Source code for iris.coord_systems

# Copyright Iris contributors
# This file is part of Iris and is released under the LGPL license.
# See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER in the root of the repository for full
# licensing details.
Definitions of coordinate systems.


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import warnings

import as ccrs
import numpy as np

def _arg_default(value, default, cast_as=float):
    """Apply a default value and type for an optional kwarg."""
    if value is None:
        value = default
    value = cast_as(value)
    return value

def _1or2_parallels(arg):
    """Accept 1 or 2 inputs as a tuple of 1 or 2 floats."""
        values_tuple = tuple(arg)
    except TypeError:
        values_tuple = (arg,)
    values_tuple = tuple([float(x) for x in values_tuple])
    nvals = len(values_tuple)
    if nvals not in (1, 2):
        emsg = "Allows only 1 or 2 parallels or secant latitudes : got {!r}"
        raise ValueError(emsg.format(arg))
    return values_tuple

def _float_or_None(arg):
    """Cast as float, except for allowing None as a distinct valid value."""
    if arg is not None:
        arg = float(arg)
    return arg

[docs]class CoordSystem(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Abstract base class for coordinate systems. """ grid_mapping_name = None def __eq__(self, other): return ( self.__class__ == other.__class__ and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ ) def __ne__(self, other): # Must supply __ne__, Python does not defer to __eq__ for # negative equality. return not (self == other)
[docs] def xml_element(self, doc, attrs=None): """Default behaviour for coord systems.""" # attrs - optional list of (k,v) items, used for alternate output xml_element_name = type(self).__name__ # lower case the first char first_char = xml_element_name[0] xml_element_name = xml_element_name.replace( first_char, first_char.lower(), 1 ) coord_system_xml_element = doc.createElement(xml_element_name) if attrs is None: attrs = self.__dict__.items() attrs = sorted(attrs, key=lambda attr: attr[0]) for name, value in attrs: if isinstance(value, float): value_str = "{:.16}".format(value) elif isinstance(value, np.float32): value_str = "{:.8}".format(value) else: value_str = "{}".format(value) coord_system_xml_element.setAttribute(name, value_str) return coord_system_xml_element
@staticmethod def _ellipsoid_to_globe(ellipsoid, globe_default): if ellipsoid is not None: globe = ellipsoid.as_cartopy_globe() else: globe = globe_default return globe
[docs] @abstractmethod def as_cartopy_crs(self): """ Return a cartopy CRS representing our native coordinate system. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def as_cartopy_projection(self): """ Return a cartopy projection representing our native map. This will be the same as the :func:`~CoordSystem.as_cartopy_crs` for map projections but for spherical coord systems (which are not map projections) we use a map projection, such as PlateCarree. """ pass
[docs]class GeogCS(CoordSystem): """ A geographic (ellipsoidal) coordinate system, defined by the shape of the Earth and a prime meridian. """ grid_mapping_name = "latitude_longitude" def __init__( self, semi_major_axis=None, semi_minor_axis=None, inverse_flattening=None, longitude_of_prime_meridian=None, ): """ Creates a new GeogCS. Kwargs: * semi_major_axis, semi_minor_axis: Axes of ellipsoid, in metres. At least one must be given (see note below). * inverse_flattening: Can be omitted if both axes given (see note below). Defaults to 0.0 . * longitude_of_prime_meridian: Specifies the prime meridian on the ellipsoid, in degrees. Defaults to 0.0 . If just semi_major_axis is set, with no semi_minor_axis or inverse_flattening, then a perfect sphere is created from the given radius. If just two of semi_major_axis, semi_minor_axis, and inverse_flattening are given the missing element is calculated from the formula: :math:`flattening = (major - minor) / major` Currently, Iris will not allow over-specification (all three ellipsoid parameters). Examples:: cs = GeogCS(6371229) pp_cs = GeogCS(iris.fileformats.pp.EARTH_RADIUS) airy1830 = GeogCS(semi_major_axis=6377563.396, semi_minor_axis=6356256.909) airy1830 = GeogCS(semi_major_axis=6377563.396, inverse_flattening=299.3249646) custom_cs = GeogCS(6400000, 6300000) """ # No ellipsoid specified? (0 0 0) if ( (semi_major_axis is None) and (semi_minor_axis is None) and (inverse_flattening is None) ): raise ValueError("No ellipsoid specified") # Ellipsoid over-specified? (1 1 1) if ( (semi_major_axis is not None) and (semi_minor_axis is not None) and (inverse_flattening is not None) ): raise ValueError("Ellipsoid is overspecified") # Perfect sphere (semi_major_axis only)? (1 0 0) elif semi_major_axis is not None and ( semi_minor_axis is None and not inverse_flattening ): semi_minor_axis = semi_major_axis inverse_flattening = 0.0 # Calculate semi_major_axis? (0 1 1) elif semi_major_axis is None and ( semi_minor_axis is not None and inverse_flattening is not None ): semi_major_axis = -semi_minor_axis / ( (1.0 - inverse_flattening) / inverse_flattening ) # Calculate semi_minor_axis? (1 0 1) elif semi_minor_axis is None and ( semi_major_axis is not None and inverse_flattening is not None ): semi_minor_axis = semi_major_axis - ( (1.0 / inverse_flattening) * semi_major_axis ) # Calculate inverse_flattening? (1 1 0) elif inverse_flattening is None and ( semi_major_axis is not None and semi_minor_axis is not None ): if semi_major_axis == semi_minor_axis: inverse_flattening = 0.0 else: inverse_flattening = 1.0 / ( (semi_major_axis - semi_minor_axis) / semi_major_axis ) # We didn't get enough to specify an ellipse. else: raise ValueError("Insufficient ellipsoid specification") #: Major radius of the ellipsoid in metres. self.semi_major_axis = float(semi_major_axis) #: Minor radius of the ellipsoid in metres. self.semi_minor_axis = float(semi_minor_axis) #: :math:`1/f` where :math:`f = (a-b)/a`. self.inverse_flattening = float(inverse_flattening) #: Describes 'zero' on the ellipsoid in degrees. self.longitude_of_prime_meridian = _arg_default( longitude_of_prime_meridian, 0 ) def _pretty_attrs(self): attrs = [("semi_major_axis", self.semi_major_axis)] if self.semi_major_axis != self.semi_minor_axis: attrs.append(("semi_minor_axis", self.semi_minor_axis)) if self.longitude_of_prime_meridian != 0.0: attrs.append( ( "longitude_of_prime_meridian", self.longitude_of_prime_meridian, ) ) return attrs def __repr__(self): attrs = self._pretty_attrs() # Special case for 1 pretty attr if len(attrs) == 1 and attrs[0][0] == "semi_major_axis": return "GeogCS(%r)" % self.semi_major_axis else: return "GeogCS(%s)" % ", ".join( ["%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in attrs] ) def __str__(self): attrs = self._pretty_attrs() # Special case for 1 pretty attr if len(attrs) == 1 and attrs[0][0] == "semi_major_axis": return "GeogCS({:.16})".format(self.semi_major_axis) else: text_attrs = [] for k, v in attrs: if isinstance(v, float): text_attrs.append("{}={:.16}".format(k, v)) elif isinstance(v, np.float32): text_attrs.append("{}={:.8}".format(k, v)) else: text_attrs.append("{}={}".format(k, v)) return "GeogCS({})".format(", ".join(text_attrs))
[docs] def xml_element(self, doc): # Special output for spheres attrs = self._pretty_attrs() if len(attrs) == 1 and attrs[0][0] == "semi_major_axis": attrs = [("earth_radius", self.semi_major_axis)] return CoordSystem.xml_element(self, doc, attrs)
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): return ccrs.Geodetic(self.as_cartopy_globe())
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return ccrs.PlateCarree( central_longitude=self.longitude_of_prime_meridian, globe=self.as_cartopy_globe(), )
[docs] def as_cartopy_globe(self): # Explicitly set `ellipse` to None as a workaround for # Cartopy setting WGS84 as the default. return ccrs.Globe( semimajor_axis=self.semi_major_axis, semiminor_axis=self.semi_minor_axis, ellipse=None, )
[docs]class RotatedGeogCS(CoordSystem): """ A coordinate system with rotated pole, on an optional :class:`GeogCS`. """ grid_mapping_name = "rotated_latitude_longitude" def __init__( self, grid_north_pole_latitude, grid_north_pole_longitude, north_pole_grid_longitude=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a coordinate system with rotated pole, on an optional :class:`GeogCS`. Args: * grid_north_pole_latitude: The true latitude of the rotated pole in degrees. * grid_north_pole_longitude: The true longitude of the rotated pole in degrees. Kwargs: * north_pole_grid_longitude: Longitude of true north pole in rotated grid, in degrees. Defaults to 0.0 . * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. Examples:: rotated_cs = RotatedGeogCS(30, 30) another_cs = RotatedGeogCS(30, 30, ellipsoid=GeogCS(6400000, 6300000)) """ #: The true latitude of the rotated pole in degrees. self.grid_north_pole_latitude = float(grid_north_pole_latitude) #: The true longitude of the rotated pole in degrees. self.grid_north_pole_longitude = float(grid_north_pole_longitude) #: Longitude of true north pole in rotated grid in degrees. self.north_pole_grid_longitude = _arg_default( north_pole_grid_longitude, 0 ) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def _pretty_attrs(self): attrs = [ ("grid_north_pole_latitude", self.grid_north_pole_latitude), ("grid_north_pole_longitude", self.grid_north_pole_longitude), ] if self.north_pole_grid_longitude != 0.0: attrs.append( ("north_pole_grid_longitude", self.north_pole_grid_longitude) ) if self.ellipsoid is not None: attrs.append(("ellipsoid", self.ellipsoid)) return attrs def __repr__(self): attrs = self._pretty_attrs() result = "RotatedGeogCS(%s)" % ", ".join( ["%s=%r" % (k, v) for k, v in attrs] ) # Extra prettiness result = result.replace("grid_north_pole_latitude=", "") result = result.replace("grid_north_pole_longitude=", "") return result def __str__(self): attrs = self._pretty_attrs() text_attrs = [] for k, v in attrs: if isinstance(v, float): text_attrs.append("{}={:.16}".format(k, v)) elif isinstance(v, np.float32): text_attrs.append("{}={:.8}".format(k, v)) else: text_attrs.append("{}={}".format(k, v)) result = "RotatedGeogCS({})".format(", ".join(text_attrs)) # Extra prettiness result = result.replace("grid_north_pole_latitude=", "") result = result.replace("grid_north_pole_longitude=", "") return result
[docs] def xml_element(self, doc): return CoordSystem.xml_element(self, doc, self._pretty_attrs())
def _ccrs_kwargs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, None) cartopy_kwargs = { "central_rotated_longitude": self.north_pole_grid_longitude, "pole_longitude": self.grid_north_pole_longitude, "pole_latitude": self.grid_north_pole_latitude, "globe": globe, } return cartopy_kwargs
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): return ccrs.RotatedGeodetic(**self._ccrs_kwargs())
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return ccrs.RotatedPole(**self._ccrs_kwargs())
[docs]class TransverseMercator(CoordSystem): """ A cylindrical map projection, with XY coordinates measured in metres. """ grid_mapping_name = "transverse_mercator" def __init__( self, latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_central_meridian, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, scale_factor_at_central_meridian=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a TransverseMercator object. Args: * latitude_of_projection_origin: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. * longitude_of_central_meridian: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. Kwargs: * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * scale_factor_at_central_meridian: Reduces the cylinder to slice through the ellipsoid (secant form). Used to provide TWO longitudes of zero distortion in the area of interest. Defaults to 1.0 . * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. Example:: airy1830 = GeogCS(6377563.396, 6356256.909) osgb = TransverseMercator(49, -2, 400000, -100000, 0.9996012717, ellipsoid=airy1830) """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.latitude_of_projection_origin = float( latitude_of_projection_origin ) #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.longitude_of_central_meridian = float( longitude_of_central_meridian ) #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: Scale factor at the centre longitude. self.scale_factor_at_central_meridian = _arg_default( scale_factor_at_central_meridian, 1.0 ) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "TransverseMercator(latitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, " "longitude_of_central_meridian={!r}, false_easting={!r}, " "false_northing={!r}, scale_factor_at_central_meridian={!r}, " "ellipsoid={!r})".format( self.latitude_of_projection_origin, self.longitude_of_central_meridian, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.scale_factor_at_central_meridian, self.ellipsoid, ) )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, None) return ccrs.TransverseMercator( central_longitude=self.longitude_of_central_meridian, central_latitude=self.latitude_of_projection_origin, false_easting=self.false_easting, false_northing=self.false_northing, scale_factor=self.scale_factor_at_central_meridian, globe=globe, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class OSGB(TransverseMercator): """A Specific transverse mercator projection on a specific ellipsoid.""" def __init__(self): TransverseMercator.__init__( self, 49, -2, 400000, -100000, 0.9996012717, GeogCS(6377563.396, 6356256.909), )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): return ccrs.OSGB()
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return ccrs.OSGB()
[docs]class Orthographic(CoordSystem): """ An orthographic map projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "orthographic" def __init__( self, latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs an Orthographic coord system. Args: * latitude_of_projection_origin: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. * longitude_of_projection_origin: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. Kwargs: * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.latitude_of_projection_origin = float( latitude_of_projection_origin ) #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.longitude_of_projection_origin = float( longitude_of_projection_origin ) #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "Orthographic(latitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, " "longitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, " "false_easting={!r}, false_northing={!r}, " "ellipsoid={!r})".format( self.latitude_of_projection_origin, self.longitude_of_projection_origin, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.ellipsoid, ) )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) warnings.warn( "Discarding false_easting and false_northing that are " "not used by Cartopy." ) return ccrs.Orthographic( central_longitude=self.longitude_of_projection_origin, central_latitude=self.latitude_of_projection_origin, globe=globe, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class VerticalPerspective(CoordSystem): """ A vertical/near-side perspective satellite image map projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "vertical_perspective" def __init__( self, latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, perspective_point_height, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a Vertical Perspective coord system. Args: * latitude_of_projection_origin: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. * longitude_of_projection_origin: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. * perspective_point_height: Altitude of satellite in metres above the surface of the ellipsoid. Kwargs: * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.latitude_of_projection_origin = float( latitude_of_projection_origin ) #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.longitude_of_projection_origin = float( longitude_of_projection_origin ) #: Altitude of satellite in metres. self.perspective_point_height = float(perspective_point_height) # TODO: test if may be cast to float for proj.4 #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "Vertical Perspective(latitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, " "longitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, " "perspective_point_height={!r}, " "false_easting={!r}, false_northing={!r}, " "ellipsoid={!r})".format( self.latitude_of_projection_origin, self.longitude_of_projection_origin, self.perspective_point_height, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.ellipsoid, ) )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) return ccrs.NearsidePerspective( central_latitude=self.latitude_of_projection_origin, central_longitude=self.longitude_of_projection_origin, satellite_height=self.perspective_point_height, false_easting=self.false_easting, false_northing=self.false_northing, globe=globe, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class Geostationary(CoordSystem): """ A geostationary satellite image map projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "geostationary" def __init__( self, latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, perspective_point_height, sweep_angle_axis, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a Geostationary coord system. Args: * latitude_of_projection_origin: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. * longitude_of_projection_origin: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. * perspective_point_height: Altitude of satellite in metres above the surface of the ellipsoid. * sweep_angle_axis (string): The axis along which the satellite instrument sweeps - 'x' or 'y'. Kwargs: * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.latitude_of_projection_origin = float( latitude_of_projection_origin ) if self.latitude_of_projection_origin != 0.0: raise ValueError( "Non-zero latitude of projection currently not" " supported by Cartopy." ) #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.longitude_of_projection_origin = float( longitude_of_projection_origin ) #: Altitude of satellite in metres. self.perspective_point_height = float(perspective_point_height) # TODO: test if may be cast to float for proj.4 #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: The sweep angle axis (string 'x' or 'y'). self.sweep_angle_axis = sweep_angle_axis if self.sweep_angle_axis not in ("x", "y"): raise ValueError('Invalid sweep_angle_axis - must be "x" or "y"') #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "Geostationary(latitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, " "longitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, " "perspective_point_height={!r}, false_easting={!r}, " "false_northing={!r}, sweep_angle_axis={!r}, " "ellipsoid={!r}".format( self.latitude_of_projection_origin, self.longitude_of_projection_origin, self.perspective_point_height, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.sweep_angle_axis, self.ellipsoid, ) )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) return ccrs.Geostationary( central_longitude=self.longitude_of_projection_origin, satellite_height=self.perspective_point_height, false_easting=self.false_easting, false_northing=self.false_northing, globe=globe, sweep_axis=self.sweep_angle_axis, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class Stereographic(CoordSystem): """ A stereographic map projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "stereographic" def __init__( self, central_lat, central_lon, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, true_scale_lat=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a Stereographic coord system. Args: * central_lat: The latitude of the pole. * central_lon: The central longitude, which aligns with the y axis. Kwargs: * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * true_scale_lat: Latitude of true scale. * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.central_lat = float(central_lat) #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.central_lon = float(central_lon) #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: Latitude of true scale. self.true_scale_lat = _arg_default( true_scale_lat, None, cast_as=_float_or_None ) # N.B. the way we use this parameter, we need it to default to None, # and *not* to 0.0 . #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "Stereographic(central_lat={!r}, central_lon={!r}, " "false_easting={!r}, false_northing={!r}, " "true_scale_lat={!r}, " "ellipsoid={!r})".format( self.central_lat, self.central_lon, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.true_scale_lat, self.ellipsoid, ) )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) return ccrs.Stereographic( self.central_lat, self.central_lon, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.true_scale_lat, globe=globe, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class LambertConformal(CoordSystem): """ A coordinate system in the Lambert Conformal conic projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "lambert_conformal_conic" def __init__( self, central_lat=None, central_lon=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, secant_latitudes=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a LambertConformal coord system. Kwargs: * central_lat: The latitude of "unitary scale". Defaults to 39.0 . * central_lon: The central longitude. Defaults to -96.0 . * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * secant_latitudes (number or iterable of 1 or 2 numbers): Latitudes of secant intersection. One or two. Defaults to (33.0, 45.0). * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. .. note: Default arguments are for the familiar USA map: central_lon=-96.0, central_lat=39.0, false_easting=0.0, false_northing=0.0, secant_latitudes=(33, 45) """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.central_lat = _arg_default(central_lat, 39.0) #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.central_lon = _arg_default(central_lon, -96.0) #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: The standard parallels of the cone (tuple of 1 or 2 floats). self.secant_latitudes = _arg_default( secant_latitudes, (33, 45), cast_as=_1or2_parallels ) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "LambertConformal(central_lat={!r}, central_lon={!r}, " "false_easting={!r}, false_northing={!r}, " "secant_latitudes={!r}, ellipsoid={!r})".format( self.central_lat, self.central_lon, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.secant_latitudes, self.ellipsoid, ) )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): # We're either north or south polar. Set a cutoff accordingly. if self.secant_latitudes is not None: lats = self.secant_latitudes max_lat = lats[0] if len(lats) == 2: max_lat = lats[0] if abs(lats[0]) > abs(lats[1]) else lats[1] cutoff = -30 if max_lat > 0 else 30 else: cutoff = None globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) return ccrs.LambertConformal( central_longitude=self.central_lon, central_latitude=self.central_lat, false_easting=self.false_easting, false_northing=self.false_northing, globe=globe, cutoff=cutoff, standard_parallels=self.secant_latitudes, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class Mercator(CoordSystem): """ A coordinate system in the Mercator projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "mercator" def __init__( self, longitude_of_projection_origin=None, ellipsoid=None, standard_parallel=None, ): """ Constructs a Mercator coord system. Kwargs: * longitude_of_projection_origin: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.0 . * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. * standard_parallel: The latitude where the scale is 1. Defaults to 0.0 . """ #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.longitude_of_projection_origin = _arg_default( longitude_of_projection_origin, 0 ) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid #: The latitude where the scale is 1. self.standard_parallel = _arg_default(standard_parallel, 0) def __repr__(self): res = ( "Mercator(longitude_of_projection_origin=" "{self.longitude_of_projection_origin!r}, " "ellipsoid={self.ellipsoid!r}, " "standard_parallel={self.standard_parallel!r})" ) return res.format(self=self)
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) return ccrs.Mercator( central_longitude=self.longitude_of_projection_origin, globe=globe, latitude_true_scale=self.standard_parallel, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class LambertAzimuthalEqualArea(CoordSystem): """ A coordinate system in the Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area" def __init__( self, latitude_of_projection_origin=None, longitude_of_projection_origin=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area coord system. Kwargs: * latitude_of_projection_origin: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.0 . * longitude_of_projection_origin: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.latitude_of_projection_origin = _arg_default( latitude_of_projection_origin, 0 ) #: True longitude of planar origin in degrees. self.longitude_of_projection_origin = _arg_default( longitude_of_projection_origin, 0 ) #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "LambertAzimuthalEqualArea(latitude_of_projection_origin={!r}," " longitude_of_projection_origin={!r}, false_easting={!r}," " false_northing={!r}, ellipsoid={!r})" ).format( self.latitude_of_projection_origin, self.longitude_of_projection_origin, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.ellipsoid, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) return ccrs.LambertAzimuthalEqualArea( central_longitude=self.longitude_of_projection_origin, central_latitude=self.latitude_of_projection_origin, false_easting=self.false_easting, false_northing=self.false_northing, globe=globe, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()
[docs]class AlbersEqualArea(CoordSystem): """ A coordinate system in the Albers Conical Equal Area projection. """ grid_mapping_name = "albers_conical_equal_area" def __init__( self, latitude_of_projection_origin=None, longitude_of_central_meridian=None, false_easting=None, false_northing=None, standard_parallels=None, ellipsoid=None, ): """ Constructs a Albers Conical Equal Area coord system. Kwargs: * latitude_of_projection_origin: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. Defaults to 0.0 . * longitude_of_central_meridian: True longitude of planar central meridian in degrees. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_easting: X offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * false_northing: Y offset from planar origin in metres. Defaults to 0.0 . * standard_parallels (number or iterable of 1 or 2 numbers): The one or two latitudes of correct scale. Defaults to (20.0, 50.0). * ellipsoid (:class:`GeogCS`): If given, defines the ellipsoid. """ #: True latitude of planar origin in degrees. self.latitude_of_projection_origin = _arg_default( latitude_of_projection_origin, 0 ) #: True longitude of planar central meridian in degrees. self.longitude_of_central_meridian = _arg_default( longitude_of_central_meridian, 0 ) #: X offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_easting = _arg_default(false_easting, 0) #: Y offset from planar origin in metres. self.false_northing = _arg_default(false_northing, 0) #: The one or two latitudes of correct scale (tuple of 1 or 2 floats). self.standard_parallels = _arg_default( standard_parallels, (20, 50), cast_as=_1or2_parallels ) #: Ellipsoid definition (:class:`GeogCS` or None). self.ellipsoid = ellipsoid def __repr__(self): return ( "AlbersEqualArea(latitude_of_projection_origin={!r}," " longitude_of_central_meridian={!r}, false_easting={!r}," " false_northing={!r}, standard_parallels={!r}," " ellipsoid={!r})" ).format( self.latitude_of_projection_origin, self.longitude_of_central_meridian, self.false_easting, self.false_northing, self.standard_parallels, self.ellipsoid, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_crs(self): globe = self._ellipsoid_to_globe(self.ellipsoid, ccrs.Globe()) return ccrs.AlbersEqualArea( central_longitude=self.longitude_of_central_meridian, central_latitude=self.latitude_of_projection_origin, false_easting=self.false_easting, false_northing=self.false_northing, standard_parallels=self.standard_parallels, globe=globe, )
[docs] def as_cartopy_projection(self): return self.as_cartopy_crs()