Source code for iris.fileformats.name_loaders

# Copyright Iris contributors
# This file is part of Iris and is released under the BSD license.
# See LICENSE in the root of the repository for full licensing details.
"""NAME file format loading functions."""

import collections
import datetime
from operator import itemgetter
import re
import warnings

import cf_units
import numpy as np

import iris.coord_systems
from iris.coords import AuxCoord, CellMethod, DimCoord
import iris.cube
from iris.exceptions import TranslationError
import iris.util
from iris.warnings import IrisLoadWarning

EARTH_RADIUS = 6371229.0

NAMECoord = collections.namedtuple("NAMECoord", ["name", "dimension", "values"])

def _split_name_and_units(name):
    units = None
    if "(" in name and ")" in name:
        split = name.rsplit("(", 1)
        try_units = split[1].replace(")", "").strip()
            try_units = cf_units.Unit(try_units)
        except ValueError:
            name = split[0].strip()
            units = try_units
    return name, units

[docs]def read_header(file_handle): """Return a dictionary containing the header information. Return a dictionary containing the header information extracted from the the provided NAME file object. Parameters ---------- file_handle : file-like object A file-like object from which to read the header information. Returns ------- A dictionary containing the extracted header information. """ header = {} header["NAME Version"] = next(file_handle).strip() for line in file_handle: words = line.split(":", 1) if len(words) != 2: if "Forward" in line or "Backward" in line: header["Trajectory direction"] = words[0].strip() break key, value = [word.strip() for word in words] header[key] = value # Cast some values into floats or integers if they match a # given name. Set any empty string values to None. for key, value in header.items(): if value: if key in [ "X grid origin", "Y grid origin", "X grid resolution", "Y grid resolution", ]: header[key] = float(value) elif key in [ "X grid size", "Y grid size", "Number of preliminary cols", "Number of field cols", "Number of fields", "Number of series", ]: header[key] = int(value) else: header[key] = None return header
def _read_data_arrays(file_handle, n_arrays, shape): """Return a list of NumPy arrays containing the data extracted. Return a list of NumPy arrays containing the data extracted from the provided file object. The number and shape of the arrays must be specified. """ data_arrays = [np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) for i in range(n_arrays)] # Iterate over the remaining lines which represent the data in # a column form. for line in file_handle: # Split the line by comma, removing the last empty column # caused by the trailing comma vals = line.split(",")[:-1] # Cast the x and y grid positions to integers and convert # them to zero based indices x = int(float(vals[0])) - 1 y = int(float(vals[1])) - 1 # Populate the data arrays (i.e. all columns but the leading 4). for i, data_array in enumerate(data_arrays): data_array[y, x] = float(vals[i + 4]) return data_arrays def _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_field( header, dimindex, x_or_y, coord_names=["longitude", "latitude"] ): """Return regular latitude and longitude coordinates. Return regular latitude and longitude coordinates extracted from the provided header dictionary. """ if x_or_y == "X": start = header["X grid origin"] step = header["X grid resolution"] count = header["X grid size"] pts = start + np.arange(count, dtype=np.float64) * step lat_lon = NAMECoord(name=coord_names[0], dimension=dimindex, values=pts) else: start = header["Y grid origin"] step = header["Y grid resolution"] count = header["Y grid size"] pts = start + np.arange(count, dtype=np.float64) * step lat_lon = NAMECoord(name=coord_names[1], dimension=dimindex, values=pts) return lat_lon def _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_timeseries(column_headings): """Return regular latitude and longitude coordinates. Return regular latitude and longitude coordinates extracted from the provided column_headings dictionary. """ # Pattern to match a number pattern = re.compile( r""" [-+]? # Optional sign (?: \d+\.\d* # Float: integral part required | \d*\.\d+ # Float: fractional part required | \d+ # Integer ) (?![0-9.]) # Not followed by a numeric character """, re.VERBOSE, ) # Extract numbers from the X and Y column headings, which are currently # strings of the form "X = -1.9 Lat-Long" for key in ("X", "Y"): new_headings = [] for heading in column_headings[key]: match = if match and "Lat-Long" in heading: new_headings.append(float( else: new_headings.append(heading) column_headings[key] = new_headings lon = NAMECoord(name="longitude", dimension=None, values=column_headings["X"]) lat = NAMECoord(name="latitude", dimension=None, values=column_headings["Y"]) return lat, lon def _calc_integration_period(time_avgs): """Calculate averaging/integration time periods. Return a list of datetime.timedelta objects determined from the provided list of averaging/integration period column headings. """ integration_periods = [] pattern = re.compile(r"\s*(\d{1,2}day)?\s*(\d{1,2}hr)?\s*(\d{1,2}min)?\s*(\w*)\s*") for time_str in time_avgs: days = 0 hours = 0 minutes = 0 matches = if matches: _days = if _days is not None and len(_days) > 0: days = float(_days.rstrip("day")) _hours = if _hours is not None and len(_hours) > 0: hours = float(_hours.rstrip("hr")) _minutes = if _minutes is not None and len(_minutes) > 0: minutes = float(_minutes.rstrip("min")) total_hours = days * 24.0 + hours + minutes / 60.0 integration_periods.append(datetime.timedelta(hours=total_hours)) return integration_periods def _parse_units(units): """Return a known :class:`cf_units.Unit` given a NAME unit. .. note:: * Some NAME units are not currently handled. * Units which are in the wrong case (case is ignored in NAME) * Units where the space between SI units is missing * Units where the characters used are non-standard (i.e. 'mc' for micro instead of 'u') Parameters ---------- units : str NAME units. Returns ------- An instance of :class:`cf_units.Unit`. """ unit_mapper = { "Risks/m3": "1", # Used for Bluetongue "TCID50s/m3": "1", # Used for Foot and Mouth "TCID50/m3": "1", # Used for Foot and Mouth "N/A": "1", # Used for CHEMET area at risk "lb": "pounds", # pounds "oz": "1", # ounces "deg": "degree", # angular degree "oktas": "1", # oktas "deg C": "deg_C", # degrees Celsius "FL": "unknown", # flight level } units = unit_mapper.get(units, units) units = units.replace("Kg", "kg") units = units.replace("gs", "g s") units = units.replace("Bqs", "Bq s") units = units.replace("mcBq", "uBq") units = units.replace("mcg", "ug") try: units = cf_units.Unit(units) except ValueError: warnings.warn("Unknown units: {!r}".format(units), category=IrisLoadWarning) units = cf_units.Unit(None) return units def _cf_height_from_name(z_coord, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None): """Parser for the z component of field headings. This parse is specifically for handling the z component of NAME field headings, which include height above ground level, height above sea level and flight level etc. This function returns an iris coordinate representing this field heading. Parameters ---------- z_coord : list A field heading, specifically the z component. Returns ------- :class:`iris.coords.AuxCoord` An instance of :class:`iris.coords.AuxCoord` representing the interpretation of the supplied field heading. """ # NAMEII - integer/float support. # Match against height agl, asl and Pa. pattern = re.compile( r"^From\s*" r"(?P<lower_bound>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)" r"\s*-\s*" r"(?P<upper_bound>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)" r"\s*(?P<type>m\s*asl|m\s*agl|Pa)" r"(?P<extra>.*)" ) # Match against flight level. pattern_fl = re.compile( r"^From\s*" r"(?P<type>FL)" r"(?P<lower_bound>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)" r"\s*-\s*FL" r"(?P<upper_bound>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?)" r"(?P<extra>.*)" ) # NAMEIII - integer/float support. # Match scalar against height agl, asl, Pa, FL pattern_scalar = re.compile( r"Z\s*=\s*" r"(?P<point>[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?)" r"\s*(?P<type>m\s*agl|m\s*asl|FL|Pa)" r"(?P<extra>.*)" ) type_name = { "magl": "height", "masl": "altitude", "FL": "flight_level", "Pa": "air_pressure", } patterns = [pattern, pattern_fl, pattern_scalar] units = "no-unit" points = z_coord bounds = None standard_name = None long_name = "z" if upper_bound is not None and lower_bound is not None: match_ub = pattern_scalar.match(upper_bound) match_lb = pattern_scalar.match(lower_bound) for pattern in patterns: match = pattern.match(z_coord) if match: match = match.groupdict() # Do not interpret if there is additional information to the match if match["extra"]: break units = match["type"].replace(" ", "") name = type_name[units] # Interpret points if present. if "point" in match: points = float(match["point"]) if upper_bound is not None and lower_bound is not None: bounds = np.array( [ float(match_lb.groupdict()["point"]), float(match_ub.groupdict()["point"]), ] ) # Interpret points from bounds. else: bounds = np.array( [float(match["lower_bound"]), float(match["upper_bound"])] ) points = bounds.sum() / 2.0 long_name = None if name == "altitude": units = units[0] standard_name = name long_name = "altitude above sea level" elif name == "height": units = units[0] standard_name = name long_name = "height above ground level" elif name == "air_pressure": standard_name = name elif name == "flight_level": long_name = name units = _parse_units(units) break coord = AuxCoord( points, units=units, standard_name=standard_name, long_name=long_name, bounds=bounds, attributes={"positive": "up"}, ) return coord def _generate_cubes(header, column_headings, coords, data_arrays, cell_methods=None): """Generate NAME cubes. Yield :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances given the headers, column headings, coords and data_arrays extracted from a NAME file. """ for i, data_array in enumerate(data_arrays): # Turn the dictionary of column headings with a list of header # information for each field into a dictionary of headings for # just this field. field_headings = {k: v[i] for k, v in column_headings.items()} # Make a cube. cube = iris.cube.Cube(data_array) # Determine the name and units. name = "{} {}".format(field_headings["Species"], field_headings["Quantity"]) name = name.upper().replace(" ", "_") cube.rename(name) # Some units are not in SI units, are missing spaces or typed # in the wrong case. _parse_units returns units that are # recognised by Iris. cube.units = _parse_units(field_headings["Units"]) # Define and add the singular coordinates of the field (flight # level, time etc.) if "Z" in field_headings: (upper_bound,) = [ field_headings["... to [Z]"] if "... to [Z]" in field_headings else None ] (lower_bound,) = [ field_headings["... from [Z]"] if "... from [Z]" in field_headings else None ] z_coord = _cf_height_from_name( field_headings["Z"], upper_bound=upper_bound, lower_bound=lower_bound, ) cube.add_aux_coord(z_coord) # Define the time unit and use it to serialise the datetime for # the time coordinate. time_unit = cf_units.Unit( "hours since epoch", calendar=cf_units.CALENDAR_STANDARD ) # Build time, height, latitude and longitude coordinates. for coord in coords: pts = coord.values coord_sys = None if == "latitude" or == "longitude": coord_units = "degrees" coord_sys = iris.coord_systems.GeogCS(EARTH_RADIUS) if ( == "projection_x_coordinate" or == "projection_y_coordinate" ): coord_units = "m" coord_sys = iris.coord_systems.OSGB() if == "height": coord_units = "m" long_name = "height above ground level" pts = coord.values if == "altitude": coord_units = "m" long_name = "altitude above sea level" pts = coord.values if == "air_pressure": coord_units = "Pa" pts = coord.values if == "flight_level": pts = coord.values long_name = "flight_level" coord_units = _parse_units("FL") if == "time": coord_units = time_unit pts = time_unit.date2num(coord.values).astype(float) if coord.dimension is not None: if == "longitude": circular = iris.util._is_circular(pts, 360.0) else: circular = False if == "flight_level": icoord = DimCoord( points=pts, units=coord_units, long_name=long_name ) else: icoord = DimCoord( points=pts,, units=coord_units, coord_system=coord_sys, circular=circular, ) if == "height" or == "altitude": icoord.long_name = long_name if == "time" and "Av or Int period" in field_headings: dt = coord.values - field_headings["Av or Int period"] bnds = time_unit.date2num(np.vstack((dt, coord.values)).T) icoord.bounds = bnds.astype(float) else: icoord.guess_bounds() cube.add_dim_coord(icoord, coord.dimension) else: icoord = AuxCoord( points=pts[i],, coord_system=coord_sys, units=coord_units, ) if == "time" and "Av or Int period" in field_headings: dt = coord.values - field_headings["Av or Int period"] bnds = time_unit.date2num(np.vstack((dt, coord.values)).T) icoord.bounds = bnds[i, :].astype(float) cube.add_aux_coord(icoord) # Headings/column headings which are encoded elsewhere. headings = [ "X", "Y", "Z", "Time", "T", "Units", "Av or Int period", "... from [Z]", "... to [Z]", "X grid origin", "Y grid origin", "X grid size", "Y grid size", "X grid resolution", "Y grid resolution", "Number of field cols", "Number of preliminary cols", "Number of fields", "Number of series", "Output format", ] # Add the Main Headings as attributes. for key, value in header.items(): if value is not None and value != "" and key not in headings: cube.attributes[key] = value # Add the Column Headings as attributes for key, value in field_headings.items(): if value is not None and value != "" and key not in headings: cube.attributes[key] = value if cell_methods is not None: cell_method = cell_methods[i] if cell_method is not None: cube.add_cell_method(cell_method) yield cube def _build_cell_methods(av_or_ints, coord): """Create cell-methods. Return a list of :class:`iris.coords.CellMethod` instances based on the provided list of column heading entries and the associated coordinate. If a given entry does not correspond to a cell method (e.g. "No time averaging"), a value of None is inserted. Parameters ---------- av_or_ints : iterable of str An iterable of strings containing the column heading entries to be parsed. coord : str or :class:`iris.coords.Coord` The coordinate name (or :class:`iris.coords.Coord` instance) to which the column heading entries refer. Returns ------- list of :class:`iris.coords.CellMethod` or None. A list that is the same length as `av_or_ints` containing :class:`iris.coords.CellMethod` instances or values of None. """ cell_methods = [] no_avg_pattern = re.compile(r"^(no( (.* )?averaging)?)?$", re.IGNORECASE) for av_or_int in av_or_ints: if is not None: cell_method = None elif "average" in av_or_int or "averaged" in av_or_int: cell_method = CellMethod("mean", coord) elif "integral" in av_or_int or "integrated" in av_or_int: cell_method = CellMethod("sum", coord) else: cell_method = None msg = "Unknown {} statistic: {!r}. Unable to create cell method." warnings.warn(msg.format(coord, av_or_int), category=IrisLoadWarning) cell_methods.append(cell_method) # NOTE: this can be a None return cell_methods
[docs]def load_NAMEIII_field(filename): """Load NAME III cubes. Load a NAME III grid output file returning a generator of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to load. Returns ------- A generator :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. """ # Loading a file gives a generator of lines which can be progressed using # the next() function. This will come in handy as we wish to progress # through the file line by line. with open(filename, "r") as file_handle: # Create a dictionary which can hold the header metadata about this # file. header = read_header(file_handle) # Skip the next line (contains the word Fields:) in the file. next(file_handle) # Read the lines of column definitions. # In this version a fixed order of column headings is assumed (and # first 4 columns are ignored). column_headings = {} for column_header_name in [ "Species Category", "Name", "Quantity", "Species", "Units", "Sources", "Ensemble Av", "Time Av or Int", "Horizontal Av or Int", "Vertical Av or Int", "Prob Perc", "Prob Perc Ens", "Prob Perc Time", "Time", "Z", "D", ]: cols = [col.strip() for col in next(file_handle).split(",")] column_headings[column_header_name] = cols[4:-1] # Read in the column titles to determine the coordinate system col_titles = next(file_handle).split(",") if "National Grid" in col_titles[2]: coord_names = [ "projection_x_coordinate", "projection_y_coordinate", ] else: coord_names = ["longitude", "latitude"] # Convert the time to python datetimes. new_time_column_header = [] for i, t in enumerate(column_headings["Time"]): dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, NAMEIII_DATETIME_FORMAT) new_time_column_header.append(dt) column_headings["Time"] = new_time_column_header # Convert averaging/integrating period to timedeltas. column_headings["Av or Int period"] = _calc_integration_period( column_headings["Time Av or Int"] ) # Build a time coordinate. tdim = NAMECoord( name="time", dimension=None, values=np.array(column_headings["Time"]), ) cell_methods = _build_cell_methods(column_headings["Time Av or Int"], # Build regular latitude and longitude coordinates. lon = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_field(header, 1, "X", coord_names=coord_names) lat = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_field(header, 0, "Y", coord_names=coord_names) coords = [lon, lat, tdim] # Create data arrays to hold the data for each column. n_arrays = header["Number of field cols"] shape = (header["Y grid size"], header["X grid size"]) data_arrays = _read_data_arrays(file_handle, n_arrays, shape) return _generate_cubes(header, column_headings, coords, data_arrays, cell_methods)
[docs]def load_NAMEII_field(filename): """Load a NAME II grid output file. Load a NAME II grid output file returning a generator of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to load. Returns ------- A generator :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. """ with open(filename, "r") as file_handle: # Create a dictionary which can hold the header metadata about this # file. header = read_header(file_handle) # Origin in namever=2 format is bottom-left hand corner so alter this # to centre of a grid box header["X grid origin"] = ( header["X grid origin"] + header["X grid resolution"] / 2 ) header["Y grid origin"] = ( header["Y grid origin"] + header["Y grid resolution"] / 2 ) # Read the lines of column definitions. # In this version a fixed order of column headings is assumed (and # first 4 columns are ignored). column_headings = {} for column_header_name in [ "Species Category", "Species", "Time Av or Int", "Quantity", "Units", "Z", "Time", ]: cols = [col.strip() for col in next(file_handle).split(",")] column_headings[column_header_name] = cols[4:-1] # Convert the time to python datetimes new_time_column_header = [] for i, t in enumerate(column_headings["Time"]): dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, NAMEII_FIELD_DATETIME_FORMAT) new_time_column_header.append(dt) column_headings["Time"] = new_time_column_header # Convert averaging/integrating period to timedeltas. pattern = re.compile(r"\s*(\d{3})\s*(hr)?\s*(time)\s*(\w*)") column_headings["Av or Int period"] = [] for i, t in enumerate(column_headings["Time Av or Int"]): matches = hours = 0 if matches: if len( > 0: hours = float( column_headings["Av or Int period"].append(datetime.timedelta(hours=hours)) # Build a time coordinate. tdim = NAMECoord( name="time", dimension=None, values=np.array(column_headings["Time"]), ) cell_methods = _build_cell_methods(column_headings["Time Av or Int"], # Build regular latitude and longitude coordinates. lon = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_field(header, 1, "X") lat = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_field(header, 0, "Y") coords = [lon, lat, tdim] # Skip the blank line after the column headings. next(file_handle) # Create data arrays to hold the data for each column. n_arrays = header["Number of fields"] shape = (header["Y grid size"], header["X grid size"]) data_arrays = _read_data_arrays(file_handle, n_arrays, shape) return _generate_cubes(header, column_headings, coords, data_arrays, cell_methods)
[docs]def load_NAMEIII_timeseries(filename): """Load a NAME III time series file. Load a NAME III time series file returning a generator of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to load. Returns ------- A generator :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. """ with open(filename, "r") as file_handle: # Create a dictionary which can hold the header metadata about this # file. header = read_header(file_handle) # skip the next line (contains the word Fields:) in the file. next(file_handle) # Read the lines of column definitions - currently hardwired column_headings = {} for column_header_name in [ "Species Category", "Name", "Quantity", "Species", "Units", "Sources", "Ens Av", "Time Av or Int", "Horizontal Av or Int", "Vertical Av or Int", "Prob Perc", "Prob Perc Ens", "Prob Perc Time", "Location", "X", "Y", "Z", "D", ]: cols = [col.strip() for col in next(file_handle).split(",")] column_headings[column_header_name] = cols[1:-1] # Determine the coordinates of the data and store in namedtuples. # Extract latitude and longitude information from X, Y location # headings. lat, lon = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_timeseries(column_headings) # Convert averaging/integrating period to timedeltas. column_headings["Av or Int period"] = _calc_integration_period( column_headings["Time Av or Int"] ) # Skip the line after the column headings. next(file_handle) # Make a list of data lists to hold the data for each column. data_lists = [[] for i in range(header["Number of field cols"])] time_list = [] # Iterate over the remaining lines which represent the data in a # column form. for line in file_handle: # Split the line by comma, removing the last empty column caused # by the trailing comma. vals = line.split(",")[:-1] # Time is stored in the first column. t = vals[0].strip() dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, NAMEIII_DATETIME_FORMAT) time_list.append(dt) # Populate the data arrays. for i, data_list in enumerate(data_lists): data_list.append(float(vals[i + 1])) data_arrays = [np.array(dl) for dl in data_lists] time_array = np.array(time_list) tdim = NAMECoord(name="time", dimension=0, values=time_array) coords = [lon, lat, tdim] return _generate_cubes(header, column_headings, coords, data_arrays)
[docs]def load_NAMEII_timeseries(filename): """Load a NAME III time series file. Load a NAME II Time Series file returning a generator of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to load. Returns ------- A generator :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. """ with open(filename, "r") as file_handle: # Create a dictionary which can hold the header metadata about this # file. header = read_header(file_handle) # Read the lines of column definitions. column_headings = {} for column_header_name in [ "Y", "X", "Location", "Species Category", "Species", "Quantity", "Z", "Units", ]: cols = [col.strip() for col in next(file_handle).split(",")] column_headings[column_header_name] = cols[1:-1] # Determine the coordinates of the data and store in namedtuples. # Extract latitude and longitude information from X, Y location # headings. lat, lon = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_timeseries(column_headings) # Skip the blank line after the column headings. next(file_handle) # Make a list of data arrays to hold the data for each column. data_lists = [[] for i in range(header["Number of series"])] time_list = [] # Iterate over the remaining lines which represent the data in a # column form. for line in file_handle: # Split the line by comma, removing the last empty column caused # by the trailing comma. vals = line.split(",")[:-1] # Time is stored in the first two columns. t = vals[0].strip() + " " + vals[1].strip() dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, NAMEII_TIMESERIES_DATETIME_FORMAT) time_list.append(dt) # Populate the data arrays. for i, data_list in enumerate(data_lists): data_list.append(float(vals[i + 2])) data_arrays = [np.array(dl) for dl in data_lists] time_array = np.array(time_list) tdim = NAMECoord(name="time", dimension=0, values=time_array) coords = [lon, lat, tdim] return _generate_cubes(header, column_headings, coords, data_arrays)
[docs]def load_NAMEIII_version2(filename): """Load a NAME III version 2 file. Load a NAME III version 2 file returning a generator of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to load. Returns ------- A generator :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. """ # loading a file gives a generator of lines which can be progressed # using the next() method. This will come in handy as we wish to # progress through the file line by line. with open(filename, "r") as file_handle: # define a dictionary to hold the header metadata about this file header = read_header(file_handle) # Skip next line which contains (Fields:) next(file_handle) # Now carry on and read column headers column_headings = {} datacol1 = header["Number of preliminary cols"] for line in file_handle: data = [col.strip() for col in line.split(",")][:-1] # If first column is not zero we have reached the end # of the headers if data[0] != "": break column_key = data[datacol1 - 1].strip(":") # This will filter out any zero columns if filter(None, data[datacol1:]): column_headings[column_key] = data[datacol1:] # Some tidying up if "T" in column_headings: new_time_column_header = [] for i, t in enumerate(column_headings["T"]): dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, NAMEIII_DATETIME_FORMAT) new_time_column_header.append(dt) column_headings["T"] = new_time_column_header # Convert averaging/integrating period to timedeltas. column_headings["Av or Int period"] = _calc_integration_period( column_headings["Time av/int info"] ) # Next we need to figure out what we have in the preliminary columns # For X and Y we want the index # And the values can be extracted from the header information xindex = None yindex = None dim_coords = [] # First determine whether we are using National Grid or lat/lon if "X (UK National Grid (m))" in data: coord_names = [ "projection_x_coordinate", "projection_y_coordinate", ] else: coord_names = ["longitude", "latitude"] if "Y Index" in data: yindex = data.index("Y Index") dim_coords.append("Y") lat = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_field( header, dim_coords.index("Y"), "Y", coord_names=coord_names ) if "X Index" in data: xindex = data.index("X Index") dim_coords.append("X") lon = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_field( header, dim_coords.index("X"), "X", coord_names=coord_names ) # For all other variables we need the values (note that for Z the units # will also be given in the column header) tindex = None zindex = None if "T" in data: tindex = data.index("T") dim_coords.append("T") if "Z" in line: zgrid = [item for item in data if item[0:3] == "Z ("] zunits = zgrid[0].split("(")[1].strip(")") if zunits == "m asl": z_name = "altitude" elif zunits == "m agl": z_name = "height" elif zunits == "FL": z_name = "flight_level" elif zunits == "Pa": z_name = "air_pressure" else: ValueError("Vertical coordinate unknown") zindex = data.index(zgrid[0]) dim_coords.append("Z") # Make a list of data lists to hold the data # for each column.(aimed at T-Z data) data_lists = [[] for i in range(header["Number of field cols"])] coord_lists = [[] for i in range(header["Number of preliminary cols"] - 1)] # Iterate over the remaining lines which represent the data in a # column form. for line in file_handle: # Split the line by comma, removing the last empty column caused # by the trailing comma. vals = line.split(",")[:-1] # Time is stored in the column labelled T index if tindex is not None: t = vals[tindex].strip() dt = datetime.datetime.strptime(t, NAMEIII_DATETIME_FORMAT) coord_lists[dim_coords.index("T")].append(dt) # Z is stored in the column labelled ZIndex if zindex is not None: z = vals[zindex].strip() coord_lists[dim_coords.index("Z")].append(float(z)) # For X and Y we are extracting indices not values if yindex is not None: yind = vals[yindex].strip() coord_lists[dim_coords.index("Y")].append(int(yind) - 1) if xindex is not None: xind = vals[xindex].strip() coord_lists[dim_coords.index("X")].append(int(xind) - 1) # Populate the data arrays. for i, data_list in enumerate(data_lists): data_list.append(float(vals[i + datacol1])) data_arrays = [np.array(dl) for dl in data_lists] # Convert Z and T arrays into arrays of indices zind = [] if zindex is not None: z_array = np.array(coord_lists[dim_coords.index("Z")]) z_unique = sorted(list(set(coord_lists[dim_coords.index("Z")]))) z_coord = NAMECoord( name=z_name, dimension=dim_coords.index("Z"), values=z_unique ) for z in z_array: zind.append(z_unique.index(z)) coord_lists[dim_coords.index("Z")] = zind tind = [] if tindex is not None: time_array = np.array(coord_lists[dim_coords.index("T")]) t_unique = sorted(list(set(coord_lists[dim_coords.index("T")]))) time = NAMECoord( name="time", dimension=dim_coords.index("T"), values=np.array(t_unique), ) for t in time_array: tind.append(t_unique.index(t)) coord_lists[dim_coords.index("T")] = tind # Now determine the shape of the multidimensional array to store # the data in based on the length of the coordinates array_shape_list = [] coords = [] for cname in dim_coords: if cname == "X": coords.append(lon) array_shape_list.append(len(lon.values)) elif cname == "Y": coords.append(lat) array_shape_list.append(len(lat.values)) elif cname == "Z": coords.append(z_coord) array_shape_list.append(len(z_coord.values)) elif cname == "T": coords.append(time) array_shape_list.append(len(time.values)) array_shape = np.array(array_shape_list) # Reshape the data to the new multidimensional shape new_data_arrays = [] for data_array in data_arrays: new_data_array = np.zeros(array_shape, dtype=np.float32) for ind1, item in enumerate(data_array): index_list = [] for column, dcoord in enumerate(dim_coords): index_list.append(coord_lists[column][ind1]) index_array = np.array(index_list) mindex = np.ravel_multi_index(index_array, array_shape) new_data_array[np.unravel_index(mindex, array_shape)] = item new_data_arrays.append(new_data_array) # If X and Y are in the column headings build coordinates if "X" in column_headings and "Y" in column_headings: lat, lon = _build_lat_lon_for_NAME_timeseries(column_headings) coords.append(lat) coords.append(lon) # If time is in the column heading build a coordinate if "T" in column_headings: tdim = NAMECoord( name="time", dimension=None, values=np.array(column_headings["T"]) ) coords.append(tdim) return _generate_cubes( header, column_headings, coords, new_data_arrays, cell_methods=None )
[docs]def load_NAMEIII_trajectory(filename): """Load a NAME III trajectory file. Load a NAME III trajectory file returning a generator of :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of file to load. Returns ------- A generator :class:`iris.cube.Cube` instances. """ time_unit = cf_units.Unit("hours since epoch", calendar=cf_units.CALENDAR_STANDARD) with open(filename, "r") as infile: header = read_header(infile) # read the column headings for line in infile: if line.startswith(" "): break headings = [heading.strip() for heading in line.split(",")] # read the columns columns = [[] for i in range(len(headings))] for line in infile: values = [v.strip() for v in line.split(",")] for c, v in enumerate(values): if "UTC" in v: v = datetime.datetime.strptime(v, NAMETRAJ_DATETIME_FORMAT) else: try: v = float(v) except ValueError: pass columns[c].append(v) # Sort columns according to PP Index columns_t = list(map(list, zip(*columns))) columns_t.sort(key=itemgetter(1)) columns = list(map(list, zip(*columns_t))) # Where's the Z column? z_column = None for i, heading in enumerate(headings): if heading.startswith("Z "): z_column = i break if z_column is None: raise TranslationError("Expected a Z column") # Every column up to Z becomes a coordinate. coords = [] for name, values in zip(headings[: z_column + 1], columns[: z_column + 1]): values = np.array(values) if np.all(np.array(values) == values[0]): values = [values[0]] long_name = units = None if isinstance(values[0], datetime.datetime): values = time_unit.date2num(values).astype(float) units = time_unit if name == "Time": name = "time" elif " (Lat-Long)" in name: if name.startswith("X"): name = "longitude" elif name.startswith("Y"): name = "latitude" units = "degrees" elif name == "Z (m asl)": name = "altitude" units = "m" long_name = "altitude above sea level" elif name == "Z (m agl)": name = "height" units = "m" long_name = "height above ground level" elif name == "Z (FL)": name = "flight_level" long_name = name try: coord = DimCoord(values, units=units) except ValueError: coord = AuxCoord(values, units=units) coord.rename(name) if coord.long_name is None and long_name is not None: coord.long_name = long_name coords.append(coord) # Every numerical column after the Z becomes a cube. for name, values in zip(headings[z_column + 1 :], columns[z_column + 1 :]): try: float(values[0]) except ValueError: continue # units embedded in column heading? name, units = _split_name_and_units(name) cube = iris.cube.Cube(values, units=units) cube.rename(name) # Add the Main Headings as attributes. for key, value in header.items(): if value is not None and value != "" and key not in headings: cube.attributes[key] = value # Add coordinates for coord in coords: dim = 0 if len(coord.points) > 1 else None if dim == 0 and == "time": cube.add_dim_coord(coord.copy(), dim) elif dim == 0 and == "PP Index": cube.add_dim_coord(coord.copy(), dim) else: cube.add_aux_coord(coord.copy(), dim) yield cube