Source code for iris.experimental.geovista

# Copyright Iris contributors
# This file is part of Iris and is released under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.
"""Experimental module for using some GeoVista operations with Iris cubes."""

from geovista import Transform
from geovista.common import VTK_CELL_IDS, VTK_POINT_IDS

from iris.exceptions import CoordinateNotFoundError
from iris.mesh import MeshXY

def _get_coord(cube, axis):
    """Get the axis coordinates from the cube."""
        coord = cube.coord(axis=axis, dim_coords=True)
    except CoordinateNotFoundError:
        coord = cube.coord(axis=axis)
    return coord

[docs] def cube_to_polydata(cube, **kwargs): r"""Create a :class:`pyvista.PolyData` object from a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`. The resulting :class:`~pyvista.PolyData` object can be plotted using a :class:`geovista.geoplotter.GeoPlotter`. Uses :class:`geovista.bridge.Transform` to parse the cube's information - one of: :meth:`~geovista.bridge.Transform.from_1d` / :meth:`~geovista.bridge.Transform.from_2d` / :meth:`~geovista.bridge.Transform.from_unstructured`. Parameters ---------- cube : :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` The Cube containing the spatial information and data for creating the :class:`~pyvista.PolyData`. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the relevant :class:`~geovista.bridge.Transform` method (e.g ``zlevel``). Returns ------- :class:`~pyvista.PolyData` The PolyData object representing the cube's spatial information and data. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with too many dimensions is passed. Only the horizontal data can be represented, meaning a 2D Cube, or 1D Cube if the horizontal space is described by :class:`~iris.mesh.MeshCoord`\ s. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from iris import load_cube, sample_data_path cube = load_cube(sample_data_path("air_temp.pp")) cube_w_time = load_cube(sample_data_path("")) cube_mesh = load_cube(sample_data_path("")) >>> from iris.experimental.geovista import cube_to_polydata Converting a standard 2-dimensional :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with 1-dimensional coordinates: >>> print(cube.summary(shorten=True)) air_temperature / (K) (latitude: 73; longitude: 96) >>> print(cube_to_polydata(cube)) PolyData (... N Cells: 7008 N Points: 7178 N Strips: 0 X Bounds: -9.992e-01, 9.992e-01 Y Bounds: -9.992e-01, 9.992e-01 Z Bounds: -1.000e+00, 1.000e+00 N Arrays: 4 Configure the conversion by passing additional keyword arguments: >>> print(cube_to_polydata(cube, radius=2)) PolyData (... N Cells: 7008 N Points: 7178 N Strips: 0 X Bounds: -1.998e+00, 1.998e+00 Y Bounds: -1.998e+00, 1.998e+00 Z Bounds: -2.000e+00, 2.000e+00 N Arrays: 4 Converting a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` that has a :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.mesh` describing its horizontal space: >>> print(cube_mesh.summary(shorten=True)) synthetic / (1) (-- : 96) >>> print(cube_to_polydata(cube_mesh)) PolyData (... N Cells: 96 N Points: 98 N Strips: 0 X Bounds: -1.000e+00, 1.000e+00 Y Bounds: -1.000e+00, 1.000e+00 Z Bounds: -1.000e+00, 1.000e+00 N Arrays: 4 Remember to reduce the dimensionality of your :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` to just be the horizontal space: >>> print(cube_w_time.summary(shorten=True)) air_temperature / (K) (time: 240; latitude: 37; longitude: 49) >>> print(cube_to_polydata(cube_w_time[0, :, :])) PolyData (... N Cells: 1813 N Points: 1900 N Strips: 0 X Bounds: -6.961e-01, 6.961e-01 Y Bounds: -9.686e-01, -3.411e-01 Z Bounds: 2.483e-01, 8.714e-01 N Arrays: 4 """ if cube.mesh: if cube.ndim != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Cubes with a mesh must be one dimensional") lons, lats = cube.mesh.node_coords face_node = cube.mesh.face_node_connectivity indices = face_node.indices_by_location() polydata = Transform.from_unstructured( xs=lons.points, ys=lats.points, connectivity=indices,, name=f"{} / ({cube.units})", start_index=face_node.start_index, **kwargs, ) # TODO: Add support for point clouds elif cube.ndim == 2: x_coord = _get_coord(cube, "X") y_coord = _get_coord(cube, "Y") transform_kwargs = dict( xs=x_coord.contiguous_bounds(), ys=y_coord.contiguous_bounds(),, name=f"{} / ({cube.units})", **kwargs, ) coord_system = cube.coord_system() if coord_system: transform_kwargs["crs"] = coord_system.as_cartopy_crs().proj4_init if x_coord.ndim == 2 and y_coord.ndim == 2: polydata = Transform.from_2d(**transform_kwargs) elif x_coord.ndim == 1 and y_coord.ndim == 1: polydata = Transform.from_1d(**transform_kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError("Only 1D and 2D coordinates are supported") else: raise NotImplementedError("Cube must have a mesh or have 2 dimensions") return polydata
[docs] def extract_unstructured_region(cube, polydata, region, **kwargs): """Index a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` with a :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.mesh` to a specific region. Uses :meth:`geovista.geodesic.BBox.enclosed` to identify the `cube` indices that are within the specified region (`region` being a :class:`~geovista.geodesic.BBox` class). Parameters ---------- cube : :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` The cube to be indexed (must have a :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.mesh`). polydata : :class:`pyvista.PolyData` A :class:`~pyvista.PolyData` representing the same horizontal space as `cube`. The region extraction is first applied to `polydata`, with the resulting indices then applied to `cube`. In many cases `polydata` can be created by applying :func:`cube_to_polydata` to `cube`. region : :class:`geovista.geodesic.BBox` A :class:`~geovista.geodesic.BBox` representing the region to be extracted. **kwargs : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to be passed to the :meth:`geovista.geodesic.BBox.enclosed` method (e.g ``preference``). Returns ------- :class:`~iris.cube.Cube` The region extracted cube. Raises ------ ValueError If `polydata` and the :attr:`~iris.cube.Cube.mesh` on `cube` do not have the same shape. Examples -------- .. testsetup:: from iris import load_cube, sample_data_path from iris.coords import AuxCoord from iris.cube import CubeList file_path = sample_data_path("") cube_w_mesh = load_cube(file_path) level_cubes = CubeList() for height_level in range(72): height_coord = AuxCoord([height_level], standard_name="height") level_cube = cube_w_mesh.copy() level_cube.add_aux_coord(height_coord) level_cubes.append(level_cube) cube_w_mesh = level_cubes.merge_cube() other_cube_w_mesh = cube_w_mesh[:20, :] The parameters of :func:`extract_unstructured_region` have been designed with flexibility and reuse in mind. This is demonstrated below. >>> from geovista.geodesic import BBox >>> from iris.experimental.geovista import cube_to_polydata, extract_unstructured_region >>> print(cube_w_mesh.shape) (72, 96) >>> # The mesh dimension represents the horizontal space of the cube. >>> print(cube_w_mesh.shape[cube_w_mesh.mesh_dim()]) 96 >>> cube_polydata = cube_to_polydata(cube_w_mesh[0, :]) >>> extracted_cube = extract_unstructured_region( ... cube=cube_w_mesh, ... polydata=cube_polydata, ... region=BBox(lons=[0, 70, 70, 0], lats=[-25, -25, 45, 45]), ... ) >>> print(extracted_cube.shape) (72, 11) Now reuse the same `cube` and `polydata` to extract a different region: >>> new_region = BBox(lons=[0, 35, 35, 0], lats=[-25, -25, 45, 45]) >>> extracted_cube = extract_unstructured_region( ... cube=cube_w_mesh, ... polydata=cube_polydata, ... region=new_region, ... ) >>> print(extracted_cube.shape) (72, 6) Now apply the same region extraction to a different `cube` that has the same horizontal shape: >>> print(other_cube_w_mesh.shape) (20, 96) >>> extracted_cube = extract_unstructured_region( ... cube=other_cube_w_mesh, ... polydata=cube_polydata, ... region=new_region, ... ) >>> print(extracted_cube.shape) (20, 6) Arbitrary keywords can be passed down to :meth:`geovista.geodesic.BBox.enclosed` (``outside`` in this example): >>> extracted_cube = extract_unstructured_region( ... cube=other_cube_w_mesh, ... polydata=cube_polydata, ... region=new_region, ... outside=True, ... ) >>> print(extracted_cube.shape) (20, 90) """ if cube.mesh: # Find what dimension the mesh is in on the cube mesh_dim = cube.mesh_dim() recreate_mesh = False if cube.location == "face": polydata_length = polydata.GetNumberOfCells() indices_key = VTK_CELL_IDS recreate_mesh = True elif cube.location == "node": polydata_length = polydata.GetNumberOfPoints() indices_key = VTK_POINT_IDS else: raise NotImplementedError( f"cube.location must be `face` or `node`. Found: {cube.location}." ) if cube.shape[mesh_dim] != polydata_length: raise ValueError( f"The mesh on the cube and the polydata" f"must have the same shape." f" Found Mesh: {cube.shape[mesh_dim]}," f" Polydata: {polydata_length}." ) region_polydata = region.enclosed(polydata, **kwargs) indices = region_polydata[indices_key] if len(indices) == 0: raise IndexError("No part of `polydata` falls within `region`.") my_tuple = tuple( [slice(None) if i != mesh_dim else indices for i in range(cube.ndim)] ) region_cube = cube[my_tuple] if recreate_mesh: coords_on_mesh_dim = region_cube.coords(dimensions=mesh_dim) new_mesh = MeshXY.from_coords( *[c for c in coords_on_mesh_dim if c.has_bounds()] ) new_mesh_coords = new_mesh.to_MeshCoords(cube.location) for coord in new_mesh_coords: region_cube.remove_coord( region_cube.add_aux_coord(coord, mesh_dim) # TODO: Support unstructured point based data without a mesh else: raise ValueError("Cube must have a mesh") return region_cube