Source code for iris.common.metadata

# Copyright Iris contributors
# This file is part of Iris and is released under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.
"""Provides the infrastructure to support the common metadata API."""

from abc import ABCMeta
from collections import namedtuple
from import Iterable, Mapping
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import lru_cache, wraps
import re

import numpy as np
import as ma
from xxhash import xxh64_hexdigest

from ..config import get_logger
from ._split_attribute_dicts import adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries
from .lenient import _LENIENT
from .lenient import _lenient_service as lenient_service
from .lenient import _qualname as qualname

__all__ = [


_TOKEN_PARSE = re.compile(r"""^[a-zA-Z0-9][\w\.\+\-@]*$""")

# Configure the logger.
logger = get_logger(__name__, fmt="[%(cls)s.%(funcName)s]")

[docs]def hexdigest(item): """Calculate a hexadecimal string hash representation of the provided item. Calculates a 64-bit non-cryptographic hash of the provided item, using the extremely fast ``xxhash`` hashing algorithm, and returns the hexdigest string representation of the hash. This provides a means to compare large and/or complex objects through simple string hexdigest comparison. Parameters ---------- item : object The item that requires to have its hexdigest calculated. Returns ------- str The string hexadecimal representation of the item's 64-bit hash. """ # Special case: deal with numpy arrays. if ma.isMaskedArray(item): parts = ( item.shape, xxh64_hexdigest(, xxh64_hexdigest(item.mask), ) item = str(parts) elif isinstance(item, np.ndarray): parts = (item.shape, xxh64_hexdigest(item)) item = str(parts) try: # Calculate single-shot hash to avoid allocating state on the heap result = xxh64_hexdigest(item) except TypeError: # xxhash expects a bytes-like object, so try hashing the # string representation of the provided item instead, but # also fold in the object type... parts = (type(item), item) result = xxh64_hexdigest(str(parts)) return result
class _NamedTupleMeta(ABCMeta): """Meta-class convenience for creating a namedtuple. Meta-class to support the convenience of creating a namedtuple from names/members of the metadata class hierarchy. """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace): names = [] for base in bases: if hasattr(base, "_fields"): base_names = getattr(base, "_fields") is_abstract = getattr(base_names, "__isabstractmethod__", False) if not is_abstract: if (not isinstance(base_names, Iterable)) or isinstance( base_names, str ): base_names = (base_names,) names.extend(base_names) if "_members" in namespace and not getattr( namespace["_members"], "__isabstractmethod__", False ): namespace_names = namespace["_members"] if (not isinstance(namespace_names, Iterable)) or isinstance( namespace_names, str ): namespace_names = (namespace_names,) names.extend(namespace_names) if names: item = namedtuple(f"{name}Namedtuple", names) bases = list(bases) # Influence the appropriate MRO. bases.insert(0, item) bases = tuple(bases) return super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, namespace)
[docs]class BaseMetadata(metaclass=_NamedTupleMeta): """Container for common metadata.""" DEFAULT_NAME = "unknown" # the fall-back name for metadata identity _members = ( "standard_name", "long_name", "var_name", "units", "attributes", ) __slots__ = ()
[docs] @lenient_service def __eq__(self, other): """Determine whether the associated metadata members are equivalent. Parameters ---------- other : metadata A metadata instance of the same type. Returns ------- bool """ result = NotImplemented # Only perform equivalence with similar class instances. if hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is self.__class__: if _LENIENT(self.__eq__) or _LENIENT(self.equal): # Perform "lenient" equality. logger.debug("lenient", extra=dict(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) result = self._compare_lenient(other) else: # Perform "strict" equality. logger.debug("strict", extra=dict(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) if self._is_attributes(field, left, right): result = self._compare_strict_attributes(left, right) else: result = left == right return result # Note that, for strict we use "_fields" not "_members". # TODO: refactor so that 'non-participants' can be held in their specific subclasses. # Certain members never participate in strict equivalence, so # are filtered out. fields = filter( lambda field: field not in ( "circular", "location_axis", "node_dimension", "edge_dimension", "face_dimension", ), self._fields, ) result = all([func(field) for field in fields]) return result
def __lt__(self, other): # # Support Python2 behaviour for a "<" operation involving a # "NoneType" operand. # if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented def _sort_key(item): keys = [] for field in item._fields: if field != "attributes": value = getattr(item, field) keys.extend((value is not None, value)) return tuple(keys) return _sort_key(self) < _sort_key(other) def __ne__(self, other): result = self.__eq__(other) if result is not NotImplemented: result = not result return result def __str__(self): field_strings = [] for field in self._fields: value = getattr(self, field) if value is None or isinstance(value, (str, Mapping)) and not value: continue field_strings.append(f"{field}={value}") return f"{type(self).__name__}({', '.join(field_strings)})" def _api_common(self, other, func_service, func_operation, action, lenient=None): """Perform common entry-point for lenient metadata API methods. Parameters ---------- other : metadata A metadata instance of the same type. func_service : callable The parent service method offering the API entry-point to the service. func_operation : callable The parent service method that provides the actual service. action : str The verb describing the service operation. lenient : bool, optional Enable/disable the lenient service operation. The default is to automatically detect whether this lenient service operation is enabled. Returns ------- The result of the service operation to the parent service caller. """ # Ensure that we have similar class instances. if not hasattr(other, "__class__") or other.__class__ is not self.__class__: emsg = "Cannot {} {!r} with {!r}." raise TypeError(emsg.format(action, self.__class__.__name__, type(other))) if lenient is None: result = func_operation(other) else: if lenient: # Use qualname to disassociate from the instance bounded method. args, kwargs = (qualname(func_service),), dict() else: # Use qualname to guarantee that the instance bounded method # is a hashable key. args, kwargs = (), {qualname(func_service): False} with _LENIENT.context(*args, **kwargs): result = func_operation(other) return result def _combine(self, other): """Perform associated metadata member combination.""" if _LENIENT(self.combine): # Perform "lenient" combine. logger.debug("lenient", extra=dict(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) values = self._combine_lenient(other) else: # Perform "strict" combine. logger.debug("strict", extra=dict(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) if self._is_attributes(field, left, right): result = self._combine_strict_attributes(left, right) else: result = left if left == right else None return result # Note that, for strict we use "_fields" not "_members". values = [func(field) for field in self._fields] return values def _combine_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient combination of metadata members. Parameters ---------- other : BaseMetadata The other metadata participating in the lenient combination. Returns ------- A list of combined metadata member values. """ def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) result = None if field == "units": # Perform "strict" combination for "units". result = left if left == right else None elif self._is_attributes(field, left, right): result = self._combine_lenient_attributes(left, right) else: if left == right: result = left elif left is None: result = right elif right is None: result = left return result # Note that, we use "_members" not "_fields". return [func(field) for field in BaseMetadata._members] @staticmethod def _combine_lenient_attributes(left, right): """Leniently combine the dictionary members together.""" # Copy the dictionaries. left = deepcopy(left) right = deepcopy(right) # Use xxhash to perform an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash of # each dictionary key rvalue, thus ensuring that the dictionary is # completely hashable, as required by a set. sleft = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in left.items()} sright = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in right.items()} # Intersection of common items. common = sleft & sright # Items in sleft different from sright. dsleft = dict(sleft - sright) # Items in sright different from sleft. dsright = dict(sright - sleft) # Intersection of common item keys with different values. keys = set(dsleft.keys()) & set(dsright.keys()) # Remove (in-place) common item keys with different values. [dsleft.pop(key) for key in keys] [dsright.pop(key) for key in keys] # Now bring the result together. result = {k: left[k] for k, _ in common} result.update({k: left[k] for k in dsleft.keys()}) result.update({k: right[k] for k in dsright.keys()}) return result @staticmethod def _combine_strict_attributes(left, right): """Perform strict combination of the dictionary members.""" # Copy the dictionaries. left = deepcopy(left) right = deepcopy(right) # Use xxhash to perform an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash of # each dictionary key rvalue, thus ensuring that the dictionary is # completely hashable, as required by a set. sleft = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in left.items()} sright = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in right.items()} # Intersection of common items. common = sleft & sright # Now bring the result together. result = {k: left[k] for k, _ in common} return result def _compare_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient equality of metadata members. Parameters ---------- other : BaseMetadata The other metadata participating in the lenient comparison. Returns ------- bool """ result = False # Use the "name" method to leniently compare "standard_name", # "long_name", and "var_name" in a well defined way. if == def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) if field == "units": # Perform "strict" compare for "units". result = left == right elif self._is_attributes(field, left, right): result = self._compare_lenient_attributes(left, right) else: # Perform "lenient" compare for members. result = (left == right) or left is None or right is None return result # Note that, we use "_members" not "_fields". # Lenient equality explicitly ignores the "var_name" member. result = all( [func(field) for field in BaseMetadata._members if field != "var_name"] ) return result @staticmethod def _compare_lenient_attributes(left, right): """Perform lenient compare between the dictionary members.""" # Use xxhash to perform an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash of # each dictionary key rvalue, thus ensuring that the dictionary is # completely hashable, as required by a set. sleft = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in left.items()} sright = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in right.items()} # Items in sleft different from sright. dsleft = dict(sleft - sright) # Items in sright different from sleft. dsright = dict(sright - sleft) # Intersection of common item keys with different values. keys = set(dsleft.keys()) & set(dsright.keys()) return not bool(keys) @staticmethod def _compare_strict_attributes(left, right): """Perform strict compare between the dictionary members.""" # Use xxhash to perform an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash of # each dictionary key rvalue, thus ensuring that the dictionary is # completely hashable, as required by a set. sleft = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in left.items()} sright = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in right.items()} return sleft == sright def _difference(self, other): """Perform associated metadata member difference.""" if _LENIENT(self.difference): # Perform "lenient" difference. logger.debug("lenient", extra=dict(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) values = self._difference_lenient(other) else: # Perform "strict" difference. logger.debug("strict", extra=dict(cls=self.__class__.__name__)) def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) if self._is_attributes(field, left, right): result = self._difference_strict_attributes(left, right) else: result = None if left == right else (left, right) return result # Note that, for strict we use "_fields" not "_members". values = [func(field) for field in self._fields] return values def _difference_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient difference of metadata members. Parameters ---------- other : BaseMetadata The other metadata participating in the lenient difference. Returns ------- A list of difference metadata member values. """ def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) if field == "units": # Perform "strict" difference for "units". result = None if left == right else (left, right) elif self._is_attributes(field, left, right): result = self._difference_lenient_attributes(left, right) else: # Perform "lenient" difference for members. result = ( (left, right) if left is not None and right is not None and left != right else None ) return result # Note that, we use "_members" not "_fields". return [func(field) for field in BaseMetadata._members] @staticmethod def _difference_lenient_attributes(left, right): """Perform lenient difference between the dictionary members.""" # Use xxhash to perform an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash of # each dictionary key rvalue, thus ensuring that the dictionary is # completely hashable, as required by a set. sleft = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in left.items()} sright = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in right.items()} # Items in sleft different from sright. dsleft = dict(sleft - sright) # Items in sright different from sleft. dsright = dict(sright - sleft) # Intersection of common item keys with different values. keys = set(dsleft.keys()) & set(dsright.keys()) # Keep (in-place) common item keys with different values. [dsleft.pop(key) for key in list(dsleft.keys()) if key not in keys] [dsright.pop(key) for key in list(dsright.keys()) if key not in keys] if not bool(dsleft) and not bool(dsright): result = None else: # Replace hash-rvalue with original rvalue. dsleft = {k: left[k] for k in dsleft.keys()} dsright = {k: right[k] for k in dsright.keys()} result = (dsleft, dsright) return result @staticmethod def _difference_strict_attributes(left, right): """Perform strict difference between the dictionary members.""" # Use xxhash to perform an extremely fast non-cryptographic hash of # each dictionary key rvalue, thus ensuring that the dictionary is # completely hashable, as required by a set. sleft = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in left.items()} sright = {(k, hexdigest(v)) for k, v in right.items()} # Items in sleft different from sright. dsleft = dict(sleft - sright) # Items in sright different from sleft. dsright = dict(sright - sleft) if not bool(dsleft) and not bool(dsright): result = None else: # Replace hash-rvalue with original rvalue. dsleft = {k: left[k] for k in dsleft.keys()} dsright = {k: right[k] for k in dsright.keys()} result = (dsleft, dsright) return result @staticmethod def _is_attributes(field, left, right): """Determine whether we have two 'attributes' dictionaries.""" return ( field == "attributes" and isinstance(left, Mapping) and isinstance(right, Mapping) )
[docs] @lenient_service def combine(self, other, lenient=None): """Return a new metadata instance created by combining each of the associated metadata members. Parameters ---------- other : metadata A metadata instance of the same type. lenient : bool, optional Enable/disable lenient combination. The default is to automatically detect whether this lenient operation is enabled. Returns ------- Metadata instance. """ result = self._api_common( other, self.combine, self._combine, "combine", lenient=lenient ) return self.__class__(*result)
[docs] @lenient_service def difference(self, other, lenient=None): """Perform lenient metadata difference operation. Return a new metadata instance created by performing a difference comparison between each of the associated metadata members. A metadata member returned with a value of "None" indicates that there is no difference between the members being compared. Otherwise, a tuple of the different values is returned. Parameters ---------- other : metadata A metadata instance of the same type. lenient : bool, optional Enable/disable lenient difference. The default is to automatically detect whether this lenient operation is enabled. Returns ------- Metadata instance of member differences or None. """ result = self._api_common( other, self.difference, self._difference, "differ", lenient=lenient ) result = ( None if all([item is None for item in result]) else self.__class__(*result) ) return result
[docs] @lenient_service def equal(self, other, lenient=None): """Determine whether the associated metadata members are equivalent. Parameters ---------- other : metadata A metadata instance of the same type. lenient : bool, optional Enable/disable lenient equivalence. The default is to automatically detect whether this lenient operation is enabled. Returns ------- bool """ result = self._api_common( other, self.equal, self.__eq__, "compare", lenient=lenient ) return result
[docs] @classmethod def from_metadata(cls, other): """Convert metadata instance to this metadata type. Convert the provided metadata instance from a different type to this metadata type, using only the relevant metadata members. Non-common metadata members are set to ``None``. Parameters ---------- other : metadata A metadata instance of any type. Returns ------- New metadata instance. """ result = None if isinstance(other, BaseMetadata): if other.__class__ is cls: result = other else: kwargs = {field: None for field in cls._fields} fields = set(cls._fields) & set(other._fields) for field in fields: kwargs[field] = getattr(other, field) result = cls(**kwargs) return result
[docs] def name(self, default=None, token=False): """Return a string name representing the identity of the metadata. First it tries standard name, then it tries the long name, then the NetCDF variable name, before falling-back to a default value, which itself defaults to the string 'unknown'. Parameters ---------- default : optional The fall-back string representing the default name. Defaults to the string 'unknown'. token : bool, default=False If True, ensures that the name returned satisfies the criteria for the characters required by a valid NetCDF name. If it is not possible to return a valid name, then a ValueError exception is raised. Defaults to False. Returns ------- str """ def _check(item): return self.token(item) if token else item default = self.DEFAULT_NAME if default is None else default result = ( _check(self.standard_name) or _check(self.long_name) or _check(self.var_name) or _check(default) ) if token and result is None: emsg = "Cannot retrieve a valid name token from {!r}" raise ValueError(emsg.format(self)) return result
[docs] @classmethod def token(cls, name): """Verify validity of provided NetCDF name. Determine whether the provided name is a valid NetCDF name and thus safe to represent a single parsable token. Parameters ---------- name : str The string name to verify. Returns ------- The provided name if valid, otherwise None. """ if name is not None: result = _TOKEN_PARSE.match(name) name = result if result is None else name return name
[docs]class AncillaryVariableMetadata(BaseMetadata): """Metadata container for a :class:`~iris.coords.AncillaryVariableMetadata`.""" __slots__ = ()
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.__eq__, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def __eq__(self, other): return super().__eq__(other)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.combine, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def combine(self, other, lenient=None): return super().combine(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.difference, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def difference(self, other, lenient=None): return super().difference(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.equal, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def equal(self, other, lenient=None): return super().equal(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs]class CellMeasureMetadata(BaseMetadata): """Metadata container for a :class:`~iris.coords.CellMeasure`.""" _members = "measure" __slots__ = ()
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.__eq__, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def __eq__(self, other): return super().__eq__(other)
def _combine_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient combination of metadata members for cell measures. Parameters ---------- other : CellMeasureMetadata The other cell measure metadata participating in the lenient combination. Returns ------- A list of combined metadata member values. """ # Perform "strict" combination for "measure". value = self.measure if self.measure == other.measure else None # Perform lenient combination of the other parent members. result = super()._combine_lenient(other) result.append(value) return result def _compare_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient equality of metadata members for cell measures. Parameters ---------- other : CellMeasureMetadata The other cell measure metadata participating in the lenient comparison. Returns ------- bool """ # Perform "strict" comparison for "measure". result = self.measure == other.measure if result: # Perform lenient comparison of the other parent members. result = super()._compare_lenient(other) return result def _difference_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient difference of metadata members for cell measures. Parameters ---------- other : CellMeasureMetadata The other cell measure metadata participating in the lenient difference. Returns ------- A list of difference metadata member values. """ # Perform "strict" difference for "measure". value = None if self.measure == other.measure else (self.measure, other.measure) # Perform lenient difference of the other parent members. result = super()._difference_lenient(other) result.append(value) return result
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.combine, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def combine(self, other, lenient=None): return super().combine(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.difference, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def difference(self, other, lenient=None): return super().difference(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.equal, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def equal(self, other, lenient=None): return super().equal(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs]class CoordMetadata(BaseMetadata): """Metadata container for a :class:`~iris.coords.Coord`.""" _members = ("coord_system", "climatological") __slots__ = ()
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.__eq__, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def __eq__(self, other): # Convert a DimCoordMetadata instance to a CoordMetadata instance. if ( self.__class__ is CoordMetadata and hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is DimCoordMetadata ): other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other): # # Support Python2 behaviour for a "<" operation involving a # "NoneType" operand. # if not isinstance(other, BaseMetadata): return NotImplemented if other.__class__ is DimCoordMetadata: other = self.from_metadata(other) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented def _sort_key(item): keys = [] for field in item._fields: if field not in ("attributes", "coord_system"): value = getattr(item, field) keys.extend((value is not None, value)) return tuple(keys) return _sort_key(self) < _sort_key(other) def _combine_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient combination of metadata members for coordinates. Parameters ---------- other : CoordMetadata The other coordinate metadata participating in the lenient combination. Returns ------- A list of combined metadata member values. """ # Perform "strict" combination for "coord_system" and "climatological". def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) return left if left == right else None # Note that, we use "_members" not "_fields". values = [func(field) for field in CoordMetadata._members] # Perform lenient combination of the other parent members. result = super()._combine_lenient(other) result.extend(values) return result def _compare_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient equality of metadata members for coordinates. Parameters ---------- other : CoordMetadata The other coordinate metadata participating in the lenient comparison. Returns ------- bool """ # Perform "strict" comparison for "coord_system" and "climatological". result = all( [ getattr(self, field) == getattr(other, field) for field in CoordMetadata._members ] ) if result: # Perform lenient comparison of the other parent members. result = super()._compare_lenient(other) return result def _difference_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient difference of metadata members for coordinates. Parameters ---------- other : CoordMetadata The other coordinate metadata participating in the lenient difference. Returns ------- A list of difference metadata member values. """ # Perform "strict" difference for "coord_system" and "climatological". def func(field): left = getattr(self, field) right = getattr(other, field) return None if left == right else (left, right) # Note that, we use "_members" not "_fields". values = [func(field) for field in CoordMetadata._members] # Perform lenient difference of the other parent members. result = super()._difference_lenient(other) result.extend(values) return result
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.combine, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def combine(self, other, lenient=None): # Convert a DimCoordMetadata instance to a CoordMetadata instance. if ( self.__class__ is CoordMetadata and hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is DimCoordMetadata ): other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().combine(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.difference, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def difference(self, other, lenient=None): # Convert a DimCoordMetadata instance to a CoordMetadata instance. if ( self.__class__ is CoordMetadata and hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is DimCoordMetadata ): other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().difference(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.equal, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def equal(self, other, lenient=None): # Convert a DimCoordMetadata instance to a CoordMetadata instance. if ( self.__class__ is CoordMetadata and hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is DimCoordMetadata ): other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().equal(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs]class CubeMetadata(BaseMetadata): """Metadata container for a :class:`~iris.cube.Cube`.""" _members = "cell_methods" __slots__ = ()
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.__eq__, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def __eq__(self, other): return super().__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other): # # Support Python2 behaviour for a "<" operation involving a # "NoneType" operand. # if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented def _sort_key(item): keys = [] for field in item._fields: if field not in ("attributes", "cell_methods"): value = getattr(item, field) keys.extend((value is not None, value)) return tuple(keys) return _sort_key(self) < _sort_key(other) def _combine_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient combination of metadata members for cubes. Parameters ---------- other : CubeMetadata The other cube metadata participating in the lenient combination. Returns ------- A list of combined metadata member values. """ # Perform "strict" combination for "cell_methods". value = self.cell_methods if self.cell_methods == other.cell_methods else None # Perform lenient combination of the other parent members. result = super()._combine_lenient(other) result.append(value) return result def _compare_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient equality of metadata members for cubes. Parameters ---------- other : CubeMetadata The other cube metadata participating in the lenient comparison. Returns ------- bool """ # Perform "strict" comparison for "cell_methods". result = self.cell_methods == other.cell_methods if result: result = super()._compare_lenient(other) return result def _difference_lenient(self, other): """Perform lenient difference of metadata members for cubes. Parameters ---------- other : CubeMetadata The other cube metadata participating in the lenient difference. Returns ------- A list of difference metadata member values. """ # Perform "strict" difference for "cell_methods". value = ( None if self.cell_methods == other.cell_methods else (self.cell_methods, other.cell_methods) ) # Perform lenient difference of the other parent members. result = super()._difference_lenient(other) result.append(value) return result @property def _names(self): """A tuple containing the value of each name participating in the identity of a cube. A tuple containing the value of each name participating in the identity of a :class:`iris.cube.Cube`. This includes the standard name, long name, NetCDF variable name, and the STASH from the attributes dictionary. """ standard_name = self.standard_name long_name = self.long_name var_name = self.var_name # Defensive enforcement of attributes being a dictionary. if not isinstance(self.attributes, Mapping): try: self.attributes = dict() except AttributeError: emsg = "Invalid '{}.attributes' member, must be a mapping." raise AttributeError(emsg.format(self.__class__.__name__)) stash_name = self.attributes.get("STASH") if stash_name is not None: stash_name = str(stash_name) return standard_name, long_name, var_name, stash_name
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.combine, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def combine(self, other, lenient=None): return super().combine(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.difference, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def difference(self, other, lenient=None): return super().difference(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(BaseMetadata.equal, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def equal(self, other, lenient=None): return super().equal(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps( def name(self, default=None, token=False): def _check(item): return self.token(item) if token else item default = self.DEFAULT_NAME if default is None else default # Defensive enforcement of attributes being a dictionary. if not isinstance(self.attributes, Mapping): try: self.attributes = dict() except AttributeError: emsg = "Invalid '{}.attributes' member, must be a mapping." raise AttributeError(emsg.format(self.__class__.__name__)) result = ( _check(self.standard_name) or _check(self.long_name) or _check(self.var_name) or _check(str(self.attributes.get("STASH", ""))) or _check(default) ) if token and result is None: emsg = "Cannot retrieve a valid name token from {!r}" raise ValueError(emsg.format(self)) return result
# # Override each of the attribute-dict operations in BaseMetadata, to enable # them to deal with split-attribute dictionaries correctly. # There are 6 of these, for (equals/combine/difference) * (lenient/strict). # Each is overridden with a *wrapped* version of the parent method, using the # "@adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries" decorator, which converts any # split-attribute dictionaries in the inputs to ordinary dicts, and likewise # re-converts any dictionaries in the return value. # @staticmethod @adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries def _combine_lenient_attributes(left, right): return BaseMetadata._combine_lenient_attributes(left, right) @staticmethod @adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries def _combine_strict_attributes(left, right): return BaseMetadata._combine_strict_attributes(left, right) @staticmethod @adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries def _compare_lenient_attributes(left, right): return BaseMetadata._compare_lenient_attributes(left, right) @staticmethod @adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries def _compare_strict_attributes(left, right): return BaseMetadata._compare_strict_attributes(left, right) @staticmethod @adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries def _difference_lenient_attributes(left, right): return BaseMetadata._difference_lenient_attributes(left, right) @staticmethod @adjust_for_split_attribute_dictionaries def _difference_strict_attributes(left, right): return BaseMetadata._difference_strict_attributes(left, right)
[docs]class DimCoordMetadata(CoordMetadata): """Metadata container for a :class:`~iris.coords.DimCoord`.""" # The "circular" member is stateful only, and does not participate # in lenient/strict equivalence. _members = ("circular",) __slots__ = ()
[docs] @wraps(CoordMetadata.__eq__, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def __eq__(self, other): # Convert a CoordMetadata instance to a DimCoordMetadata instance. if hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is CoordMetadata: other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().__eq__(other)
def __lt__(self, other): # # Support Python2 behaviour for a "<" operation involving a # "NoneType" operand. # if not isinstance(other, BaseMetadata): return NotImplemented if other.__class__ is CoordMetadata: other = self.from_metadata(other) if not isinstance(other, self.__class__): return NotImplemented def _sort_key(item): keys = [] for field in item._fields: if field not in ("attributes", "coord_system"): value = getattr(item, field) keys.extend((value is not None, value)) return tuple(keys) return _sort_key(self) < _sort_key(other) @wraps(CoordMetadata._combine_lenient, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) def _combine_lenient(self, other): # Perform "strict" combination for "circular". value = self.circular if self.circular == other.circular else None # Perform lenient combination of the other parent members. result = super()._combine_lenient(other) result.append(value) return result @wraps(CoordMetadata._compare_lenient, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) def _compare_lenient(self, other): # The "circular" member is not part of lenient equivalence. return super()._compare_lenient(other) @wraps(CoordMetadata._difference_lenient, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) def _difference_lenient(self, other): # Perform "strict" difference for "circular". value = ( None if self.circular == other.circular else (self.circular, other.circular) ) # Perform lenient difference of the other parent members. result = super()._difference_lenient(other) result.append(value) return result
[docs] @wraps(CoordMetadata.combine, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def combine(self, other, lenient=None): # Convert a CoordMetadata instance to a DimCoordMetadata instance. if hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is CoordMetadata: other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().combine(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(CoordMetadata.difference, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def difference(self, other, lenient=None): # Convert a CoordMetadata instance to a DimCoordMetadata instance. if hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is CoordMetadata: other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().difference(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs] @wraps(CoordMetadata.equal, assigned=("__doc__",), updated=()) @lenient_service def equal(self, other, lenient=None): # Convert a CoordMetadata instance to a DimCoordMetadata instance. if hasattr(other, "__class__") and other.__class__ is CoordMetadata: other = self.from_metadata(other) return super().equal(other, lenient=lenient)
[docs]def metadata_filter( instances, item=None, standard_name=None, long_name=None, var_name=None, attributes=None, axis=None, ): """Filter a collection of objects by their metadata to fit the given metadata criteria. Criteria can be either specific properties or other objects with metadata to be matched. Parameters ---------- instances : One or more objects to be filtered. item : optional Either, * a :attr:`~iris.common.mixin.CFVariableMixin.standard_name`, :attr:`~iris.common.mixin.CFVariableMixin.long_name`, or :attr:`~iris.common.mixin.CFVariableMixin.var_name` which is compared against the :meth:``. * a coordinate or metadata instance equal to that of the desired objects e.g., :class:`~iris.coords.DimCoord` or :class:`CoordMetadata`. standard_name : optional The CF standard name of the desired object. If ``None``, does not check for ``standard_name``. long_name : optional An unconstrained description of the object. If ``None``, does not check for ``long_name``. var_name : optional The NetCDF variable name of the desired object. If ``None``, does not check for ``var_name``. attributes : dict, optional A dictionary of attributes desired on the object. If ``None``, does not check for ``attributes``. axis : optional The desired object's axis, see :func:`~iris.util.guess_coord_axis`. If ``None``, does not check for ``axis``. Accepts the values ``X``, ``Y``, ``Z`` and ``T`` (case-insensitive). Returns ------- list of the objects A list of the objects supplied in the ``instances`` argument, limited to only those that matched the given criteria. """ from ..util import guess_coord_axis name = None obj = None if isinstance(item, str): name = item else: obj = item # apply de morgan's law for one less logical operation if not (isinstance(instances, str) or isinstance(instances, Iterable)): instances = [instances] result = instances if name is not None: result = [instance for instance in result if == name] if standard_name is not None: result = [ instance for instance in result if instance.standard_name == standard_name ] if long_name is not None: result = [instance for instance in result if instance.long_name == long_name] if var_name is not None: result = [instance for instance in result if instance.var_name == var_name] if attributes is not None: if not isinstance(attributes, Mapping): msg = ( "The attributes keyword was expecting a dictionary " "type, but got a %s instead." % type(attributes) ) raise ValueError(msg) def attr_filter(instance): return all( k in instance.attributes and hexdigest(instance.attributes[k]) == hexdigest(v) for k, v in attributes.items() ) result = [instance for instance in result if attr_filter(instance)] if axis is not None: axis = axis.upper() def get_axis(instance): if hasattr(instance, "axis"): axis = instance.axis.upper() else: axis = guess_coord_axis(instance) return axis result = [instance for instance in result if get_axis(instance) == axis] if obj is not None: if hasattr(obj, "__class__") and issubclass(obj.__class__, BaseMetadata): target_metadata = obj else: target_metadata = obj.metadata result = [ instance for instance in result if instance.metadata == target_metadata ] return result
@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def _factory_cache(cls): def __init__(self, cls, **kwargs): #: The metadata class to be manufactured by this factory. self.cls = cls # Proxy for self.cls._fields for later internal use, as this # saves on indirect property lookup via self.cls self._fields = cls._fields # Initialise the metadata class fields in the instance. # Use cls directly here since it's available. for field in cls._fields: setattr(self, field, None) # Populate with provided kwargs, which have already been verified # by the factory. for field, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, field, value) def __eq__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, "cls"): return NotImplemented match = self.cls is other.cls if match: match = self.values == other.values return match def __getstate__(self): """Return the instance state to be pickled.""" return {field: getattr(self, field) for field in self._fields} def __ne__(self, other): match = self.__eq__(other) if match is not NotImplemented: match = not match return match def __reduce__(self): """Use the __reduce__ interface to allow 'pickle' to recreate this class instance. Dynamically created classes at runtime cannot be pickled, due to not being defined at the top level of a module. As a result, we require to use the __reduce__ interface to allow 'pickle' to recreate this class instance, and dump and load instance state successfully. """ return metadata_manager_factory, (self.cls,), self.__getstate__() def __repr__(self): args = ", ".join( ["{}={!r}".format(field, getattr(self, field)) for field in self._fields] ) return "{}({})".format(self.__class__.__name__, args) def __setstate__(self, state): """Set the instance state when unpickling.""" for field, value in state.items(): setattr(self, field, value) @property def fields(self): """Return the name of the metadata members.""" # Proxy for built-in namedtuple._fields property. return self._fields @property def values(self): fields = {field: getattr(self, field) for field in self._fields} return self.cls(**fields) # Define the name, (inheritance) bases, and namespace of the dynamic class. name = "MetadataManager" bases = () namespace = { "DEFAULT_NAME": cls.DEFAULT_NAME, "__init__": __init__, "__eq__": __eq__, "__getstate__": __getstate__, "__ne__": __ne__, "__reduce__": __reduce__, "__repr__": __repr__, "__setstate__": __setstate__, "fields": fields, "name":, "token": cls.token, "values": values, } # Account for additional "CubeMetadata" specialised class behaviour. if cls is CubeMetadata: namespace["_names"] = cls._names # Dynamically create the metadata manager class. MetadataManager = type(name, bases, namespace) return MetadataManager
[docs]def metadata_manager_factory(cls, **kwargs): """Manufacturing metadata instances. A class instance factory function responsible for manufacturing metadata instances dynamically at runtime. The factory instances returned by the factory are capable of managing their metadata state, which can be proxied by the owning container. Parameters ---------- cls : A subclass of :class:`~iris.common.metadata.BaseMetadata`, defining the metadata to be managed. **kwargs : dict, optional Initial values for the manufactured metadata instance. Unspecified fields will default to a value of 'None'. Returns ------- A manager instance for the provided metadata ``cls``. """ # Check whether kwargs have valid fields for the specified metadata. if kwargs: extra = [field for field in kwargs.keys() if field not in cls._fields] if extra: bad = ", ".join(map(lambda field: "{!r}".format(field), extra)) emsg = "Invalid {!r} field parameters, got {}." raise ValueError(emsg.format(cls.__name__, bad)) # Dynamically create the metadata manager class at runtime or get a cached # version of it. MetadataManager = _factory_cache(cls) # Now manufacture an instance of the metadata manager class. manager = MetadataManager(cls, **kwargs) return manager
#: Convenience collection of lenient metadata combine services. # TODO: change lists back to tuples once CellMeasureMetadata is re-integrated # here (currently in experimental.ugrid). SERVICES_COMBINE = [ AncillaryVariableMetadata.combine, BaseMetadata.combine, CellMeasureMetadata.combine, CoordMetadata.combine, CubeMetadata.combine, DimCoordMetadata.combine, ] #: Convenience collection of lenient metadata difference services. SERVICES_DIFFERENCE = [ AncillaryVariableMetadata.difference, BaseMetadata.difference, CellMeasureMetadata.difference, CoordMetadata.difference, CubeMetadata.difference, DimCoordMetadata.difference, ] #: Convenience collection of lenient metadata equality services. SERVICES_EQUAL = [ AncillaryVariableMetadata.__eq__, AncillaryVariableMetadata.equal, BaseMetadata.__eq__, BaseMetadata.equal, CellMeasureMetadata.__eq__, CellMeasureMetadata.equal, CoordMetadata.__eq__, CoordMetadata.equal, CubeMetadata.__eq__, CubeMetadata.equal, DimCoordMetadata.__eq__, DimCoordMetadata.equal, ] #: Convenience collection of lenient metadata services. SERVICES = SERVICES_COMBINE + SERVICES_DIFFERENCE + SERVICES_EQUAL