( self, coord, minimum, maximum, min_inclusive, max_inclusive, ignore_bounds, ): modulus = coord.units.modulus if maximum > minimum + modulus: raise ValueError( "requested range greater than coordinate's" " unit's modulus" ) if coord.has_bounds(): values = coord.bounds else: values = coord.points if values.max() > values.min() + modulus: raise ValueError( "coordinate's range greater than coordinate's" " unit's modulus" ) min_comp = np.less_equal if min_inclusive else np.less max_comp = np.less_equal if max_inclusive else np.less if coord.has_bounds(): bounds = wrap_lons(coord.bounds, minimum, modulus) if ignore_bounds: points = wrap_lons(coord.points, minimum, modulus) (inside_indices,) = np.where( np.logical_and( min_comp(minimum, points), max_comp(points, maximum) ) ) else: inside = np.logical_and( min_comp(minimum, bounds), max_comp(bounds, maximum) ) (inside_indices,) = np.where(np.any(inside, axis=1)) # To ensure that bounds (and points) of matching cells aren't # "scrambled" by the wrap operation we detect split cells that # straddle the wrap point and choose a new wrap point which avoids # split cells. # For example: the cell [349.875, 350.4375] wrapped at -10 would # become [349.875, -9.5625] which is no longer valid. The lower # cell bound value (and possibly associated point) are # recalculated so that they are consistent with the extended # wrapping scheme which moves the wrap point to the correct lower # bound value (-10.125) thus resulting in the cell no longer # being split. For bounds which may extend exactly the length of # the modulus, we simply preserve the point to bound difference, # and call the new bounds = the new points + the difference. pre_wrap_delta = np.diff(coord.bounds[inside_indices]) post_wrap_delta = np.diff(bounds[inside_indices]) close_enough = np.allclose(pre_wrap_delta, post_wrap_delta) if not close_enough: split_cell_indices, _ = np.where( pre_wrap_delta != post_wrap_delta ) # Recalculate the extended minimum. indices = inside_indices[split_cell_indices] cells = bounds[indices] cells_delta = np.diff(coord.bounds[indices]) # Watch out for ascending/descending bounds if cells_delta[0, 0] > 0: cells[:, 0] = cells[:, 1] - cells_delta[:, 0] minimum = np.min(cells[:, 0]) else: cells[:, 1] = cells[:, 0] + cells_delta[:, 0] minimum = np.min(cells[:, 1]) points = wrap_lons(coord.points, minimum, modulus) bound_diffs = coord.points[:, np.newaxis] - coord.bounds bounds = points[:, np.newaxis] - bound_diffs else: points = wrap_lons(coord.points, minimum, modulus) bounds = None (inside_indices,) = np.where( np.logical_and( min_comp(minimum, points), max_comp(points, maximum) ) ) # Determine the subsets subsets = self._intersect_derive_subset( coord, points, bounds, inside_indices ) return subsets, points, bounds def _as_list_of_coords(self, names_or_coords): """ Convert a name, coord, or list of names/coords to a list of coords. """ # If not iterable, convert to list of a single item if _is_single_item(names_or_coords): names_or_coords = [names_or_coords] coords = [] for name_or_coord in names_or_coords: if isinstance(name_or_coord, str) or isinstance( name_or_coord, iris.coords.Coord ): coords.append(self.coord(name_or_coord)) else: # Don't know how to handle this type msg = ( "Don't know how to handle coordinate of type %s. " "Ensure all coordinates are of type str " "or iris.coords.Coord." ) % (type(name_or_coord),) raise TypeError(msg) return coords
[docs] def slices_over(self, ref_to_slice): """ Return an iterator of all subcubes along a given coordinate or dimension index, or multiple of these. Args: * ref_to_slice (string, coord, dimension index or a list of these): Determines which dimensions will be iterated along (i.e. the dimensions that are not returned in the subcubes). A mix of input types can also be provided. Returns: An iterator of subcubes. For example, to get all subcubes along the time dimension:: for sub_cube in cube.slices_over('time'): print(sub_cube) .. seealso:: :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.slices`. .. note:: The order of dimension references to slice along does not affect the order of returned items in the iterator; instead the ordering is based on the fastest-changing dimension. """ # Required to handle a mix between types. if _is_single_item(ref_to_slice): ref_to_slice = [ref_to_slice] slice_dims = set() for ref in ref_to_slice: try: (coord,) = self._as_list_of_coords(ref) except TypeError: dim = int(ref) if dim < 0 or dim > self.ndim: msg = ( "Requested an iterator over a dimension ({}) " "which does not exist.".format(dim) ) raise ValueError(msg) # Convert coord index to a single-element list to prevent a # TypeError when `slice_dims.update` is called with it. dims = [dim] else: dims = self.coord_dims(coord) slice_dims.update(dims) all_dims = set(range(self.ndim)) opposite_dims = list(all_dims - slice_dims) return self.slices(opposite_dims, ordered=False)
[docs] def slices(self, ref_to_slice, ordered=True): """ Return an iterator of all subcubes given the coordinates or dimension indices desired to be present in each subcube. Args: * ref_to_slice (string, coord, dimension index or a list of these): Determines which dimensions will be returned in the subcubes (i.e. the dimensions that are not iterated over). A mix of input types can also be provided. They must all be orthogonal (i.e. point to different dimensions). Kwargs: * ordered: if True, the order which the coords to slice or data_dims are given will be the order in which they represent the data in the resulting cube slices. If False, the order will follow that of the source cube. Default is True. Returns: An iterator of subcubes. For example, to get all 2d longitude/latitude subcubes from a multi-dimensional cube:: for sub_cube in cube.slices(['longitude', 'latitude']): print(sub_cube) .. seealso:: :meth:`iris.cube.Cube.slices_over`. """ if not isinstance(ordered, bool): raise TypeError("'ordered' argument to slices must be boolean.") # Required to handle a mix between types if _is_single_item(ref_to_slice): ref_to_slice = [ref_to_slice] dim_to_slice = [] for ref in ref_to_slice: try: # attempt to handle as coordinate coord = self._as_list_of_coords(ref)[0] dims = self.coord_dims(coord) if not dims: msg = ( "Requested an iterator over a coordinate ({}) " "which does not describe a dimension." ) msg = msg.format( raise ValueError(msg) dim_to_slice.extend(dims) except TypeError: try: # attempt to handle as dimension index dim = int(ref) except ValueError: raise ValueError( "{} Incompatible type {} for " "slicing".format(ref, type(ref)) ) if dim < 0 or dim > self.ndim: msg = ( "Requested an iterator over a dimension ({}) " "which does not exist.".format(dim) ) raise ValueError(msg) dim_to_slice.append(dim) if len(set(dim_to_slice)) != len(dim_to_slice): msg = "The requested coordinates are not orthogonal." raise ValueError(msg) # Create a list with of the shape of our data dims_index = list(self.shape) # Set the dimensions which have been requested to length 1 for d in dim_to_slice: dims_index[d] = 1 return _SliceIterator(self, dims_index, dim_to_slice, ordered)
[docs] def transpose(self, new_order=None): """ Re-order the data dimensions of the cube in-place. new_order - list of ints, optional By default, reverse the dimensions, otherwise permute the axes according to the values given. .. note:: If defined, new_order must span all of the data dimensions. Example usage:: # put the second dimension first, followed by the third dimension, and finally put the first dimension third:: >>> cube.transpose([1, 2, 0]) """ if new_order is None: new_order = np.arange(self.ndim)[::-1] # `new_order` must be an iterable for checking with `self.ndim`. # Dask transpose only supports lists, so ensure `new_order` is # always a list. new_order = list(new_order) if len(new_order) != self.ndim: raise ValueError("Incorrect number of dimensions.") # Transpose the data payload. dm = self._data_manager data = dm.core_data().transpose(new_order) self._data_manager = DataManager(data) dim_mapping = {src: dest for dest, src in enumerate(new_order)} # Remap all cube dimensional metadata (dim and aux coords and cell # measures). def remap_cube_metadata(metadata_and_dims): metadata, dims = metadata_and_dims if isinstance(dims, Iterable): dims = tuple(dim_mapping[dim] for dim in dims) else: dims = dim_mapping[dims] return metadata, dims self._dim_coords_and_dims = list( map(remap_cube_metadata, self._dim_coords_and_dims) ) self._aux_coords_and_dims = list( map(remap_cube_metadata, self._aux_coords_and_dims) ) self._cell_measures_and_dims = list( map(remap_cube_metadata, self._cell_measures_and_dims) ) self._ancillary_variables_and_dims = list( map(remap_cube_metadata, self._ancillary_variables_and_dims) )
[docs] def xml(self, checksum=False, order=True, byteorder=True): """ Returns a fully valid CubeML string representation of the Cube. """ doc = Document() cube_xml_element = self._xml_element( doc, checksum=checksum, order=order, byteorder=byteorder ) cube_xml_element.setAttribute("xmlns", XML_NAMESPACE_URI) doc.appendChild(cube_xml_element) # Print our newly created XML return doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
def _xml_element(self, doc, checksum=False, order=True, byteorder=True): cube_xml_element = doc.createElement("cube") if self.standard_name: cube_xml_element.setAttribute("standard_name", self.standard_name) if self.long_name: cube_xml_element.setAttribute("long_name", self.long_name) if self.var_name: cube_xml_element.setAttribute("var_name", self.var_name) cube_xml_element.setAttribute("units", str(self.units)) cube_xml_element.setAttribute("dtype", if self.attributes: attributes_element = doc.createElement("attributes") for name in sorted(self.attributes.keys()): attribute_element = doc.createElement("attribute") attribute_element.setAttribute("name", name) value = self.attributes[name] # Strict check because we don't want namedtuples. if type(value) in (list, tuple): delimiter = "[]" if isinstance(value, list) else "()" value = ", ".join( ("'%s'" if isinstance(item, str) else "%s") % (item,) for item in value ) value = delimiter[0] + value + delimiter[1] else: value = str(value) attribute_element.setAttribute("value", value) attributes_element.appendChild(attribute_element) cube_xml_element.appendChild(attributes_element) def dimmeta_xml_element(element, typename, dimscall): # Make an inner xml element for a cube DimensionalMetadata element, with a # 'datadims' property showing how it maps to the parent cube dims. xml_element = doc.createElement(typename) dims = list(dimscall(element)) if dims: xml_element.setAttribute("datadims", repr(dims)) xml_element.appendChild(element.xml_element(doc)) return xml_element coords_xml_element = doc.createElement("coords") for coord in sorted(self.coords(), key=lambda coord: # make a "cube coordinate" element which holds the dimensions (if # appropriate) which itself will have a sub-element of the # coordinate instance itself. coords_xml_element.appendChild( dimmeta_xml_element(coord, "coord", self.coord_dims) ) cube_xml_element.appendChild(coords_xml_element) # cell methods (no sorting!) cell_methods_xml_element = doc.createElement("cellMethods") for cm in self.cell_methods: cell_method_xml_element = cm.xml_element(doc) cell_methods_xml_element.appendChild(cell_method_xml_element) cube_xml_element.appendChild(cell_methods_xml_element) # cell measures cell_measures = sorted(self.cell_measures(), key=lambda cm: if cell_measures: # This one is an optional subelement. cms_xml_element = doc.createElement("cellMeasures") for cm in cell_measures: cms_xml_element.appendChild( dimmeta_xml_element( cm, "cell-measure", self.cell_measure_dims ) ) cube_xml_element.appendChild(cms_xml_element) # ancillary variables ancils = sorted(self.ancillary_variables(), key=lambda anc: if ancils: # This one is an optional subelement. ancs_xml_element = doc.createElement("ancillaryVariables") for anc in ancils: ancs_xml_element.appendChild( dimmeta_xml_element( anc, "ancillary-var", self.ancillary_variable_dims ) ) cube_xml_element.appendChild(ancs_xml_element) # data data_xml_element = doc.createElement("data") data_xml_element.setAttribute("shape", str(self.shape)) # NB. Getting a checksum triggers any deferred loading, # in which case it also has the side-effect of forcing the # byte order to be native. if checksum: data = # Ensure consistent memory layout for checksums. def normalise(data): data = np.ascontiguousarray(data) if data.dtype.newbyteorder("<") != data.dtype: data = data.byteswap(False) data.dtype = data.dtype.newbyteorder("<") return data if ma.isMaskedArray(data): # Fill in masked values to avoid the checksum being # sensitive to unused numbers. Use a fixed value so # a change in fill_value doesn't affect the # checksum. crc = "0x%08x" % ( zlib.crc32(normalise(data.filled(0))) & 0xFFFFFFFF, ) data_xml_element.setAttribute("checksum", crc) if ma.is_masked(data): crc = "0x%08x" % ( zlib.crc32(normalise(data.mask)) & 0xFFFFFFFF, ) else: crc = "no-masked-elements" data_xml_element.setAttribute("mask_checksum", crc) else: crc = "0x%08x" % (zlib.crc32(normalise(data)) & 0xFFFFFFFF,) data_xml_element.setAttribute("checksum", crc) elif self.has_lazy_data(): data_xml_element.setAttribute("state", "deferred") else: data_xml_element.setAttribute("state", "loaded") # Add the dtype, and also the array and mask orders if the # data is loaded. if not self.has_lazy_data(): data = dtype = data.dtype def _order(array): order = "" if array.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"]: order = "C" elif array.flags["F_CONTIGUOUS"]: order = "F" return order if order: data_xml_element.setAttribute("order", _order(data)) # NB. dtype.byteorder can return '=', which is bad for # cross-platform consistency - so we use dtype.str # instead. if byteorder: array_byteorder = {">": "big", "<": "little"}.get(dtype.str[0]) if array_byteorder is not None: data_xml_element.setAttribute("byteorder", array_byteorder) if order and ma.isMaskedArray(data): data_xml_element.setAttribute("mask_order", _order(data.mask)) else: dtype = self.lazy_data().dtype data_xml_element.setAttribute("dtype", cube_xml_element.appendChild(data_xml_element) return cube_xml_element
[docs] def copy(self, data=None): """ Returns a deep copy of this cube. Kwargs: * data: Replace the data of the cube copy with provided data payload. Returns: A copy instance of the :class:`Cube`. """ memo = {} cube = self._deepcopy(memo, data=data) return cube
[docs] def __copy__(self): """Shallow copying is disallowed for Cubes.""" raise copy.Error( "Cube shallow-copy not allowed. Use deepcopy() or " "Cube.copy()" )
def __deepcopy__(self, memo): return self._deepcopy(memo) def _deepcopy(self, memo, data=None): dm = self._data_manager.copy(data=data) new_dim_coords_and_dims = deepcopy(self._dim_coords_and_dims, memo) new_aux_coords_and_dims = deepcopy(self._aux_coords_and_dims, memo) new_cell_measures_and_dims = deepcopy( self._cell_measures_and_dims, memo ) new_ancillary_variables_and_dims = deepcopy( self._ancillary_variables_and_dims, memo ) # Record a mapping from old coordinate IDs to new coordinates, # for subsequent use in creating updated aux_factories. coord_mapping = {} for old_pair, new_pair in zip( self._dim_coords_and_dims, new_dim_coords_and_dims ): coord_mapping[id(old_pair[0])] = new_pair[0] for old_pair, new_pair in zip( self._aux_coords_and_dims, new_aux_coords_and_dims ): coord_mapping[id(old_pair[0])] = new_pair[0] new_cube = Cube( dm.core_data(), dim_coords_and_dims=new_dim_coords_and_dims, aux_coords_and_dims=new_aux_coords_and_dims, cell_measures_and_dims=new_cell_measures_and_dims, ancillary_variables_and_dims=new_ancillary_variables_and_dims, ) new_cube.metadata = deepcopy(self.metadata, memo) for factory in self.aux_factories: new_cube.add_aux_factory(factory.updated(coord_mapping)) return new_cube # START OPERATOR OVERLOADS def __eq__(self, other): result = NotImplemented if isinstance(other, Cube): result = self.metadata == other.metadata # having checked the metadata, now check the coordinates if result: coord_compares = ( iris.analysis._dimensional_metadata_comparison(self, other) ) # if there are any coordinates which are not equal result = not ( coord_compares["not_equal"] or coord_compares["non_equal_data_dimension"] ) if result: cm_compares = iris.analysis._dimensional_metadata_comparison( self, other, object_get=Cube.cell_measures ) # if there are any cell measures which are not equal result = not ( cm_compares["not_equal"] or cm_compares["non_equal_data_dimension"] ) if result: av_compares = iris.analysis._dimensional_metadata_comparison( self, other, object_get=Cube.ancillary_variables ) # if there are any ancillary variables which are not equal result = not ( av_compares["not_equal"] or av_compares["non_equal_data_dimension"] ) # Having checked everything else, check approximate data equality. if result: result = da.allclose( self.core_data(), other.core_data() ).compute() return result # Must supply __ne__, Python does not defer to __eq__ for negative equality def __ne__(self, other): result = self.__eq__(other) if result is not NotImplemented: result = not result return result # Must supply __hash__ as Python 3 does not enable it if __eq__ is defined. # NOTE: Violates "objects which compare equal must have the same hash". # We ought to remove this, as equality of two cube can *change*, so they # really should not be hashable. # However, current code needs it, e.g. so we can put them in sets. # Fixing it will require changing those uses. See #962 and #1772. def __hash__(self): return hash(id(self)) def __add__(self, other): return iris.analysis.maths.add(self, other) def __iadd__(self, other): return iris.analysis.maths.add(self, other, in_place=True) __radd__ = __add__ def __sub__(self, other): return iris.analysis.maths.subtract(self, other) def __isub__(self, other): return iris.analysis.maths.subtract(self, other, in_place=True) __mul__ = iris.analysis.maths.multiply __rmul__ = iris.analysis.maths.multiply def __imul__(self, other): return iris.analysis.maths.multiply(self, other, in_place=True) __div__ = iris.analysis.maths.divide def __idiv__(self, other): return iris.analysis.maths.divide(self, other, in_place=True) __truediv__ = iris.analysis.maths.divide def __itruediv__(self, other): return iris.analysis.maths.divide(self, other, in_place=True) __pow__ = iris.analysis.maths.exponentiate # END OPERATOR OVERLOADS
[docs] def collapsed(self, coords, aggregator, **kwargs): """ Collapse one or more dimensions over the cube given the coordinate/s and an aggregation. Examples of aggregations that may be used include :data:`~iris.analysis.COUNT` and :data:`~iris.analysis.MAX`. Weighted aggregations (:class:`iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator`) may also be supplied. These include :data:`~iris.analysis.MEAN` and sum :data:`~iris.analysis.SUM`. Weighted aggregations support an optional *weights* keyword argument. If set, this should be supplied as an array of weights whose shape matches the cube. Values for latitude-longitude area weights may be calculated using :func:`iris.analysis.cartography.area_weights`. Some Iris aggregators support "lazy" evaluation, meaning that cubes resulting from this method may represent data arrays which are not computed until the data is requested (e.g. via ```` or ````). If lazy evaluation exists for the given aggregator it will be used wherever possible when this cube's data is itself a deferred array. Args: * coords (string, coord or a list of strings/coords): Coordinate names/coordinates over which the cube should be collapsed. * aggregator (:class:`iris.analysis.Aggregator`): Aggregator to be applied for collapse operation. Kwargs: * kwargs: Aggregation function keyword arguments. Returns: Collapsed cube. For example: >>> import iris >>> import iris.analysis >>> path = iris.sample_data_path('') >>> cube = iris.load_cube(path) >>> new_cube = cube.collapsed('longitude', iris.analysis.MEAN) >>> print(new_cube) surface_temperature / (K) (time: 54; latitude: 18) Dimension coordinates: time x - latitude - x Auxiliary coordinates: forecast_reference_time x - Scalar coordinates: forecast_period: 0 hours longitude: 180.0 degrees, bound=(0.0, 360.0) degrees Attributes: Conventions: CF-1.5 STASH: m01s00i024 Cell methods: mean: month, year mean: longitude .. note:: Some aggregations are not commutative and hence the order of processing is important i.e.:: tmp = cube.collapsed('realization', iris.analysis.VARIANCE) result = tmp.collapsed('height', iris.analysis.VARIANCE) is not necessarily the same result as:: tmp = cube.collapsed('height', iris.analysis.VARIANCE) result2 = tmp.collapsed('realization', iris.analysis.VARIANCE) Conversely operations which operate on more than one coordinate at the same time are commutative as they are combined internally into a single operation. Hence the order of the coordinates supplied in the list does not matter:: cube.collapsed(['longitude', 'latitude'], iris.analysis.VARIANCE) is the same (apart from the logically equivalent cell methods that may be created etc.) as:: cube.collapsed(['latitude', 'longitude'], iris.analysis.VARIANCE) """ # Convert any coordinate names to coordinates coords = self._as_list_of_coords(coords) if isinstance( aggregator, iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator ) and not aggregator.uses_weighting(**kwargs): msg = "Collapsing spatial coordinate {!r} without weighting" lat_match = [ coord for coord in coords if "latitude" in ] if lat_match: for coord in lat_match: warnings.warn(msg.format( # Determine the dimensions we need to collapse (and those we don't) if aggregator.cell_method == "peak": dims_to_collapse = [ list(self.coord_dims(coord)) for coord in coords ] # Remove duplicate dimensions. new_dims = OrderedDict.fromkeys( d for dim in dims_to_collapse for d in dim ) # Reverse the dimensions so the order can be maintained when # reshaping the data. dims_to_collapse = list(new_dims)[::-1] else: dims_to_collapse = set() for coord in coords: dims_to_collapse.update(self.coord_dims(coord)) if not dims_to_collapse: msg = ( "Cannot collapse a dimension which does not describe any " "data." ) raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateCollapseError(msg) untouched_dims = set(range(self.ndim)) - set(dims_to_collapse) collapsed_cube = iris.util._strip_metadata_from_dims( self, dims_to_collapse ) # Remove the collapsed dimension(s) from the metadata indices = [slice(None, None)] * self.ndim for dim in dims_to_collapse: indices[dim] = 0 collapsed_cube = collapsed_cube[tuple(indices)] # Collapse any coords that span the dimension(s) being collapsed for coord in self.dim_coords + self.aux_coords: coord_dims = self.coord_dims(coord) if set(dims_to_collapse).intersection(coord_dims): local_dims = [ coord_dims.index(dim) for dim in dims_to_collapse if dim in coord_dims ] collapsed_cube.replace_coord(coord.collapsed(local_dims)) untouched_dims = sorted(untouched_dims) # Record the axis(s) argument passed to 'aggregation', so the same is # passed to the 'update_metadata' function. collapse_axis = -1 data_result = None # Perform the actual aggregation. if aggregator.cell_method == "peak": # The PEAK aggregator must collapse each coordinate separately. untouched_shape = [self.shape[d] for d in untouched_dims] collapsed_shape = [self.shape[d] for d in dims_to_collapse] new_shape = untouched_shape + collapsed_shape array_dims = untouched_dims + dims_to_collapse unrolled_data = np.transpose(, array_dims).reshape( new_shape ) for dim in dims_to_collapse: unrolled_data = aggregator.aggregate( unrolled_data, axis=-1, **kwargs ) data_result = unrolled_data # Perform the aggregation in lazy form if possible. elif aggregator.lazy_func is not None and self.has_lazy_data(): # Use a lazy operation separately defined by the aggregator, based # on the cube lazy array. # NOTE: do not reform the data in this case, as 'lazy_aggregate' # accepts multiple axes (unlike 'aggregate'). collapse_axes = list(dims_to_collapse) if len(collapse_axes) == 1: # Replace a "list of 1 axes" with just a number : This single-axis form is *required* by functions # like da.average (and np.average), if a 1d weights array is specified. collapse_axes = collapse_axes[0] try: data_result = aggregator.lazy_aggregate( self.lazy_data(), axis=collapse_axes, **kwargs ) except TypeError: # TypeError - when unexpected keywords passed through (such as # weights to mean) pass # If we weren't able to complete a lazy aggregation, compute it # directly now. if data_result is None: # Perform the (non-lazy) aggregation over the cube data # First reshape the data so that the dimensions being aggregated # over are grouped 'at the end' (i.e. axis=-1). dims_to_collapse = sorted(dims_to_collapse) end_size = reduce( operator.mul, (self.shape[dim] for dim in dims_to_collapse) ) untouched_shape = [self.shape[dim] for dim in untouched_dims] new_shape = untouched_shape + [end_size] dims = untouched_dims + dims_to_collapse unrolled_data = np.transpose(, dims).reshape(new_shape) # Perform the same operation on the weights if applicable weights = kwargs.get("weights") if weights is not None and weights.ndim > 1: # Note: *don't* adjust 1d weights arrays, these have a special meaning for statistics functions. weights = weights.view() kwargs["weights"] = np.transpose(weights, dims).reshape( new_shape ) data_result = aggregator.aggregate( unrolled_data, axis=-1, **kwargs ) aggregator.update_metadata( collapsed_cube, coords, axis=collapse_axis, **kwargs ) result = aggregator.post_process( collapsed_cube, data_result, coords, **kwargs ) return result
[docs] def aggregated_by(self, coords, aggregator, **kwargs): """ Perform aggregation over the cube given one or more "group coordinates". A "group coordinate" is a coordinate where repeating values represent a single group, such as a month coordinate on a daily time slice. Repeated values will form a group even if they are not consecutive. The group coordinates must all be over the same cube dimension. Each common value group identified over all the group-by coordinates is collapsed using the provided aggregator. Args: * coords (list of coord names or :class:`iris.coords.Coord` instances): One or more coordinates over which group aggregation is to be performed. * aggregator (:class:`iris.analysis.Aggregator`): Aggregator to be applied to each group. Kwargs: * kwargs: Aggregator and aggregation function keyword arguments. Returns: :class:`iris.cube.Cube`. For example: >>> import iris >>> import iris.analysis >>> import iris.coord_categorisation as cat >>> fname = iris.sample_data_path('') >>> cube = iris.load_cube(fname, 'surface_temperature') >>> cat.add_year(cube, 'time', name='year') >>> new_cube = cube.aggregated_by('year', iris.analysis.MEAN) >>> print(new_cube) surface_temperature / (K) \ (time: 5; latitude: 18; longitude: 432) Dimension coordinates: time \ x - - latitude \ - x - longitude \ - - x Auxiliary coordinates: forecast_reference_time \ x - - year \ x - - Scalar coordinates: forecast_period: 0 hours Attributes: Conventions: CF-1.5 STASH: m01s00i024 Cell methods: mean: month, year mean: year """ groupby_coords = [] dimension_to_groupby = None # We can't handle weights if isinstance( aggregator, iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator ) and aggregator.uses_weighting(**kwargs): raise ValueError( "Invalid Aggregation, aggregated_by() cannot use" " weights." ) coords = self._as_list_of_coords(coords) for coord in sorted(coords, key=lambda coord: coord.metadata): if coord.ndim > 1: msg = ( "Cannot aggregate_by coord %s as it is " "multidimensional." % ) raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError(msg) dimension = self.coord_dims(coord) if not dimension: msg = ( 'Cannot group-by the coordinate "%s", as its ' "dimension does not describe any data." % ) raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateCollapseError(msg) if dimension_to_groupby is None: dimension_to_groupby = dimension[0] if dimension_to_groupby != dimension[0]: msg = "Cannot group-by coordinates over different dimensions." raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateCollapseError(msg) groupby_coords.append(coord) # Determine the other coordinates that share the same group-by # coordinate dimension. shared_coords = list( filter( lambda coord_: coord_ not in groupby_coords, self.coords(contains_dimension=dimension_to_groupby), ) ) # Determine which of each shared coord's dimensions will be aggregated. shared_coords_and_dims = [ (coord_, index) for coord_ in shared_coords for (index, dim) in enumerate(self.coord_dims(coord_)) if dim == dimension_to_groupby ] # Create the aggregation group-by instance. groupby = iris.analysis._Groupby( groupby_coords, shared_coords_and_dims ) # Create the resulting aggregate-by cube and remove the original # coordinates that are going to be groupedby. aggregateby_cube = iris.util._strip_metadata_from_dims( self, [dimension_to_groupby] ) key = [slice(None, None)] * self.ndim # Generate unique index tuple key to maintain monotonicity. key[dimension_to_groupby] = tuple(range(len(groupby))) key = tuple(key) aggregateby_cube = aggregateby_cube[key] for coord in groupby_coords + shared_coords: aggregateby_cube.remove_coord(coord) # Determine the group-by cube data shape. data_shape = list(self.shape + aggregator.aggregate_shape(**kwargs)) data_shape[dimension_to_groupby] = len(groupby) # Aggregate the group-by data. if aggregator.lazy_func is not None and self.has_lazy_data(): front_slice = (slice(None, None),) * dimension_to_groupby back_slice = (slice(None, None),) * ( len(data_shape) - dimension_to_groupby - 1 ) groupby_subcubes = map( lambda groupby_slice: self[ front_slice + (groupby_slice,) + back_slice ].lazy_data(),, ) agg = partial( aggregator.lazy_aggregate, axis=dimension_to_groupby, **kwargs ) result = list(map(agg, groupby_subcubes)) aggregateby_data = da.stack(result, axis=dimension_to_groupby) else: cube_slice = [slice(None, None)] * len(data_shape) for i, groupby_slice in enumerate( # Slice the cube with the group-by slice to create a group-by # sub-cube. cube_slice[dimension_to_groupby] = groupby_slice groupby_sub_cube = self[tuple(cube_slice)] # Perform the aggregation over the group-by sub-cube and # repatriate the aggregated data into the aggregate-by # cube data. cube_slice[dimension_to_groupby] = i result = aggregator.aggregate(, axis=dimension_to_groupby, **kwargs ) # Determine aggregation result data type for the aggregate-by # cube data on first pass. if i == 0: if ma.isMaskedArray( aggregateby_data = ma.zeros( data_shape, dtype=result.dtype ) else: aggregateby_data = np.zeros( data_shape, dtype=result.dtype ) aggregateby_data[tuple(cube_slice)] = result # Add the aggregation meta data to the aggregate-by cube. aggregator.update_metadata( aggregateby_cube, groupby_coords, aggregate=True, **kwargs ) # Replace the appropriate coordinates within the aggregate-by cube. (dim_coord,) = self.coords( dimensions=dimension_to_groupby, dim_coords=True ) or [None] for coord in groupby.coords: if ( dim_coord is not None and dim_coord.metadata == coord.metadata and isinstance(coord, iris.coords.DimCoord) ): aggregateby_cube.add_dim_coord( coord.copy(), dimension_to_groupby ) else: aggregateby_cube.add_aux_coord( coord.copy(), self.coord_dims(coord) ) # Attach the aggregate-by data into the aggregate-by cube. aggregateby_cube = aggregator.post_process( aggregateby_cube, aggregateby_data, coords, **kwargs ) return aggregateby_cube
[docs] def rolling_window(self, coord, aggregator, window, **kwargs): """ Perform rolling window aggregation on a cube given a coordinate, an aggregation method and a window size. Args: * coord (string/:class:`iris.coords.Coord`): The coordinate over which to perform the rolling window aggregation. * aggregator (:class:`iris.analysis.Aggregator`): Aggregator to be applied to the data. * window (int): Size of window to use. Kwargs: * kwargs: Aggregator and aggregation function keyword arguments. The weights argument to the aggregator, if any, should be a 1d array with the same length as the chosen window. Returns: :class:`iris.cube.Cube`. .. note:: This operation does not yet have support for lazy evaluation. For example: >>> import iris, iris.analysis >>> fname = iris.sample_data_path('GloSea4', 'ensemble_010.pp') >>> air_press = iris.load_cube(fname, 'surface_temperature') >>> print(air_press) surface_temperature / (K) \ (time: 6; latitude: 145; longitude: 192) Dimension coordinates: time \ x - - latitude \ - x - longitude \ - - x Auxiliary coordinates: forecast_period \ x - - Scalar coordinates: forecast_reference_time: 2011-07-23 00:00:00 realization: 10 Attributes: STASH: m01s00i024 source: Data from Met Office Unified Model um_version: 7.6 Cell methods: mean: time (1 hour) >>> print(air_press.rolling_window('time', iris.analysis.MEAN, 3)) surface_temperature / (K) \ (time: 4; latitude: 145; longitude: 192) Dimension coordinates: time \ x - - latitude \ - x - longitude \ - - x Auxiliary coordinates: forecast_period \ x - - Scalar coordinates: forecast_reference_time: 2011-07-23 00:00:00 realization: 10 Attributes: STASH: m01s00i024 source: Data from Met Office Unified Model um_version: 7.6 Cell methods: mean: time (1 hour) mean: time Notice that the forecast_period dimension now represents the 4 possible windows of size 3 from the original cube. """ coord = self._as_list_of_coords(coord)[0] if getattr(coord, "circular", False): raise iris.exceptions.NotYetImplementedError( "Rolling window over a circular coordinate." ) if window < 2: raise ValueError( "Cannot perform rolling window " "with a window size less than 2." ) if coord.ndim > 1: raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateMultiDimError(coord) dimension = self.coord_dims(coord) if len(dimension) != 1: raise iris.exceptions.CoordinateCollapseError( 'Cannot perform rolling window with coordinate "%s", ' "must map to one data dimension." % ) dimension = dimension[0] # Use indexing to get a result-cube of the correct shape. # NB. This indexes the data array which is wasted work. # As index-to-get-shape-then-fiddle is a common pattern, perhaps # some sort of `cube.prepare()` method would be handy to allow # re-shaping with given data, and returning a mapping of # old-to-new-coords (to avoid having to use metadata identity)? new_cube = iris.util._strip_metadata_from_dims(self, [dimension]) key = [slice(None, None)] * self.ndim key[dimension] = slice(None, self.shape[dimension] - window + 1) new_cube = new_cube[tuple(key)] # take a view of the original data using the rolling_window function # this will add an extra dimension to the data at dimension + 1 which # represents the rolled window (i.e. will have a length of window) rolling_window_data = iris.util.rolling_window(, window=window, axis=dimension ) # now update all of the coordinates to reflect the aggregation for coord_ in self.coords(dimensions=dimension): if coord_.has_bounds(): warnings.warn( "The bounds of coordinate %r were ignored in " "the rolling window operation." % ) if coord_.ndim != 1: raise ValueError( "Cannot calculate the rolling " "window of %s as it is a multidimensional " "coordinate." % ) new_bounds = iris.util.rolling_window(coord_.points, window) if np.issubdtype(new_bounds.dtype, np.str_): # Handle case where the AuxCoord contains string. The points # are the serialized form of the points contributing to each # window and the bounds are the first and last points in the # window as with numeric coordinates. new_points = np.apply_along_axis( lambda x: "|".join(x), -1, new_bounds ) new_bounds = new_bounds[:, (0, -1)] else: # Take the first and last element of the rolled window (i.e. # the bounds) and the new points are the midpoints of these # bounds. new_bounds = new_bounds[:, (0, -1)] new_points = np.mean(new_bounds, axis=-1) # wipe the coords points and set the bounds new_coord = new_cube.coord(coord_) new_coord.points = new_points new_coord.bounds = new_bounds # update the metadata of the cube itself aggregator.update_metadata( new_cube, [coord], action="with a rolling window of length %s over" % window, **kwargs, ) # and perform the data transformation, generating weights first if # needed if isinstance( aggregator, iris.analysis.WeightedAggregator ) and aggregator.uses_weighting(**kwargs): if "weights" in kwargs: weights = kwargs["weights"] if weights.ndim > 1 or weights.shape[0] != window: raise ValueError( "Weights for rolling window aggregation " "must be a 1d array with the same length " "as the window." ) kwargs = dict(kwargs) kwargs["weights"] = iris.util.broadcast_to_shape( weights, rolling_window_data.shape, (dimension + 1,) ) data_result = aggregator.aggregate( rolling_window_data, axis=dimension + 1, **kwargs ) result = aggregator.post_process( new_cube, data_result, [coord], **kwargs ) return result
[docs] def interpolate(self, sample_points, scheme, collapse_scalar=True): """ Interpolate from this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` to the given sample points using the given interpolation scheme. Args: * sample_points: A sequence of (coordinate, points) pairs over which to interpolate. The values for coordinates that correspond to dates or times may optionally be supplied as datetime.datetime or cftime.datetime instances. * scheme: The type of interpolation to use to interpolate from this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` to the given sample points. The interpolation schemes currently available in Iris are: * :class:`iris.analysis.Linear`, and * :class:`iris.analysis.Nearest`. Kwargs: * collapse_scalar: Whether to collapse the dimension of scalar sample points in the resulting cube. Default is True. Returns: A cube interpolated at the given sample points. If `collapse_scalar` is True then the dimensionality of the cube will be the number of original cube dimensions minus the number of scalar coordinates. For example: >>> import datetime >>> import iris >>> path = iris.sample_data_path('uk_hires.pp') >>> cube = iris.load_cube(path, 'air_potential_temperature') >>> print(cube.summary(shorten=True)) air_potential_temperature / (K) \ (time: 3; model_level_number: 7; grid_latitude: 204; grid_longitude: 187) >>> print(cube.coord('time')) DimCoord([2009-11-19 10:00:00, 2009-11-19 11:00:00, \ 2009-11-19 12:00:00], standard_name='time', calendar='gregorian') >>> print(cube.coord('time').points) [349618. 349619. 349620.] >>> samples = [('time', 349618.5)] >>> result = cube.interpolate(samples, iris.analysis.Linear()) >>> print(result.summary(shorten=True)) air_potential_temperature / (K) \ (model_level_number: 7; grid_latitude: 204; grid_longitude: 187) >>> print(result.coord('time')) DimCoord([2009-11-19 10:30:00], standard_name='time', \ calendar='gregorian') >>> print(result.coord('time').points) [349618.5] >>> # For datetime-like coordinates, we can also use >>> # datetime-like objects. >>> samples = [('time', datetime.datetime(2009, 11, 19, 10, 30))] >>> result2 = cube.interpolate(samples, iris.analysis.Linear()) >>> print(result2.summary(shorten=True)) air_potential_temperature / (K) \ (model_level_number: 7; grid_latitude: 204; grid_longitude: 187) >>> print(result2.coord('time')) DimCoord([2009-11-19 10:30:00], standard_name='time', \ calendar='gregorian') >>> print(result2.coord('time').points) [349618.5] >>> print(result == result2) True """ coords, points = zip(*sample_points) interp = scheme.interpolator(self, coords) return interp(points, collapse_scalar=collapse_scalar)
[docs] def regrid(self, grid, scheme): r""" Regrid this :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` on to the given target `grid` using the given regridding `scheme`. Args: * grid: A :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that defines the target grid. * scheme: The type of regridding to use to regrid this cube onto the target grid. The regridding schemes in Iris currently include: * :class:`iris.analysis.Linear`\*, * :class:`iris.analysis.Nearest`\*, * :class:`iris.analysis.AreaWeighted`\*, * :class:`iris.analysis.UnstructuredNearest`, * :class:`iris.analysis.PointInCell`, \* Supports lazy regridding. Returns: A cube defined with the horizontal dimensions of the target grid and the other dimensions from this cube. The data values of this cube will be converted to values on the new grid according to the given regridding scheme. The returned cube will have lazy data if the original cube has lazy data and the regridding scheme supports lazy regridding. .. note:: Both the source and target cubes must have a CoordSystem, otherwise this function is not applicable. """ regridder = scheme.regridder(self, grid) return regridder(self)
class ClassDict(MutableMapping): """ A mapping that stores objects keyed on their superclasses and their names. The mapping has a root class, all stored objects must be a subclass of the root class. The superclasses used for an object include the class of the object, but do not include the root class. Only one object is allowed for any key. """ def __init__(self, superclass): if not isinstance(superclass, type): raise TypeError( "The superclass must be a Python type or new " "style class." ) self._superclass = superclass self._basic_map = {} self._retrieval_map = {} def add(self, object_, replace=False): """Add an object to the dictionary.""" if not isinstance(object_, self._superclass): msg = "Only subclasses of {!r} are allowed as values.".format( self._superclass.__name__ ) raise TypeError(msg) # Find all the superclasses of the given object, starting with the # object's class. superclasses = type.mro(type(object_)) if not replace: # Ensure nothing else is already registered against those # superclasses. # NB. This implies the _basic_map will also be empty for this # object. for key_class in superclasses: if key_class in self._retrieval_map: msg = ( "Cannot add instance of '%s' because instance of " "'%s' already added." % (type(object_).__name__, key_class.__name__) ) raise ValueError(msg) # Register the given object against those superclasses. for key_class in superclasses: self._retrieval_map[key_class] = object_ self._retrieval_map[key_class.__name__] = object_ self._basic_map[type(object_)] = object_ def __getitem__(self, class_): try: return self._retrieval_map[class_] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Coordinate system %r does not exist." % class_) def __setitem__(self, key, value): raise NotImplementedError("You must call the add method instead.") def __delitem__(self, class_): cs = self[class_] keys = [k for k, v in self._retrieval_map.items() if v == cs] for key in keys: del self._retrieval_map[key] del self._basic_map[type(cs)] return cs def __len__(self): return len(self._basic_map) def __iter__(self): for item in self._basic_map: yield item def keys(self): """Return the keys of the dictionary mapping.""" return self._basic_map.keys() def sorted_axes(axes): """ Returns the axis names sorted alphabetically, with the exception that 't', 'z', 'y', and, 'x' are sorted to the end. """ return sorted( axes, key=lambda name: ({"x": 4, "y": 3, "z": 2, "t": 1}.get(name, 0), name), ) # See Cube.slice() for the definition/context. class _SliceIterator(Iterator): def __init__(self, cube, dims_index, requested_dims, ordered): self._cube = cube # Let Numpy do some work in providing all of the permutations of our # data shape. This functionality is something like: # ndindex(2, 1, 3) -> [(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, 2), # (1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 0, 2)] self._ndindex = np.ndindex(*dims_index) self._requested_dims = requested_dims # indexing relating to sliced cube self._mod_requested_dims = np.argsort(requested_dims) self._ordered = ordered def __next__(self): # NB. When self._ndindex runs out it will raise StopIteration for us. index_tuple = next(self._ndindex) # Turn the given tuple into a list so that we can do something with it index_list = list(index_tuple) # For each of the spanning dimensions requested, replace the 0 with a # spanning slice for d in self._requested_dims: index_list[d] = slice(None, None) # Request the slice cube = self._cube[tuple(index_list)] if self._ordered: if any(self._mod_requested_dims != list(range(len(cube.shape)))): n = len(self._mod_requested_dims) sliced_dims = np.empty(n, dtype=int) sliced_dims[self._mod_requested_dims] = np.arange(n) cube.transpose(sliced_dims) return cube next = __next__