Source code for iris.fileformats.pp_load_rules

# Copyright Iris contributors
# This file is part of Iris and is released under the LGPL license.
# See COPYING and COPYING.LESSER in the root of the repository for full
# licensing details.

# Historically this was auto-generated from
# SciTools/iris-code-generators:tools/

import cf_units
import numpy as np
import calendar

from iris.aux_factory import HybridHeightFactory, HybridPressureFactory
from iris.coords import AuxCoord, CellMethod, DimCoord
from iris.fileformats.rules import (
from iris.fileformats._pp_lbproc_pairs import LBPROC_MAP
from iris.fileformats.um_cf_map import (

# Convert vectorisation routines.

def _dim_or_aux(*args, **kwargs):
        result = DimCoord(*args, **kwargs)
    except ValueError:
        attr = kwargs.get("attributes")
        if attr is not None and "positive" in attr:
            del attr["positive"]
        result = AuxCoord(*args, **kwargs)
    return result

def _convert_vertical_coords(
    Encode scalar or vector vertical level values from PP headers as CM data


    * lbcode:
        Scalar field :class:`iris.fileformats.pp.SplittableInt` value.

    * lbvc:
        Scalar field value.

    * blev:
        Scalar field value or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector of field values.

    * lblev:
        Scalar field value or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector of field values.

    * stash:
        Scalar field :class:`iris.fileformats.pp.STASH` value.

    * bhlev:
        Scalar field value or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector of field values.

    * bhrlev:
        Scalar field value or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector of field values.

    * brsvd1:
        Scalar field value or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector of field values.

    * brsvd2:
        Scalar field value or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector of field values.

    * brlev:
        Scalar field value or :class:`numpy.ndarray` vector of field values.


    * dim:
        Associated dimension of the vertical coordinate. Defaults to None.

        A tuple containing a list of coords_and_dims, and a list of factories.

    factories = []
    coords_and_dims = []

    # See Word no. 33 (LBLEV) in section 4 of UM Model Docs (F3).
    model_level_number = np.atleast_1d(lblev)
    model_level_number[model_level_number == BASE_RHO_LEVEL_LBLEV] = 0

    # Ensure to vectorise these arguments as arrays, as they participate
    # in the conditions of convert rules.
    blev = np.atleast_1d(blev)
    brsvd1 = np.atleast_1d(brsvd1)
    brlev = np.atleast_1d(brlev)

    # Height.
    if (
        (lbvc == 1)
        and str(stash) not in STASHCODE_IMPLIED_HEIGHTS
        and np.all(blev != -1)
        coord = _dim_or_aux(
            attributes={"positive": "up"},
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    if str(stash) in STASHCODE_IMPLIED_HEIGHTS:
        height = STASHCODE_IMPLIED_HEIGHTS[str(stash)]
        coord = DimCoord(
            attributes={"positive": "up"},
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, None))

    # Model level number.
    if (len(lbcode) != 5) and (lbvc == 2):
        coord = _dim_or_aux(
            attributes={"positive": "down"},
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    # Depth - unbound.
    if (len(lbcode) != 5) and (lbvc == 2) and np.all(brsvd1 == brlev):
        coord = _dim_or_aux(
            attributes={"positive": "down"},
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    # Depth - bound.
    if (len(lbcode) != 5) and (lbvc == 2) and np.all(brsvd1 != brlev):
        coord = _dim_or_aux(
            bounds=np.vstack((brsvd1, brlev)).T,
            attributes={"positive": "down"},
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    # Depth - unbound and bound (mixed).
    if (
        (len(lbcode) != 5)
        and (lbvc == 2)
        and (np.any(brsvd1 == brlev) and np.any(brsvd1 != brlev))
        lower = np.where(brsvd1 == brlev, blev, brsvd1)
        upper = np.where(brsvd1 == brlev, blev, brlev)
        coord = _dim_or_aux(
            bounds=np.vstack((lower, upper)).T,
            attributes={"positive": "down"},
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    # Soil level/depth.
    if len(lbcode) != 5 and lbvc == 6:
        if np.all(brsvd1 == 0) and np.all(brlev == 0):
            # UM populates lblev, brsvd1 and brlev metadata INCORRECTLY,
            # so continue to treat as a soil level.
            coord = _dim_or_aux(
                attributes={"positive": "down"},
            coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))
        elif np.any(brsvd1 != brlev):
            # UM populates metadata CORRECTLY,
            # so treat it as the expected (bounded) soil depth.
            coord = _dim_or_aux(
                bounds=np.vstack((brsvd1, brlev)).T,
                attributes={"positive": "down"},
            coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    # Pressure.
    if (lbvc == 8) and (
        len(lbcode) != 5
        or (len(lbcode) == 5 and 1 not in [lbcode.ix, lbcode.iy])
        coord = _dim_or_aux(blev, long_name="pressure", units="hPa")
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    # Air potential temperature.
    if (len(lbcode) != 5) and (lbvc == 19):
        coord = _dim_or_aux(
            attributes={"positive": "up"},
        coords_and_dims.append((coord, dim))

    # Hybrid pressure levels.
    if lbvc == 9:
        model_level_number = _dim_or_aux(
            attributes={"positive": "up"},
        level_pressure = _dim_or_aux(
            bounds=np.vstack((bhrlev, brsvd2)).T,
        sigma = AuxCoord(
            bounds=np.vstack((brlev, brsvd1)).T,
            [(model_level_number, dim), (level_pressure, dim), (sigma, dim)]
                    {"long_name": "level_pressure"},
                    {"long_name": "sigma"},

    # Hybrid height levels.
    if lbvc == 65:
        model_level_number = _dim_or_aux(
            attributes={"positive": "up"},
        level_height = _dim_or_aux(
            bounds=np.vstack((brlev, brsvd1)).T,
            attributes={"positive": "up"},
        sigma = AuxCoord(
            bounds=np.vstack((bhrlev, brsvd2)).T,
            [(model_level_number, dim), (level_height, dim), (sigma, dim)]
                    {"long_name": "level_height"},
                    {"long_name": "sigma"},

    return coords_and_dims, factories

def _reshape_vector_args(values_and_dims):
    Reshape a group of (array, dimensions-mapping) onto all dimensions.

    The resulting arrays are all mapped over the same dimensions; as many as
    the maximum dimension number found in the inputs.  Those dimensions not
    mapped by a given input appear as length-1 dimensions in the output array.
    The resulting arrays are thus all mutually compatible in arithmetic -- i.e.
    can combine without broadcasting errors (provided that all inputs mapping
    to a dimension define the same associated length).


    * values_and_dims (iterable of (array-like, iterable of int)):
        Input arrays with associated mapping dimension numbers.
        The length of each 'dims' must match the ndims of the 'value'.


    * reshaped_arrays (iterable of arrays).
        The inputs, transposed and reshaped onto common target dimensions.

    # Find maximum dimension index, which sets ndim of results.
    max_dims = [max(dims) if dims else -1 for _, dims in values_and_dims]
    max_dim = max(max_dims) if max_dims else -1
    result = []
    for value, dims in values_and_dims:
        value = np.asarray(value)
        if len(dims) != value.ndim:
            raise ValueError(
                "Lengths of dimension-mappings must match "
                "input array dimensions."
        # Save dim sizes in original order.
        original_shape = value.shape
        if dims:
            # Transpose values to put its dims in the target order.
            dims_order = sorted(
                range(len(dims)), key=lambda i_dim: dims[i_dim]
            value = value.transpose(dims_order)
        if max_dim != -1:
            # Reshape to add any extra *1 dims.
            shape = [1] * (max_dim + 1)
            for i_dim, dim in enumerate(dims):
                shape[dim] = original_shape[i_dim]
            value = value.reshape(shape)
    return result

def _collapse_degenerate_points_and_bounds(points, bounds=None, rtol=1.0e-7):
    Collapse points (and optionally bounds) in any dimensions over which all
    values are the same.

    All dimensions are tested, and if degenerate are reduced to length 1.

    Value equivalence is controlled by a tolerance, to avoid problems with
    numbers from cftime.date2num, which has limited precision because of
    the way it calculates with floats of days.


    * points (:class:`numpy.ndarray`)):
        Array of points values.


    * bounds (:class:`numpy.ndarray`)
        Array of bounds values. This array should have an additional vertex
        dimension (typically of length 2) when compared to the  points array
        i.e. bounds.shape = points.shape + (nvertex,)


        A (points, bounds) tuple.

    array = points
    if bounds is not None:
        array = np.vstack((points, bounds.T)).T

    for i_dim in range(points.ndim):
        if array.shape[i_dim] > 1:
            slice_inds = [slice(None)] * points.ndim
            slice_inds[i_dim] = slice(0, 1)
            slice_0 = array[tuple(slice_inds)]
            if np.allclose(array, slice_0, rtol):
                array = slice_0

    points = array
    if bounds is not None:
        points = array[..., 0]
        bounds = array[..., 1:]

    return points, bounds

def _reduce_points_and_bounds(points, lower_and_upper_bounds=None):
    Reduce the dimensionality of arrays of coordinate points (and optionally

    Dimensions over which all values are the same are reduced to size 1, using
    All size-1 dimensions are then removed.
    If the bounds arrays are also passed in, then all three arrays must have
    the same shape or be capable of being broadcast to match.


    * points (array-like):
        Coordinate point values.


    * lower_and_upper_bounds (pair of array-like, or None):
        Corresponding bounds values (lower, upper), if any.

        dims (iterable of ints), points(array), bounds(array)

        * 'dims' is the mapping from the result array dimensions to the
            original dimensions.  However, when 'array' is scalar, 'dims' will
            be None (rather than an empty tuple).
        * 'points' and 'bounds' are the reduced arrays.
            If no bounds were passed, None is returned.

    orig_points_dtype = np.asarray(points).dtype
    bounds = None
    if lower_and_upper_bounds is not None:
        lower_bounds, upper_bounds = np.broadcast_arrays(
        orig_bounds_dtype = lower_bounds.dtype
        bounds = np.vstack((lower_bounds, upper_bounds)).T

    # Attempt to broadcast points to match bounds to handle scalars.
    if bounds is not None and points.shape != bounds.shape[:-1]:
        points, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(points, bounds[..., 0])

    points, bounds = _collapse_degenerate_points_and_bounds(points, bounds)

    used_dims = tuple(
        i_dim for i_dim in range(points.ndim) if points.shape[i_dim] > 1
    reshape_inds = tuple([points.shape[dim] for dim in used_dims])
    points = points.reshape(reshape_inds)
    points = points.astype(orig_points_dtype)
    if bounds is not None:
        bounds = bounds.reshape(reshape_inds + (2,))
        bounds = bounds.astype(orig_bounds_dtype)

    if not used_dims:
        used_dims = None

    return used_dims, points, bounds

def _new_coord_and_dims(
    is_vector_operation, name, units, points, lower_and_upper_bounds=None
    Make a new (coordinate, cube_dims) pair with the given points, name, units
    and optional bounds.

    In 'vector' style operation, the data arrays must have same number of
    dimensions as the target cube, and additional operations are performed :

    * dimensions with all points and bounds values the same are removed.
    * the result coordinate may be an AuxCoord if a DimCoord cannot be made
        (e.g. if values are non-monotonic).


    * is_vector_operation (bool):
        If True, perform 'vector' style operation.

    * points (array-like):
        Coordinate point values.

    * name (string):
        Standard name of coordinate.

    * units (string or cf_unit.Unit):
        Units of coordinate.


    * lower_and_upper_bounds (pair of array-like, or None):
        Corresponding bounds values (lower, upper), if any.

        a new (coordinate, dims) pair.

    bounds = lower_and_upper_bounds
    if is_vector_operation:
        dims, points, bounds = _reduce_points_and_bounds(points, bounds)
        dims = None
    coord = _dim_or_aux(points, bounds=bounds, standard_name=name, units=units)
    return (coord, dims)

_HOURS_UNIT = cf_units.Unit("hours")

def _epoch_date_hours(epoch_hours_unit, datetime):
    Return an 'hours since epoch' number for a date.

    * epoch_hours_unit (:class:`cf_unit.Unit'):
        Unit defining the calendar and zero-time of conversion.
    * datetime (:class:`datetime.datetime`-like):
         Date object containing year / month / day attributes.

    This routine can also handle dates with a zero year, month or day  : such
    dates were valid inputs to 'date2num' up to cftime version 1.0.1, but are
    now illegal :  This routine interprets any zeros as being "1 year/month/day
    before a year/month/day of 1".  This produces results consistent with the
    "old" cftime behaviour.

    days_offset = None
    if datetime.year == 0 or datetime.month == 0 or == 0:
        # cftime > 1.0.1 no longer allows non-calendar dates.
        # Add 1 to year/month/day, to get a valid date, and adjust the result
        # according to the actual epoch and calendar.  This reproduces 'old'
        # results that were produced with cftime <= 1.0.1.
        days_offset = 0
        y, m, d = datetime.year, datetime.month,
        calendar = epoch_hours_unit.calendar
        if d == 0:
            # Add one day, by changing day=0 to 1.
            d = 1
            days_offset += 1
        if m == 0:
            # Add a 'January', by changing month=0 to 1.
            m = 1
            if calendar == cf_units.CALENDAR_GREGORIAN:
                days_offset += 31
            elif calendar == cf_units.CALENDAR_360_DAY:
                days_offset += 30
            elif calendar == cf_units.CALENDAR_365_DAY:
                days_offset += 31
                msg = "unrecognised calendar : {}"
                raise ValueError(msg.format(calendar))

        if y == 0:
            # Add a 'Year 0', by changing year=0 to 1.
            y = 1
            if calendar == cf_units.CALENDAR_GREGORIAN:
                days_in_year_0 = 366
            elif calendar == cf_units.CALENDAR_360_DAY:
                days_in_year_0 = 360
            elif calendar == cf_units.CALENDAR_365_DAY:
                days_in_year_0 = 365
                msg = "unrecognised calendar : {}"
                raise ValueError(msg.format(calendar))

            days_offset += days_in_year_0

        # Replace y/m/d with a modified date, that cftime will accept.
        datetime = datetime.replace(year=y, month=m, day=d)

    # netcdf4python has changed it's behaviour, at version 1.2, such
    # that a date2num calculation returns a python float, not
    # numpy.float64.  The behaviour of round is to recast this to an
    # int, which is not the desired behaviour for PP files.
    # So, cast the answer to numpy.float_ to be safe.
    epoch_hours = np.float_(epoch_hours_unit.date2num(datetime))

    if days_offset is not None:
        # Correct for any modifications to achieve a valid date.
        epoch_hours -= 24.0 * days_offset

    return epoch_hours

def _convert_time_coords(
    Make time coordinates from the time metadata.


    * lbcode(:class:`iris.fileformats.pp.SplittableInt`):
        Scalar field value.
    * lbtim (:class:`iris.fileformats.pp.SplittableInt`):
        Scalar field value.
    * epoch_hours_unit (:class:`cf_units.Unit`):
        Epoch time reference unit.
    * t1 (array-like or scalar):
        Scalar field value or an array of values.
    * t2 (array-like or scalar):
        Scalar field value or an array of values.
    * lbft (array-like or scalar):
        Scalar field value or an array of values.


    * t1_dims, t2_dims, lbft_dims (tuples of int):
        Cube dimension mappings for the array metadata. Each default to
        to (). The length of each dims tuple should equal the dimensionality
        of the corresponding array of values.


        A list of (coordinate, dims) tuples. The coordinates are instance of
        :class:`iris.coords.DimCoord` if possible, otherwise they are instance
        of :class:`iris.coords.AuxCoord`. When the coordinate is of length one,
        the `dims` value is None rather than an empty tuple.


    def date2hours(t):
        epoch_hours = _epoch_date_hours(epoch_hours_unit, t)
        if t.minute == 0 and t.second == 0:
            epoch_hours = np.around(epoch_hours)
        return epoch_hours

    def date2year(t_in):
        return t_in.year

    # Check whether inputs are all scalar, for faster handling of scalar cases.
    do_vector = len(t1_dims) + len(t2_dims) + len(lbft_dims) > 0
    if do_vector:
        # Reform the input values so they have all the same number of
        # dimensions, transposing where necessary (based on the dimension
        # mappings) so that the dimensions are common across each array.
        # Note: this does not _guarantee_ that the arrays are broadcastable,
        # but subsequent arithmetic makes this assumption.
        t1, t2, lbft = _reshape_vector_args(
            [(t1, t1_dims), (t2, t2_dims), (lbft, lbft_dims)]

        date2hours = np.vectorize(date2hours)
        date2year = np.vectorize(date2year)

    t1_epoch_hours = date2hours(t1)
    t2_epoch_hours = date2hours(t2)
    hours_from_t1_to_t2 = t2_epoch_hours - t1_epoch_hours
    hours_from_t2_to_t1 = t1_epoch_hours - t2_epoch_hours
    coords_and_dims = []

    if (
        (lbtim.ia == 0)
        and (lbtim.ib == 0)
        and (lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 3, 4])
        and (
            len(lbcode) != 5
            or (
                len(lbcode) == 5
                and lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23]
                and lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23]
                do_vector, "time", epoch_hours_unit, t1_epoch_hours

    if (
        (lbtim.ia == 0)
        and (lbtim.ib == 1)
        and (lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 3, 4])
        and (
            len(lbcode) != 5
            or (
                len(lbcode) == 5
                and lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23]
                and lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23]
                do_vector, "forecast_period", _HOURS_UNIT, hours_from_t2_to_t1
                do_vector, "time", epoch_hours_unit, t1_epoch_hours

    if (
        (lbtim.ib == 2)
        and (lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 4])
        and (np.any(date2year(t1) != 0) and np.any(date2year(t2) != 0))
        # Note: don't add time coordinates when years are zero and
        # lbtim.ib == 2.  These are handled elsewhere.
            (len(lbcode) != 5)
            or (
                len(lbcode) == 5
                and lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23]
                and lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23]

                lbft - 0.5 * hours_from_t1_to_t2,
                [lbft - hours_from_t1_to_t2, lbft],

                0.5 * (t1_epoch_hours + t2_epoch_hours),
                [t1_epoch_hours, t2_epoch_hours],

                t2_epoch_hours - lbft,

    if (
        (lbtim.ib == 3)
        and (lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 4])
        and (
            (len(lbcode) != 5)
            or (
                len(lbcode) == 5
                and lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23]
                and lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23]
                [lbft - hours_from_t1_to_t2, lbft],
                [t1_epoch_hours, t2_epoch_hours],
                t2_epoch_hours - lbft,

    if (
        (len(lbcode) == 5)
        and (lbcode[-1] == 3)
        and (lbtim.ib == 2)
        and (lbtim.ic == 2)
                t2_epoch_hours - lbft,

    return coords_and_dims


def _model_level_number(lblev):
    Return model level number for an LBLEV value.


    * lblev (int):
        PP field LBLEV value.

        Model level number (integer).

    # See Word no. 33 (LBLEV) in section 4 of UM Model Docs (F3).

        model_level_number = 0
        model_level_number = lblev

    return model_level_number

def _convert_scalar_realization_coords(lbrsvd4):
    Encode scalar 'realization' (aka ensemble) numbers as CM data.

    Returns a list of coords_and_dims.

    # Realization (aka ensemble) (--> scalar coordinates)
    coords_and_dims = []
    if lbrsvd4 != 0:
            (DimCoord(lbrsvd4, standard_name="realization", units="1"), None)
    return coords_and_dims

def _convert_scalar_pseudo_level_coords(lbuser5):
    Encode scalar pseudo-level values as CM data.

    Returns a list of coords_and_dims.

    coords_and_dims = []
    if lbuser5 != 0:
            (DimCoord(lbuser5, long_name="pseudo_level", units="1"), None)
    return coords_and_dims

[docs]def convert(f): """ Converts a PP field into the corresponding items of Cube metadata. Args: * f: A :class:`iris.fileformats.pp.PPField` object. Returns: A :class:`iris.fileformats.rules.ConversionMetadata` object. """ factories = [] aux_coords_and_dims = [] # "Normal" (non-cross-sectional) Time values (--> scalar coordinates) time_coords_and_dims = _convert_time_coords( lbcode=f.lbcode, lbtim=f.lbtim, epoch_hours_unit=f.time_unit("hours"), t1=f.t1, t2=f.t2, lbft=f.lbft, ) aux_coords_and_dims.extend(time_coords_and_dims) # "Normal" (non-cross-sectional) Vertical levels # (--> scalar coordinates and factories) vertical_coords_and_dims, vertical_factories = _convert_vertical_coords( lbcode=f.lbcode, lbvc=f.lbvc, blev=f.blev, lblev=f.lblev, stash=f.stash, bhlev=f.bhlev, bhrlev=f.bhrlev, brsvd1=f.brsvd[0], brsvd2=f.brsvd[1], brlev=f.brlev, ) aux_coords_and_dims.extend(vertical_coords_and_dims) factories.extend(vertical_factories) # Realization (aka ensemble) (--> scalar coordinates) aux_coords_and_dims.extend( _convert_scalar_realization_coords(lbrsvd4=f.lbrsvd[3]) ) # Pseudo-level coordinate (--> scalar coordinates) aux_coords_and_dims.extend( _convert_scalar_pseudo_level_coords(lbuser5=f.lbuser[4]) ) # All the other rules. ( references, standard_name, long_name, units, attributes, cell_methods, dim_coords_and_dims, other_aux_coords_and_dims, ) = _all_other_rules(f) aux_coords_and_dims.extend(other_aux_coords_and_dims) return ConversionMetadata( factories, references, standard_name, long_name, units, attributes, cell_methods, dim_coords_and_dims, aux_coords_and_dims, )
def _all_other_rules(f): """ This deals with all the other rules that have not been factored into any of the other convert_scalar_coordinate functions above. """ references = [] standard_name = None long_name = None units = None attributes = {} cell_methods = [] dim_coords_and_dims = [] aux_coords_and_dims = [] # Season coordinates (--> scalar coordinates) if ( f.lbtim.ib == 3 and f.lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 4] and ( len(f.lbcode) != 5 or ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and ( f.lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23] and f.lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23] ) ) ) and f.lbmon == 12 and f.lbdat == 1 and f.lbhr == 0 and f.lbmin == 0 and f.lbmond == 3 and f.lbdatd == 1 and f.lbhrd == 0 and f.lbmind == 0 ): aux_coords_and_dims.append( (AuxCoord("djf", long_name="season", units="no_unit"), None) ) if ( f.lbtim.ib == 3 and f.lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 4] and ( (len(f.lbcode) != 5) or ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23] and f.lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23] ) ) and f.lbmon == 3 and f.lbdat == 1 and f.lbhr == 0 and f.lbmin == 0 and f.lbmond == 6 and f.lbdatd == 1 and f.lbhrd == 0 and f.lbmind == 0 ): aux_coords_and_dims.append( (AuxCoord("mam", long_name="season", units="no_unit"), None) ) if ( f.lbtim.ib == 3 and f.lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 4] and ( (len(f.lbcode) != 5) or ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23] and f.lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23] ) ) and f.lbmon == 6 and f.lbdat == 1 and f.lbhr == 0 and f.lbmin == 0 and f.lbmond == 9 and f.lbdatd == 1 and f.lbhrd == 0 and f.lbmind == 0 ): aux_coords_and_dims.append( (AuxCoord("jja", long_name="season", units="no_unit"), None) ) if ( f.lbtim.ib == 3 and f.lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 4] and ( (len(f.lbcode) != 5) or ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23] and f.lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23] ) ) and f.lbmon == 9 and f.lbdat == 1 and f.lbhr == 0 and f.lbmin == 0 and f.lbmond == 12 and f.lbdatd == 1 and f.lbhrd == 0 and f.lbmind == 0 ): aux_coords_and_dims.append( (AuxCoord("son", long_name="season", units="no_unit"), None) ) # Special case where year is zero and months match. # Month coordinates (--> scalar coordinates) if ( f.lbtim.ib == 2 and f.lbtim.ic in [1, 2, 4] and ( (len(f.lbcode) != 5) or ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.ix not in [20, 21, 22, 23] and f.lbcode.iy not in [20, 21, 22, 23] ) ) and f.lbyr == 0 and f.lbyrd == 0 and f.lbmon == f.lbmond ): aux_coords_and_dims.append( (AuxCoord(f.lbmon, long_name="month_number", units="1"), None) ) aux_coords_and_dims.append( ( AuxCoord( calendar.month_abbr[f.lbmon], long_name="month", units="no_unit", ), None, ) ) aux_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( points=f.lbft, standard_name="forecast_period", units="hours", ), None, ) ) # "Normal" (i.e. not cross-sectional) lats+lons (--> vector coordinates) if ( f.bdx != 0.0 and f.bdx != f.bmdi and len(f.lbcode) != 5 and f.lbcode[0] == 1 ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord.from_regular( f.bzx, f.bdx, f.lbnpt, standard_name=f._x_coord_name(), units="degrees", circular=(f.lbhem in [0, 4]), coord_system=f.coord_system(), ), 1, ) ) if ( f.bdx != 0.0 and f.bdx != f.bmdi and len(f.lbcode) != 5 and f.lbcode[0] == 2 ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord.from_regular( f.bzx, f.bdx, f.lbnpt, standard_name=f._x_coord_name(), units="degrees", circular=(f.lbhem in [0, 4]), coord_system=f.coord_system(), with_bounds=True, ), 1, ) ) if ( f.bdy != 0.0 and f.bdy != f.bmdi and len(f.lbcode) != 5 and f.lbcode[0] == 1 ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord.from_regular( f.bzy, f.bdy, f.lbrow, standard_name=f._y_coord_name(), units="degrees", coord_system=f.coord_system(), ), 0, ) ) if ( f.bdy != 0.0 and f.bdy != f.bmdi and len(f.lbcode) != 5 and f.lbcode[0] == 2 ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord.from_regular( f.bzy, f.bdy, f.lbrow, standard_name=f._y_coord_name(), units="degrees", coord_system=f.coord_system(), with_bounds=True, ), 0, ) ) if (f.bdy == 0.0 or f.bdy == f.bmdi) and ( len(f.lbcode) != 5 or (len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.iy == 10) ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.y, standard_name=f._y_coord_name(), units="degrees", bounds=f.y_bounds, coord_system=f.coord_system(), ), 0, ) ) if (f.bdx == 0.0 or f.bdx == f.bmdi) and ( len(f.lbcode) != 5 or (len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.ix == 11) ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.x, standard_name=f._x_coord_name(), units="degrees", bounds=f.x_bounds, circular=(f.lbhem in [0, 4]), coord_system=f.coord_system(), ), 1, ) ) # Cross-sectional vertical level types (--> vector coordinates) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.iy == 2 and (f.bdy == 0 or f.bdy == f.bmdi) ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.y, standard_name="height", units="km", bounds=f.y_bounds, attributes={"positive": "up"}, ), 0, ) ) if len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode[-1] == 1 and f.lbcode.iy == 4: dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.y, standard_name="depth", units="m", bounds=f.y_bounds, attributes={"positive": "down"}, ), 0, ) ) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.ix == 10 and f.bdx != 0 and f.bdx != f.bmdi ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord.from_regular( f.bzx, f.bdx, f.lbnpt, standard_name=f._y_coord_name(), units="degrees", coord_system=f.coord_system(), ), 1, ) ) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.iy == 1 and (f.bdy == 0 or f.bdy == f.bmdi) ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.y, long_name="pressure", units="hPa", bounds=f.y_bounds ), 0, ) ) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode.ix == 1 and (f.bdx == 0 or f.bdx == f.bmdi) ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.x, long_name="pressure", units="hPa", bounds=f.x_bounds ), 1, ) ) # Cross-sectional time values (--> vector coordinates) if len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode[-1] == 1 and f.lbcode.iy == 23: dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.y, standard_name="time", units=cf_units.Unit( "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00", calendar=cf_units.CALENDAR_360_DAY, ), bounds=f.y_bounds, ), 0, ) ) if len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode[-1] == 1 and f.lbcode.ix == 23: dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( f.x, standard_name="time", units=cf_units.Unit( "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00", calendar=cf_units.CALENDAR_360_DAY, ), bounds=f.x_bounds, ), 1, ) ) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode[-1] == 3 and f.lbcode.iy == 23 and f.lbtim.ib == 2 and f.lbtim.ic == 2 ): epoch_days_unit = cf_units.Unit( "days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00", calendar=cf_units.CALENDAR_360_DAY, ) t1_epoch_days = epoch_days_unit.date2num(f.t1) t2_epoch_days = epoch_days_unit.date2num(f.t2) # The end time is exclusive, not inclusive. dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord( np.linspace( t1_epoch_days, t2_epoch_days, f.lbrow, endpoint=False ), standard_name="time", units=epoch_days_unit, bounds=f.y_bounds, ), 0, ) ) # Site number (--> scalar coordinate) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and f.lbcode[-1] == 1 and f.lbcode.ix == 13 and f.bdx != 0 ): dim_coords_and_dims.append( ( DimCoord.from_regular( f.bzx, f.bdx, f.lbnpt, long_name="site_number", units="1" ), 1, ) ) # Site number cross-sections (???) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and 13 in [f.lbcode.ix, f.lbcode.iy] and 11 not in [f.lbcode.ix, f.lbcode.iy] and hasattr(f, "lower_x_domain") and hasattr(f, "upper_x_domain") and all(f.lower_x_domain != -1.0e30) and all(f.upper_x_domain != -1.0e30) ): aux_coords_and_dims.append( ( AuxCoord( (f.lower_x_domain + f.upper_x_domain) / 2.0, standard_name=f._x_coord_name(), units="degrees", bounds=np.array([f.lower_x_domain, f.upper_x_domain]).T, coord_system=f.coord_system(), ), 1 if f.lbcode.ix == 13 else 0, ) ) if ( len(f.lbcode) == 5 and 13 in [f.lbcode.ix, f.lbcode.iy] and 10 not in [f.lbcode.ix, f.lbcode.iy] and hasattr(f, "lower_y_domain") and hasattr(f, "upper_y_domain") and all(f.lower_y_domain != -1.0e30) and all(f.upper_y_domain != -1.0e30) ): aux_coords_and_dims.append( ( AuxCoord( (f.lower_y_domain + f.upper_y_domain) / 2.0, standard_name=f._y_coord_name(), units="degrees", bounds=np.array([f.lower_y_domain, f.upper_y_domain]).T, coord_system=f.coord_system(), ), 1 if f.lbcode.ix == 13 else 0, ) ) # LBPROC codings (--> cell method + attributes) unhandled_lbproc = True zone_method = None time_method = None if f.lbproc == 0: unhandled_lbproc = False elif f.lbproc == 64: zone_method = "mean" elif f.lbproc == 128: time_method = "mean" elif f.lbproc == 4096: time_method = "minimum" elif f.lbproc == 8192: time_method = "maximum" elif f.lbproc == 192: time_method = "mean" zone_method = "mean" if time_method is not None: if f.lbtim.ia != 0: intervals = "{} hour".format(f.lbtim.ia) else: intervals = None if f.lbtim.ib == 2: # Aggregation over a period of time. cell_methods.append( CellMethod(time_method, coords="time", intervals=intervals) ) unhandled_lbproc = False elif f.lbtim.ib == 3 and f.lbproc == 128: # Aggregation over a period of time within a year, over a number # of years. # Only mean (lbproc of 128) is handled as the min/max # interpretation is ambiguous e.g. decadal mean of daily max, # decadal max of daily mean, decadal mean of max daily mean etc. cell_methods.append( CellMethod( "{} within years".format(time_method), coords="time", intervals=intervals, ) ) cell_methods.append( CellMethod("{} over years".format(time_method), coords="time") ) unhandled_lbproc = False else: # Generic cell method to indicate a time aggregation. cell_methods.append(CellMethod(time_method, coords="time")) unhandled_lbproc = False if zone_method is not None: if f.lbcode == 1: cell_methods.append(CellMethod(zone_method, coords="longitude")) for coord, _dim in dim_coords_and_dims: if coord.standard_name == "longitude": if len(coord.points) == 1: coord.bounds = np.array([0.0, 360.0], dtype=np.float32) else: coord.guess_bounds() unhandled_lbproc = False elif f.lbcode == 101: cell_methods.append( CellMethod(zone_method, coords="grid_longitude") ) for coord, _dim in dim_coords_and_dims: if coord.standard_name == "grid_longitude": if len(coord.points) == 1: coord.bounds = np.array([0.0, 360.0], dtype=np.float32) else: coord.guess_bounds() unhandled_lbproc = False else: unhandled_lbproc = True if unhandled_lbproc: attributes["ukmo__process_flags"] = tuple( sorted( [ name for value, name in LBPROC_MAP.items() if isinstance(value, int) and f.lbproc & value ] ) ) if (f.lbsrce % 10000) == 1111: attributes["source"] = "Data from Met Office Unified Model" # Also define MO-netCDF compliant UM version. um_major = (f.lbsrce // 10000) // 100 if um_major != 0: um_minor = (f.lbsrce // 10000) % 100 attributes["um_version"] = "{:d}.{:d}".format(um_major, um_minor) if ( f.lbuser[6] != 0 or (f.lbuser[3] // 1000) != 0 or (f.lbuser[3] % 1000) != 0 ): attributes["STASH"] = f.stash if str(f.stash) in STASH_TO_CF: standard_name = STASH_TO_CF[str(f.stash)].standard_name units = STASH_TO_CF[str(f.stash)].units long_name = STASH_TO_CF[str(f.stash)].long_name if not f.stash.is_valid and f.lbfc in LBFC_TO_CF: standard_name = LBFC_TO_CF[f.lbfc].standard_name units = LBFC_TO_CF[f.lbfc].units long_name = LBFC_TO_CF[f.lbfc].long_name # Orography reference field (--> reference target) if f.lbuser[3] == 33: references.append(ReferenceTarget("orography", None)) # Surface pressure reference field (--> reference target) if f.lbuser[3] == 409 or f.lbuser[3] == 1: references.append(ReferenceTarget("surface_air_pressure", None)) return ( references, standard_name, long_name, units, attributes, cell_methods, dim_coords_and_dims, aux_coords_and_dims, )