Source code for iris.fileformats._nc_load_rules.helpers

# Copyright Iris contributors
# This file is part of Iris and is released under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.
"""Helper functions for NetCDF loading rules.

All the pure-Python 'helper' functions which were previously included in the
Pyke rules database 'fc_rules_cf.krb'.

The 'action' routines now call these, as the rules used to do.
They have not changed, **except** that the 'build_coordinate_system' routine
acquired an extra initial 'engine' argument, purely for consistency with other
build routines, and which it does not use.


from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional
import warnings

import cf_units
import numpy as np
import as ma
import pyproj

import iris
from iris._deprecation import warn_deprecated
import iris.aux_factory
from iris.common.mixin import _get_valid_standard_name
import iris.coord_systems
import iris.coords
import iris.exceptions
import as cf
import iris.fileformats.netcdf
from iris.fileformats.netcdf.loader import _get_cf_var_data
import iris.std_names
import iris.util
import iris.warnings

    from import MaskedArray
    from numpy.typing import ArrayLike

    from import CFBoundaryVariable

# TODO: should un-addable coords / cell measures / etcetera be skipped? iris#5068.

# UD Units Constants (based on Unidata udunits.dat definition file)
    "degrees north",
    "degree north",
    "degree n",
    "degrees n",
    "degrees east",
    "degree east",
    "degree e",
    "degrees e",

# CF Dimensionless Vertical Coordinates
    "atmosphere_ln_pressure_coordinate": ["p0", "lev"],
    "atmosphere_sigma_coordinate": ["sigma", "ps", "ptop"],
    "atmosphere_hybrid_sigma_pressure_coordinate": ["a", "b", "ps", "p0"],
    "atmosphere_hybrid_height_coordinate": ["a", "b", "orog"],
    "atmosphere_sleve_coordinate": [
    "ocean_sigma_coordinate": ["sigma", "eta", "depth"],
    "ocean_s_coordinate": ["s", "eta", "depth", "a", "b", "depth_c"],
    "ocean_sigma_z_coordinate": [
    "ocean_double_sigma_coordinate": [
    "ocean_s_coordinate_g1": ["s", "eta", "depth", "depth_c", "C"],
    "ocean_s_coordinate_g2": ["s", "eta", "depth", "depth_c", "C"],

# CF Grid Mappings
CF_GRID_MAPPING_ALBERS = "albers_conical_equal_area"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_AZIMUTHAL = "azimuthal_equidistant"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL = "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_LAMBERT_CONFORMAL = "lambert_conformal_conic"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_LAMBERT_CYLINDRICAL = "lambert_cylindrical_equal_area"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_LAT_LON = "latitude_longitude"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_ORTHO = "orthographic"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_POLAR = "polar_stereographic"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_ROTATED_LAT_LON = "rotated_latitude_longitude"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_STEREO = "stereographic"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_TRANSVERSE = "transverse_mercator"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_VERTICAL = "vertical_perspective"
CF_GRID_MAPPING_OBLIQUE = "oblique_mercator"

# CF Attribute Names.
CF_ATTR_AXIS = "axis"
CF_ATTR_BOUNDS = "bounds"
CF_ATTR_CALENDAR = "calendar"
CF_ATTR_CLIMATOLOGY = "climatology"
CF_ATTR_GRID_CRS_WKT = "crs_wkt"
CF_ATTR_GRID_DATUM = "horizontal_datum_name"
CF_ATTR_GRID_INVERSE_FLATTENING = "inverse_flattening"
CF_ATTR_GRID_EARTH_RADIUS = "earth_radius"
CF_ATTR_GRID_MAPPING_NAME = "grid_mapping_name"
CF_ATTR_GRID_NORTH_POLE_LAT = "grid_north_pole_latitude"
CF_ATTR_GRID_NORTH_POLE_LON = "grid_north_pole_longitude"
CF_ATTR_GRID_NORTH_POLE_GRID_LON = "north_pole_grid_longitude"
CF_ATTR_GRID_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS = "semi_major_axis"
CF_ATTR_GRID_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS = "semi_minor_axis"
CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN = "latitude_of_projection_origin"
CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN = "longitude_of_projection_origin"
CF_ATTR_GRID_STRAIGHT_VERT_LON = "straight_vertical_longitude_from_pole"
CF_ATTR_GRID_STANDARD_PARALLEL = "standard_parallel"
CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING = "false_easting"
CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING = "false_northing"
CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN = "scale_factor_at_projection_origin"
CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_CENT_MERIDIAN = "scale_factor_at_central_meridian"
CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_CENT_MERIDIAN = "longitude_of_central_meridian"
CF_ATTR_GRID_PERSPECTIVE_HEIGHT = "perspective_point_height"
CF_ATTR_GRID_SWEEP_ANGLE_AXIS = "sweep_angle_axis"
CF_ATTR_GRID_AZIMUTH_CENT_LINE = "azimuth_of_central_line"
CF_ATTR_POSITIVE = "positive"
CF_ATTR_STD_NAME = "standard_name"
CF_ATTR_LONG_NAME = "long_name"
CF_ATTR_UNITS = "units"
CF_ATTR_CELL_METHODS = "cell_methods"

# CF Attribute Value Constants.
# Attribute - axis.

# Attribute - positive.
CF_VALUE_POSITIVE = ["down", "up"]

# Attribute - standard_name.
CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_LAT = "latitude"
CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_LON = "longitude"
CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_GRID_LAT = "grid_latitude"
CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_GRID_LON = "grid_longitude"
CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_PROJ_X = "projection_x_coordinate"
CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_PROJ_Y = "projection_y_coordinate"

# Handling of cell-methods.

_CM_COMMENT = "comment"
_CM_EXTRA = "extra"
_CM_INTERVAL = "interval"
_CM_METHOD = "method"
_CM_NAME = "name"
_CM_PARSE_NAME = re.compile(r"([\w_]+\s*?:\s+)+")
_CM_PARSE = re.compile(

# Cell methods.

class _WarnComboIgnoringLoad(
    """One-off combination of warning classes - enhances user filtering."""


class _WarnComboDefaultingLoad(
    """One-off combination of warning classes - enhances user filtering."""


class _WarnComboDefaultingCfLoad(
    """One-off combination of warning classes - enhances user filtering."""


class _WarnComboIgnoringCfLoad(
    """One-off combination of warning classes - enhances user filtering."""


def _split_cell_methods(nc_cell_methods: str) -> List[re.Match]:
    """Split a CF cell_methods.

    Split a CF cell_methods attribute string into a list of zero or more cell
    methods, each of which is then parsed with a regex to return a list of match

    nc_cell_methods : str
        The value of the cell methods attribute to be split.

    nc_cell_methods_matches: list of re.Match objects
        A list of re.Match objects associated with each parsed cell method.

    Splitting is done based on words followed by colons outside of any brackets.
    Validation of anything other than being laid out in the expected format is
    left to the calling function.

    # Find name candidates
    name_start_inds = []
    for m in _CM_PARSE_NAME.finditer(nc_cell_methods):

    # Remove those that fall inside brackets
    bracket_depth = 0
    for ind, cha in enumerate(nc_cell_methods):
        if cha == "(":
            bracket_depth += 1
        elif cha == ")":
            bracket_depth -= 1
            if bracket_depth < 0:
                msg = (
                    "Cell methods may be incorrectly parsed due to mismatched "
        if bracket_depth > 0 and ind in name_start_inds:

    # List tuples of indices of starts and ends of the cell methods in the string
    method_indices = []
    for ii in range(len(name_start_inds) - 1):
        method_indices.append((name_start_inds[ii], name_start_inds[ii + 1]))
    method_indices.append((name_start_inds[-1], len(nc_cell_methods)))

    # Index the string and match against each substring
    nc_cell_methods_matches = []
    for start_ind, end_ind in method_indices:
        nc_cell_method_str = nc_cell_methods[start_ind:end_ind]
        nc_cell_method_match = _CM_PARSE.match(nc_cell_method_str.strip())
        if not nc_cell_method_match:
            msg = f"Failed to fully parse cell method string: {nc_cell_methods}"
            warnings.warn(msg, category=iris.warnings.IrisCfLoadWarning, stacklevel=2)

    return nc_cell_methods_matches

[docs]class UnknownCellMethodWarning(iris.warnings.IrisUnknownCellMethodWarning): """Backwards compatible form of :class:`iris.warnings.IrisUnknownCellMethodWarning`.""" # TODO: remove at the next major release. pass
[docs]def parse_cell_methods(nc_cell_methods, cf_name=None): """Parse a CF cell_methods attribute string into a tuple of zero or more CellMethod instances. Parameters ---------- nc_cell_methods : str The value of the cell methods attribute to be parsed. cf_name : optional Returns ------- iterable of :class:`iris.coords.CellMethod`. Notes ----- Multiple coordinates, intervals and comments are supported. If a method has a non-standard name a warning will be issued, but the results are not affected. """ msg = None cell_methods = [] if nc_cell_methods is not None: for m in _split_cell_methods(nc_cell_methods): d = m.groupdict() method = d[_CM_METHOD] method = method.strip() # Check validity of method, allowing for multi-part methods # e.g. mean over years. method_words = method.split() if method_words[0].lower() not in _CM_KNOWN_METHODS: msg = "NetCDF variable contains unknown cell method {!r}" msg = msg.format(method_words[0]) if cf_name: name = "{}".format(cf_name) msg = msg.replace("variable", "variable {!r}".format(name)) else: warnings.warn( msg, category=UnknownCellMethodWarning, ) msg = None d[_CM_METHOD] = method name = d[_CM_NAME] name = name.replace(" ", "") name = name.rstrip(":") d[_CM_NAME] = tuple([n for n in name.split(":")]) interval = [] comment = [] if d[_CM_EXTRA] is not None: # # tokenise the key words and field colon marker # d[_CM_EXTRA] = d[_CM_EXTRA].replace("comment:", "<<comment>><<:>>") d[_CM_EXTRA] = d[_CM_EXTRA].replace("interval:", "<<interval>><<:>>") d[_CM_EXTRA] = d[_CM_EXTRA].split("<<:>>") if len(d[_CM_EXTRA]) == 1: comment.extend(d[_CM_EXTRA]) else: next_field_type = comment for field in d[_CM_EXTRA]: field_type = next_field_type index = field.rfind("<<interval>>") if index == 0: next_field_type = interval continue elif index > 0: next_field_type = interval else: index = field.rfind("<<comment>>") if index == 0: next_field_type = comment continue elif index > 0: next_field_type = comment if index != -1: field = field[:index] field_type.append(field.strip()) # # cater for a shared interval over multiple axes # if len(interval): if len(d[_CM_NAME]) != len(interval) and len(interval) == 1: interval = interval * len(d[_CM_NAME]) # # cater for a shared comment over multiple axes # if len(comment): if len(d[_CM_NAME]) != len(comment) and len(comment) == 1: comment = comment * len(d[_CM_NAME]) d[_CM_INTERVAL] = tuple(interval) d[_CM_COMMENT] = tuple(comment) cell_method = iris.coords.CellMethod( d[_CM_METHOD], coords=d[_CM_NAME], intervals=d[_CM_INTERVAL], comments=d[_CM_COMMENT], ) cell_methods.append(cell_method) # only prints one warning, rather than each loop if msg: warnings.warn(msg, category=UnknownCellMethodWarning) return tuple(cell_methods)
################################################################################ def build_cube_metadata(engine): """Add the standard meta data to the cube.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var cube = engine.cube # Determine the cube's name attributes cube.var_name = cf_var.cf_name standard_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) long_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_LONG_NAME, None) cube.long_name = long_name if standard_name is not None: try: cube.standard_name = _get_valid_standard_name(standard_name) except ValueError: if cube.long_name is not None: cube.attributes["invalid_standard_name"] = standard_name else: cube.long_name = standard_name # Determine the cube units. attr_units = get_attr_units(cf_var, cube.attributes) cube.units = attr_units # Incorporate cell methods nc_att_cell_methods = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_CELL_METHODS, None) cube.cell_methods = parse_cell_methods(nc_att_cell_methods, cf_var.cf_name) # Set the cube global attributes. for attr_name, attr_value in cf_var.cf_group.global_attributes.items(): try: cube.attributes.globals[str(attr_name)] = attr_value except ValueError as e: msg = "Skipping disallowed global attribute {!r}: {}" warnings.warn( msg.format(attr_name, str(e)), category=_WarnComboIgnoringLoad, ) ################################################################################ def _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var): """Build a :class:`iris.coord_systems.GeogCS`. Return a :class:`iris.coord_systems.GeogCS` using the relevant properties of `cf_grid_var`. Returns None if no relevant properties are specified. """ major = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SEMI_MAJOR_AXIS, None) minor = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SEMI_MINOR_AXIS, None) inverse_flattening = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_INVERSE_FLATTENING, None) # Avoid over-specification exception. if major is not None and minor is not None: inverse_flattening = None # Check for a default spherical earth. if major is None and minor is None and inverse_flattening is None: major = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_EARTH_RADIUS, None) datum = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_DATUM, None) # Check crs_wkt if no datum if datum is None: crs_wkt = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_CRS_WKT, None) if crs_wkt is not None: proj_crs = if proj_crs.datum is not None: datum = # An unknown crs datum will be treated as None if datum == "unknown": datum = None if not iris.FUTURE.datum_support: wmsg = ( "Ignoring a datum in netCDF load for consistency with existing " "behaviour. In a future version of Iris, this datum will be " "applied. To apply the datum when loading, use the " "iris.FUTURE.datum_support flag." ) warnings.warn(wmsg, category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=14) datum = None if datum is not None: return iris.coord_systems.GeogCS.from_datum(datum) elif major is None and minor is None and inverse_flattening is None: return None else: return iris.coord_systems.GeogCS(major, minor, inverse_flattening) ################################################################################ def build_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" coord_system = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) if coord_system is None: raise ValueError("No ellipsoid specified") else: return coord_system ################################################################################ def build_rotated_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a rotated coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) north_pole_latitude = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_NORTH_POLE_LAT, 90.0) north_pole_longitude = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_NORTH_POLE_LON, 0.0) if north_pole_latitude is None or north_pole_longitude is None: warnings.warn( "Rotated pole position is not fully specified", category=iris.warnings.IrisCfLoadWarning, ) north_pole_grid_lon = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_NORTH_POLE_GRID_LON, 0.0) rcs = iris.coord_systems.RotatedGeogCS( north_pole_latitude, north_pole_longitude, north_pole_grid_lon, ellipsoid, ) return rcs ################################################################################ def build_transverse_mercator_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a transverse Mercator coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_central_meridian = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_CENT_MERIDIAN, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) scale_factor_at_central_meridian = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_CENT_MERIDIAN, None ) # The following accounts for the inconsistency in the transverse # mercator description within the CF spec. if longitude_of_central_meridian is None: longitude_of_central_meridian = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) if scale_factor_at_central_meridian is None: scale_factor_at_central_meridian = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) cs = iris.coord_systems.TransverseMercator( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_central_meridian, false_easting, false_northing, scale_factor_at_central_meridian, ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_lambert_conformal_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a Lambert conformal conic coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_central_meridian = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_CENT_MERIDIAN, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) standard_parallel = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_STANDARD_PARALLEL, None) cs = iris.coord_systems.LambertConformal( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_central_meridian, false_easting, false_northing, standard_parallel, ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_stereographic_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a stereographic coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) scale_factor_at_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) cs = iris.coord_systems.Stereographic( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, false_easting, false_northing, true_scale_lat=None, scale_factor_at_projection_origin=scale_factor_at_projection_origin, ellipsoid=ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_polar_stereographic_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a polar stereographic coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_STRAIGHT_VERT_LON, None ) true_scale_lat = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_STANDARD_PARALLEL, None) scale_factor_at_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) cs = iris.coord_systems.PolarStereographic( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, false_easting, false_northing, true_scale_lat, scale_factor_at_projection_origin, ellipsoid=ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_mercator_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a Mercator coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) longitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) standard_parallel = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_STANDARD_PARALLEL, None) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) scale_factor_at_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) cs = iris.coord_systems.Mercator( longitude_of_projection_origin, ellipsoid=ellipsoid, standard_parallel=standard_parallel, scale_factor_at_projection_origin=scale_factor_at_projection_origin, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_lambert_azimuthal_equal_area_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a lambert azimuthal equal area coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) cs = iris.coord_systems.LambertAzimuthalEqualArea( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, false_easting, false_northing, ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_albers_equal_area_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a albers conical equal area coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_central_meridian = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_CENT_MERIDIAN, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) standard_parallels = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_STANDARD_PARALLEL, None) cs = iris.coord_systems.AlbersEqualArea( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_central_meridian, false_easting, false_northing, standard_parallels, ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_vertical_perspective_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a vertical perspective coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variables.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) perspective_point_height = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_PERSPECTIVE_HEIGHT, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) cs = iris.coord_systems.VerticalPerspective( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, perspective_point_height, false_easting, false_northing, ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_geostationary_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create a geostationary coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) perspective_point_height = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_PERSPECTIVE_HEIGHT, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) sweep_angle_axis = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SWEEP_ANGLE_AXIS, None) cs = iris.coord_systems.Geostationary( latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin, perspective_point_height, sweep_angle_axis, false_easting, false_northing, ellipsoid, ) return cs ################################################################################ def build_oblique_mercator_coordinate_system(engine, cf_grid_var): """Create an oblique mercator coordinate system from the CF-netCDF grid mapping variable.""" ellipsoid = _get_ellipsoid(cf_grid_var) azimuth_of_central_line = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_AZIMUTH_CENT_LINE, None) latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) longitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LON_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) scale_factor_at_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) false_easting = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_EASTING, None) false_northing = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_FALSE_NORTHING, None) kwargs = dict( azimuth_of_central_line=azimuth_of_central_line, latitude_of_projection_origin=latitude_of_projection_origin, longitude_of_projection_origin=longitude_of_projection_origin, scale_factor_at_projection_origin=scale_factor_at_projection_origin, false_easting=false_easting, false_northing=false_northing, ellipsoid=ellipsoid, ) # Handle the alternative form noted in CF: rotated mercator. grid_mapping_name = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_MAPPING_NAME) candidate_systems = dict( oblique_mercator=iris.coord_systems.ObliqueMercator, rotated_mercator=iris.coord_systems.RotatedMercator, ) if grid_mapping_name == "rotated_mercator": message = ( "Iris will stop loading the rotated_mercator grid mapping name in " "a future release, in accordance with CF version 1.11 . Instead " "please use oblique_mercator with azimuth_of_central_line = 90 ." ) warn_deprecated(message) del kwargs[CF_ATTR_GRID_AZIMUTH_CENT_LINE] cs = candidate_systems[grid_mapping_name](**kwargs) return cs ################################################################################ def get_attr_units(cf_var, attributes): attr_units = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_UNITS, UNKNOWN_UNIT_STRING) if not attr_units: attr_units = UNKNOWN_UNIT_STRING # Sanitise lat/lon units. if attr_units in UD_UNITS_LAT or attr_units in UD_UNITS_LON: attr_units = "degrees" # Graceful loading of invalid units. try: cf_units.as_unit(attr_units) except ValueError: # Using converted unicode message. Can be reverted with Python 3. msg = ( f"Ignoring invalid units {attr_units!r} on netCDF variable " f"{cf_var.cf_name!r}." ) warnings.warn( msg, category=_WarnComboIgnoringCfLoad, ) attributes["invalid_units"] = attr_units attr_units = UNKNOWN_UNIT_STRING if np.issubdtype(cf_var.dtype, np.str_): attr_units = NO_UNIT_STRING if any( hasattr(cf_var.cf_data, name) for name in ("flag_values", "flag_masks", "flag_meanings") ): attr_units = cf_units._NO_UNIT_STRING # Get any associated calendar for a time reference coordinate. if cf_units.as_unit(attr_units).is_time_reference(): attr_calendar = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_CALENDAR, None) if attr_calendar: attr_units = cf_units.Unit(attr_units, calendar=attr_calendar) return attr_units ################################################################################ def get_names(cf_coord_var, coord_name, attributes): """Determine the standard_name, long_name and var_name attributes.""" standard_name = getattr(cf_coord_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) long_name = getattr(cf_coord_var, CF_ATTR_LONG_NAME, None) cf_name = str(cf_coord_var.cf_name) if standard_name is not None: try: standard_name = _get_valid_standard_name(standard_name) except ValueError: if long_name is not None: attributes["invalid_standard_name"] = standard_name if coord_name is not None: standard_name = coord_name else: standard_name = None else: if coord_name is not None: attributes["invalid_standard_name"] = standard_name standard_name = coord_name else: standard_name = None else: if coord_name is not None: standard_name = coord_name # Last attempt to set the standard name to something meaningful. if standard_name is None: if cf_name in iris.std_names.STD_NAMES: standard_name = cf_name return (standard_name, long_name, cf_name) ################################################################################ def get_cf_bounds_var(cf_coord_var): """Return the CF variable representing the bounds of a coordinate variable.""" attr_bounds = getattr(cf_coord_var, CF_ATTR_BOUNDS, None) attr_climatology = getattr(cf_coord_var, CF_ATTR_CLIMATOLOGY, None) # Determine bounds, preferring standard bounds over climatology. # NB. No need to raise a warning if the bounds/climatology # variable is missing, as that will already have been done by # cf_bounds_var = None climatological = False if attr_bounds is not None: bounds_vars = cf_coord_var.cf_group.bounds if attr_bounds in bounds_vars: cf_bounds_var = bounds_vars[attr_bounds] elif attr_climatology is not None: climatology_vars = cf_coord_var.cf_group.climatology if attr_climatology in climatology_vars: cf_bounds_var = climatology_vars[attr_climatology] climatological = True if attr_bounds is not None and attr_climatology is not None: warnings.warn( "Ignoring climatology in favour of bounds attribute " "on NetCDF variable {!r}.".format(cf_coord_var.cf_name), category=_WarnComboIgnoringCfLoad, ) return cf_bounds_var, climatological ################################################################################ def reorder_bounds_data(bounds_data, cf_bounds_var, cf_coord_var): """Return a bounds_data array with the vertex dimension as the most rapidly varying. .. note:: This function assumes the dimension names of the coordinate variable match those of the bounds variable in order to determine which is the vertex dimension. """ vertex_dim_names = set(cf_bounds_var.dimensions).difference(cf_coord_var.dimensions) if len(vertex_dim_names) != 1: msg = ( "Too many dimension names differ between coordinate " "variable {!r} and the bounds variable {!r}. " "Expected 1, got {}." ) raise ValueError( msg.format( str(cf_coord_var.cf_name), str(cf_bounds_var.cf_name), len(vertex_dim_names), ) ) vertex_dim = cf_bounds_var.dimensions.index(*vertex_dim_names) bounds_data = np.rollaxis(bounds_data.view(), vertex_dim, len(bounds_data.shape)) return bounds_data ################################################################################ def _normalise_bounds_units( points_units: str, cf_bounds_var: CFBoundaryVariable, bounds_data: ArrayLike ) -> Optional[MaskedArray]: """Ensure bounds have units compatible with points. If required, the `bounds_data` will be converted to the `points_units`. If the bounds units are not convertible, a warning will be issued and the `bounds_data` will be ignored. Bounds with invalid units will be gracefully left unconverted and passed through. Parameters ---------- points_units : str The units of the coordinate points. cf_bounds_var : CFBoundaryVariable The serialized NetCDF bounds variable. bounds_data : MaskedArray The pre-processed data of the bounds variable. Returns ------- MaskedArray or None The bounds data with the same units as the points, or ``None`` if the bounds units are not convertible to the points units. """ bounds_units = get_attr_units(cf_bounds_var, {}) if bounds_units != UNKNOWN_UNIT_STRING: points_units = cf_units.Unit(points_units) bounds_units = cf_units.Unit(bounds_units) if bounds_units != points_units: if bounds_units.is_convertible(points_units): bounds_data = bounds_units.convert(bounds_data, points_units) else: wmsg = ( f"Ignoring bounds on NetCDF variable {cf_bounds_var.cf_name!r}. " f"Expected units compatible with {points_units.origin!r}, got " f"{bounds_units.origin!r}." ) warnings.warn( wmsg, category=iris.warnings.IrisCfLoadWarning, stacklevel=2 ) bounds_data = None return bounds_data ################################################################################ def build_dimension_coordinate( engine, cf_coord_var, coord_name=None, coord_system=None ): """Create a dimension coordinate (DimCoord) and add it to the cube.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var cube = engine.cube attributes = {} attr_units = get_attr_units(cf_coord_var, attributes) points_data = cf_coord_var[:] # Gracefully fill points masked array. if ma.is_masked(points_data): points_data = ma.filled(points_data) msg = "Gracefully filling {!r} dimension coordinate masked points" warnings.warn( msg.format(str(cf_coord_var.cf_name)), category=_WarnComboDefaultingLoad, ) # Get any coordinate bounds. cf_bounds_var, climatological = get_cf_bounds_var(cf_coord_var) if cf_bounds_var is not None: bounds_data = cf_bounds_var[:] # Gracefully fill bounds masked array. if ma.is_masked(bounds_data): bounds_data = ma.filled(bounds_data) msg = "Gracefully filling {!r} dimension coordinate masked bounds" warnings.warn( msg.format(str(cf_coord_var.cf_name)), category=_WarnComboDefaultingLoad, ) # Handle transposed bounds where the vertex dimension is not # the last one. Test based on shape to support different # dimension names. if cf_bounds_var.shape[:-1] != cf_coord_var.shape: bounds_data = reorder_bounds_data(bounds_data, cf_bounds_var, cf_coord_var) bounds_data = _normalise_bounds_units(attr_units, cf_bounds_var, bounds_data) else: bounds_data = None # Determine whether the coordinate is circular. circular = False if ( points_data.ndim == 1 and coord_name in [CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_LON, CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_GRID_LON] and cf_units.Unit(attr_units) in [cf_units.Unit("radians"), cf_units.Unit("degrees")] ): modulus_value = cf_units.Unit(attr_units).modulus circular = iris.util._is_circular( points_data, modulus_value, bounds=bounds_data ) # Determine the name of the dimension/s shared between the CF-netCDF data variable # and the coordinate being built. common_dims = [dim for dim in cf_coord_var.dimensions if dim in cf_var.dimensions] data_dims = None if common_dims: # Calculate the offset of each common dimension. data_dims = [cf_var.dimensions.index(dim) for dim in common_dims] # Determine the standard_name, long_name and var_name standard_name, long_name, var_name = get_names(cf_coord_var, coord_name, attributes) coord_skipped_msg = f"{cf_coord_var.cf_name} coordinate not added to Cube: " coord_skipped_msg += "{error}" coord_skipped = False # Create the coordinate. try: coord = iris.coords.DimCoord( points_data, standard_name=standard_name, long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name, units=attr_units, bounds=bounds_data, attributes=attributes, coord_system=coord_system, circular=circular, climatological=climatological, ) except ValueError as e_msg: # Attempt graceful loading. msg = ( "Failed to create {name!r} dimension coordinate: {error}\n" "Gracefully creating {name!r} auxiliary coordinate instead." ) warnings.warn( msg.format(name=str(cf_coord_var.cf_name), error=e_msg), category=_WarnComboDefaultingCfLoad, ) coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord( points_data, standard_name=standard_name, long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name, units=attr_units, bounds=bounds_data, attributes=attributes, coord_system=coord_system, climatological=climatological, ) try: cube.add_aux_coord(coord, data_dims) except iris.exceptions.CannotAddError as e_msg: warnings.warn( coord_skipped_msg.format(error=e_msg), category=iris.warnings.IrisCannotAddWarning, ) coord_skipped = True else: # Add the dimension coordinate to the cube. try: if data_dims: cube.add_dim_coord(coord, data_dims) else: # Scalar coords are placed in the aux_coords container. cube.add_aux_coord(coord, data_dims) except iris.exceptions.CannotAddError as e_msg: warnings.warn( coord_skipped_msg.format(error=e_msg), category=iris.warnings.IrisCannotAddWarning, ) coord_skipped = True if not coord_skipped: # Update the coordinate to CF-netCDF variable mapping. engine.cube_parts["coordinates"].append((coord, cf_coord_var.cf_name)) ################################################################################ def build_auxiliary_coordinate( engine, cf_coord_var, coord_name=None, coord_system=None ): """Create an auxiliary coordinate (AuxCoord) and add it to the cube.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var cube = engine.cube attributes = {} # Get units attr_units = get_attr_units(cf_coord_var, attributes) # Get any coordinate point data. if isinstance(cf_coord_var, cf.CFLabelVariable): points_data = cf_coord_var.cf_label_data(cf_var) else: points_data = _get_cf_var_data(cf_coord_var, engine.filename) # Get any coordinate bounds. cf_bounds_var, climatological = get_cf_bounds_var(cf_coord_var) if cf_bounds_var is not None: bounds_data = _get_cf_var_data(cf_bounds_var, engine.filename) # Handle transposed bounds where the vertex dimension is not # the last one. Test based on shape to support different # dimension names. if cf_bounds_var.shape[:-1] != cf_coord_var.shape: # Resolving the data to a numpy array (i.e. *not* masked) for # compatibility with array creators (i.e. dask) bounds_data = np.asarray(bounds_data) bounds_data = reorder_bounds_data(bounds_data, cf_bounds_var, cf_coord_var) bounds_data = _normalise_bounds_units(attr_units, cf_bounds_var, bounds_data) else: bounds_data = None # Determine the name of the dimension/s shared between the CF-netCDF data variable # and the coordinate being built. common_dims = [dim for dim in cf_coord_var.dimensions if dim in cf_var.dimensions] data_dims = None if common_dims: # Calculate the offset of each common dimension. data_dims = [cf_var.dimensions.index(dim) for dim in common_dims] # Determine the standard_name, long_name and var_name standard_name, long_name, var_name = get_names(cf_coord_var, coord_name, attributes) # Create the coordinate coord = iris.coords.AuxCoord( points_data, standard_name=standard_name, long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name, units=attr_units, bounds=bounds_data, attributes=attributes, coord_system=coord_system, climatological=climatological, ) # Add it to the cube try: cube.add_aux_coord(coord, data_dims) except iris.exceptions.CannotAddError as e_msg: msg = "{name!r} coordinate not added to Cube: {error}" warnings.warn( msg.format(name=str(cf_coord_var.cf_name), error=e_msg), category=iris.warnings.IrisCannotAddWarning, ) else: # Make a list with names, stored on the engine, so we can find them all later. engine.cube_parts["coordinates"].append((coord, cf_coord_var.cf_name)) ################################################################################ def build_cell_measures(engine, cf_cm_var): """Create a CellMeasure instance and add it to the cube.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var cube = engine.cube attributes = {} # Get units attr_units = get_attr_units(cf_cm_var, attributes) # Get (lazy) content array data = _get_cf_var_data(cf_cm_var, engine.filename) # Determine the name of the dimension/s shared between the CF-netCDF data variable # and the coordinate being built. common_dims = [dim for dim in cf_cm_var.dimensions if dim in cf_var.dimensions] data_dims = None if common_dims: # Calculate the offset of each common dimension. data_dims = [cf_var.dimensions.index(dim) for dim in common_dims] # Determine the standard_name, long_name and var_name standard_name, long_name, var_name = get_names(cf_cm_var, None, attributes) # Obtain the cf_measure. measure = cf_cm_var.cf_measure # Create the CellMeasure cell_measure = iris.coords.CellMeasure( data, standard_name=standard_name, long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name, units=attr_units, attributes=attributes, measure=measure, ) # Add it to the cube try: cube.add_cell_measure(cell_measure, data_dims) except iris.exceptions.CannotAddError as e_msg: msg = "{name!r} cell measure not added to Cube: {error}" warnings.warn( msg.format(name=str(cf_cm_var.cf_name), error=e_msg), category=iris.warnings.IrisCannotAddWarning, ) else: # Make a list with names, stored on the engine, so we can find them all later. engine.cube_parts["cell_measures"].append((cell_measure, cf_cm_var.cf_name)) ################################################################################ def build_ancil_var(engine, cf_av_var): """Create an AncillaryVariable instance and add it to the cube.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var cube = engine.cube attributes = {} # Get units attr_units = get_attr_units(cf_av_var, attributes) # Get (lazy) content array data = _get_cf_var_data(cf_av_var, engine.filename) # Determine the name of the dimension/s shared between the CF-netCDF data variable # and the AV being built. common_dims = [dim for dim in cf_av_var.dimensions if dim in cf_var.dimensions] data_dims = None if common_dims: # Calculate the offset of each common dimension. data_dims = [cf_var.dimensions.index(dim) for dim in common_dims] # Determine the standard_name, long_name and var_name standard_name, long_name, var_name = get_names(cf_av_var, None, attributes) # Create the AncillaryVariable av = iris.coords.AncillaryVariable( data, standard_name=standard_name, long_name=long_name, var_name=var_name, units=attr_units, attributes=attributes, ) # Add it to the cube try: cube.add_ancillary_variable(av, data_dims) except iris.exceptions.CannotAddError as e_msg: msg = "{name!r} ancillary variable not added to Cube: {error}" warnings.warn( msg.format(name=str(cf_av_var.cf_name), error=e_msg), category=iris.warnings.IrisCannotAddWarning, ) else: # Make a list with names, stored on the engine, so we can find them all later. engine.cube_parts["ancillary_variables"].append((av, cf_av_var.cf_name)) ################################################################################ def _is_lat_lon(cf_var, ud_units, std_name, std_name_grid, axis_name, prefixes): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is a latitude/longitude variable. Ref: * [CF] Section 4.1 Latitude Coordinate. * [CF] Section 4.2 Longitude Coordinate. """ is_valid = False attr_units = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_UNITS, None) if attr_units is not None: attr_units = attr_units.lower() is_valid = attr_units in ud_units # Special case - Check for rotated pole. if attr_units == "degrees": attr_std_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) if attr_std_name is not None: is_valid = attr_std_name.lower() == std_name_grid else: is_valid = False # TODO: check that this interpretation of axis is correct. attr_axis = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_AXIS, None) if attr_axis is not None: is_valid = attr_axis.lower() == axis_name else: # Alternative is to check standard_name or axis. attr_std_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) if attr_std_name is not None: attr_std_name = attr_std_name.lower() is_valid = attr_std_name in [std_name, std_name_grid] if not is_valid: is_valid = any( [attr_std_name.startswith(prefix) for prefix in prefixes] ) else: attr_axis = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_AXIS, None) if attr_axis is not None: is_valid = attr_axis.lower() == axis_name return is_valid ################################################################################ def is_latitude(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is a latitude variable.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] return _is_lat_lon( cf_var, UD_UNITS_LAT, CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_LAT, CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_GRID_LAT, CF_VALUE_AXIS_Y, ["lat", "rlat"], ) ################################################################################ def is_longitude(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is a longitude variable.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] return _is_lat_lon( cf_var, UD_UNITS_LON, CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_LON, CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_GRID_LON, CF_VALUE_AXIS_X, ["lon", "rlon"], ) ################################################################################ def is_projection_x_coordinate(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is a projection_x_coordinate variable.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] attr_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) or getattr( cf_var, CF_ATTR_LONG_NAME, None ) return attr_name == CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_PROJ_X ################################################################################ def is_projection_y_coordinate(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is a projection_y_coordinate variable.""" cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] attr_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) or getattr( cf_var, CF_ATTR_LONG_NAME, None ) return attr_name == CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_PROJ_Y ################################################################################ def is_time(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is a time variable. Ref: [CF] Section 4.4 Time Coordinate. """ cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] attr_units = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_UNITS, None) attr_std_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) attr_axis = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_AXIS, "") try: is_time_reference = cf_units.Unit(attr_units or 1).is_time_reference() except ValueError: is_time_reference = False return is_time_reference and ( attr_std_name == "time" or attr_axis.lower() == CF_VALUE_AXIS_T ) ################################################################################ def is_time_period(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable represents a time period.""" is_valid = False cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] attr_units = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_UNITS, None) if attr_units is not None: try: is_valid = cf_units.is_time(attr_units) except ValueError: is_valid = False return is_valid ################################################################################ def is_grid_mapping(engine, cf_name, grid_mapping): """Determine whether the CF grid mapping variable is of the appropriate type.""" is_valid = False cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] attr_mapping_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_MAPPING_NAME, None) if attr_mapping_name is not None: is_valid = attr_mapping_name.lower() == grid_mapping return is_valid ################################################################################ def _is_rotated(engine, cf_name, cf_attr_value): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is rotated.""" is_valid = False cf_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] attr_std_name = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_STD_NAME, None) if attr_std_name is not None: is_valid = attr_std_name.lower() == cf_attr_value else: attr_units = getattr(cf_var, CF_ATTR_UNITS, None) if attr_units is not None: is_valid = attr_units.lower() == "degrees" return is_valid ################################################################################ def is_rotated_latitude(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is rotated latitude.""" return _is_rotated(engine, cf_name, CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_GRID_LAT) ############################################################################### def is_rotated_longitude(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF coordinate variable is rotated longitude.""" return _is_rotated(engine, cf_name, CF_VALUE_STD_NAME_GRID_LON) ################################################################################ def has_supported_mercator_parameters(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether the CF grid mapping variable has the supported values. Determine whether the CF grid mapping variable has the supported values for the parameters of the Mercator projection. """ is_valid = True cf_grid_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] standard_parallel = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_STANDARD_PARALLEL, None) scale_factor_at_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) if scale_factor_at_projection_origin is not None and standard_parallel is not None: warnings.warn( "It does not make sense to provide both " '"scale_factor_at_projection_origin" and "standard_parallel".', category=iris.warnings.IrisCfInvalidCoordParamWarning, ) is_valid = False return is_valid ################################################################################ def has_supported_polar_stereographic_parameters(engine, cf_name): """Determine whether CF grid mapping variable supports Polar Stereographic. Determine whether the CF grid mapping variable has the supported values for the parameters of the Polar Stereographic projection. """ is_valid = True cf_grid_var = engine.cf_var.cf_group[cf_name] latitude_of_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_LAT_OF_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) standard_parallel = getattr(cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_STANDARD_PARALLEL, None) scale_factor_at_projection_origin = getattr( cf_grid_var, CF_ATTR_GRID_SCALE_FACTOR_AT_PROJ_ORIGIN, None ) if latitude_of_projection_origin != 90 and latitude_of_projection_origin != -90: warnings.warn( '"latitude_of_projection_origin" must be +90 or -90.', category=iris.warnings.IrisCfInvalidCoordParamWarning, ) is_valid = False if scale_factor_at_projection_origin is not None and standard_parallel is not None: warnings.warn( "It does not make sense to provide both " '"scale_factor_at_projection_origin" and "standard_parallel".', category=iris.warnings.IrisCfInvalidCoordParamWarning, ) is_valid = False if scale_factor_at_projection_origin is None and standard_parallel is None: warnings.warn( 'One of "scale_factor_at_projection_origin" and ' '"standard_parallel" is required.', category=iris.warnings.IrisCfInvalidCoordParamWarning, ) is_valid = False return is_valid